Thank you for your continuous prayers and support of
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Dec08-Merry Christmas!
Thank you for your continuous prayers and support of
Dec08-Macomb News
Mondays 6-8pm CLM for all 6th-8th grade students
Dec08-Bushnell Beat
From a youth ministry perspective, it is so exciting to see the eagerness to learn at Depth Charge. Teens today need an influx of God’s Word into their lives, just like every follower of Christ. Most of these teens have not been raised with the background of the bible before them every week in Sunday School. We encourage teens to find a church home, read God’s Word on a regular basis, and put the Word into action. That’s when others see a difference and ask why they do what they do. That gives teens (and us) an opportunity to share the message.
Something a volunteer and I are working on is helping the homeless in the area. Please pray with us that God will be pleased and the teens that choose to get involved will be changed from the inside out.
Prayer requests
CL-M (Jr High)-Mondays @ 6-8 pm
Thank you to the area churches and individuals that donated baskets. The basket auction raised almost $1800 this year alone.
Also, a big thank you to:
all the corporate and individual underwriters, table hosts, Kelly Barsi and our basket committtee, Becca Pettit for her wonderful truffles, Checkrow Community Church Praise band, Amanda Miller (our soloist), Rick Selk (our speaker), the CL & CL-M studentvolunteers, and so many others that helped to put together this year’s event.
The Attic, Barsi-Depoy Tax Business Serv./Copy Pack & Post, Bushnell Banking Center, Clugston-Tibbitts Funeral Homes, Dodsworth-Piper-Wallen Inc., Edward D. Jones & Co., Farmers & Merchants State Bank, First Bankers Trust Company, First State Bank, Heritage Farms Grain & Dairy, Inc., Larry A’s Pizza, Martin-Hollis Funeral Home, MidAmerica National Bank, Midwest Control Products, Nelsons Clothing, Nostalgia Decorating, Pumo Insurance Agency, and Western Illinois Shotokan Karate Clubs
Tye & Jill Adair, Fred & Eloise Caspall, Richard & Beth Ann Ferguson, Charles & Wilma Hess, Steven & Phyllis Hess, Don & Joy Hubner, Ed & Karen Kuras, Bernard & Kay McCance, Richard & Christine Myers, David & Rheta Paisley, Mark & Cynthia Rauchert, Charles & Debbie Schade and Morris & Mary Vos
+ Pray for Kayleigh Jump and her family as they prepare for the arrival of their new baby at the end of December.
+ Praise for the fun and fellowship that continually happens at CL & CL-M events and meetings. May this open doors to discuss Christ’s love with each of the students involved.
+ Pray for safety in the winter month’s ahead.
+ Pray for the Macomb and Bushnell staff as they continue to reach out to new and continuing students.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Nov 08-Banquet Reminders
Friday, November 21st
6pm doors open/auction begins 6:30pm meal served
If your plans have changed, lost the reply card, etc., DON’T WORRY!!!
just call us at 333-0111 or email us at as soon as possible.
Don’t forget the Gift Basket Auction!
If your church is putting together a basket, please contact Kelly Barsi (Macomb)at 833-5996 (days) or 833-1480 (evenings) or Vicki Reimolds (Bushnell) at 772-3062(evenings) if you haven’t already. This will aid us in planning for enough tables.
Nov 08-Macomb News
Hello everyone! A lot has happened with our Macomb CL students since our last update. Our annual Go MAD (Make A Difference) trip was November 7-9. We had one student and one volunteer who were able to attend with me. We caravan’d all the way to Fort Wayne, IN, along with the Bushnell CL group for the action packed weekend.
The conference kept us busy with their morning and evening sessions which included skits, a band, a speaker and a cookout on Saturday evening with fun activities for the students. We did have some free time to ourselves during the conference. We were able to spend time together and build our relationships. During our free time on Saturday afternoon, we decided to do some random acts of kindness and help the cleaning staff at our hotel. We spent about two house helping them clean and replace towels and toiletries in the rooms. Even though there was a bit of a language barrier with most of them speaking Spanish, the staff appreciated and thanked us for our help. We were just happy to show them the love of Jesus through a servant’s heart.
During our Saturday evening session, we had some amazing things happen, our student rededicated her life to Christ. Pray that she will have the confidence to make a stand and share her faith in her school and with others. We also spent some small group time with the Bushnell group where we got to share some deeper parts of our lives, and why Christ is so important.
I thank God for the decisions that the students made for their lives this weekend and the fellowship and conversations that we were able to share. ~ Kayleigh
Upcoming Events:
Nov 24th 5:30pm-8:00 Thanksgiving Meal for staff, volunteers, CL & CL-M students. We will provide turkey. If you would like to donate a side or a dessert,please contact Kayleigh @ 309-335-7904 or Mandy @ 217-836-1733.
Dec 6th 9am-6pm Christmas shopping trip in Peoria for CL & CL-M
Monday nights CL-M 6pm-8pm
Tuesday nights CL 7pm-9pm
both at the YFC house
Nov 08-Bushnell Beat
The majority of the teens our team of adult’s work with in Bushnell, come from a home without their biological mother and father. Some have been physically abused, some sexually abused, many verbally abused, and still others emotionally neglected. Many of them turn to each other for friendship and love. We are trying to be a life resource for them, so that they can hear the truth and have a caring adult in their lives. If you can, please join our financial team of givers supporting the Bushnell ministry. Thanks!
All of your prayers are truly appreciated! If you would like to join our bi-weekly email prayer team, please shoot me an email at We had some crazy events leading up to our Go M.A.D. trip. The enemy really wanted to mess things up. First, I began praying in early-October for 15 students to go. We were around 9 with a week to go. Suddenly, a week before the trip there was interest by a few more teens. At Campus Life, a day before the trip, we had a scuffle between two teens and other hurt feelings. One teen was injured trying to break up the scuffle. I knew right then, there were powers working against this trip. On Friday, November 7, 16 teens showed up to go, along with 4 volunteers. We had a very open weekend, though not without it’s troubles either.
The speaker, Arthur Wilson from Fort Wayne, IN, shared his story of how he was molested by his father as a child. It wasn’t until he was in his twenties that Arthur learned to forgive his father and receive God’s forgiveness through Christ. Now he has a wife and 3 children that he is having a positive influence on. This hit home with several of our students. Two young ladies recommitted their lives to Christ, both touched by the loving hand of our Savior through the Holy Spirit. It was a joy to rejoice with them and talk about their decision with them. They have a great opportunity to stand up for Christ within each of their peer groups.
Later that night, we got together as a group and everyone had a chance to share how they had been spiritually impacted by the event. Many shared how God had worked earlier in their lives and how Go M.A.D. had helped to remind them of God’s importance in life. Also, all of the teens were happy to get away from Bushnell for the weekend. In fact, one young man had not ever been to Peoria, IL, let alone Ft. Wayne, Indiana. I am thankful for the opportunity to speak truth into the lives of young people. Praise God!
Nov 08-Prayer Requests
+ Pray that the banquet be a wonderful time of fellowship and focusing on 2009.
+ Praise for the fun, fellowship, bonding, learning, and decision making that occurred at Go MAD this past weekend.
+ Pray that students who commited themselves to Christ at Go MAD continue seeking Him.
+ Please pray for the Macomb and Bushnell staff as they continue to reach out to new and continuing students.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Oct 08-Message from Greg
Dance Fever-------------------MTV Podcasts
Summer Camp in Wisconsin--- Mission Trips to El Salvador
Goofy crowd breakers--------- Hosting “on-line” chat rooms
In the 1980’s The Barna Group did a survey and found that if a person did not accept Christ by the time they graduated from high school (18 years old), the chances dropped significantly that they ever would. Today, that age has dropped to 14!
So, in Bushnell, IL and Macomb, IL, YFC runs clubs just for junior high and high school students. Besides introducing them to the Jesus of the Bible, one of their regular endeavors is to teach the kids to serve, then give them opportunities to do just that in their homes, their community and even beyond Illinois.
According to the U.S. Dept. of Commerce (2002), there are two million new Internet users each month and by far (90%+) children and teens between 5-17 use computers and the Internet most.
So, if you look at YFC’s national website ( you will find supervised chat rooms where teens can go to discuss issues – especially spiritual issues. Todd, Kayleigh and Amanda all utilize the internet, e-mail, cell phones - and probably a few things this old guy doesn’t even know about - to post meeting and event schedules and communicate with volunteers and regular attendees of YFC ministries.
Geared to the Times, Anchored to The Rock
This was the first motto of Youth for Christ: circa 1950. You know – it still works today.
Pray for your Macomb and Bushnell staff, as they serve God by communicating His Love and Hope in ways that catch the eye, seize the ear and sting the conscience of young people in our world today. In other words, help them stay “geared to the times, but anchored to the Rock.”
Oct08-News in Macomb
We are very excited to have a small but great group of students attending Campus Life regularly. The highschool students have been learning that their lives are important, even influential because of what Jesus can do in and through them. We are having a great time getting to know the students and sharing our stories and God's Story with them as well.
Campus Life Middleschool is an even smaller group, with only one student currently in attendence. She is a great girl and has been helping us brainstorm about how to get more students involved with CLM. I'm sure that she will be bringing some friends along with her soon!
We also have a great group of volunteers faithfully serving alongside us every week. Jasmine, Sharee, and John have been a huge help. We are so thankful for their willingness to use their gifts and abilities to help reach out to the students here in Macomb.
Calendar of Events:
Mondays 6-8pm CLM for all 6th-8th grade students (Please notice that 6th graders are now invited to participate in CLM!!!)
Tuesdays 7-9pm CL for all 9th-12th grade students
Saturday, October 18 Paintballing with Bushnell
Thursday, October 30 CLM "Not Your Average Halloween Party" 4:30-8:30pm
Friday, October 31 CL Bonfire & Hayride with Bushnell
November 7 & 8 Go Mad
Oct08-Bushnell Beat
PRAISE THE LORD! I believe “Doug” is in the process of beginning his journey with Christ. He understands the gospel and is trying to grasp the meaning of living for Jesus. He also went on our Junior High campout we had the following weekend, where he had the chance to deepen his relationship with God and experience the creation first hand.
Since “See You At The Pole” a couple of weeks ago, there is a serious effort underway to pray for the school, the country, and fellow classmates. Please pray for the students that are attending and leading the “before school prayer meeting” as they will face persecution. Pray that they will be given the words to speak, just as Peter was before the Sanhedrin in Acts.
If you are someone in the Bushnell-Prairie City community receiving this newsletter and do not know much about YFC, please give Todd a call at 309-333-6186 and he would be glad to visit with you over a cup of hot chocolate. Thanks for everyone’s continued prayer and financial support of this ministry to teens.
Friday, October 31 CL Bonfire & Hayride with Macomb
Oct08-Banquet Basket Info
Completed baskets may be delivered to the following locations anytime between now and the day before the banquet:
Oct08-17th Annual Banquet
Put Friday,November 21 on your calendar now!
It will be an exciting and challenging evening,
Oct08-Prayer Requests
+ Please pray that support will increase to cover our new budget needs.
+ Please pray for the Macomb and Bushnell staff as they continue to reach out to new and continuing students.
+ Please pray for both groups as they organize their trips to “Go Mad” in Indiana on Nov. 7-8. Pray that the hearts of the students will be open to the teaching and the challenges that will be presented that weekend. Pray for travel safety.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Aug08-Message from Greg Monaco
I just want to remind you of a few things you may have forgotten in the glow of your pleasant reminiscing.
· High School is the last time these kids will be considered children: by the time they graduate the world will call them adults.
· Many of them will walk through those doors carrying burdens a lot bigger than their backpacks: for instance, more than 15 girls will be pregnant before the year is out.
· Some of them will be smiling on the outside, but they hide fears they feel as they enter unknown territory.
While they are in High School, we at Youth for Christ want to offer them alternatives:
· A relationship for life with Jesus Christ
· Answers for tough decisions and a comfort and guide through tough times
· A friend and a friendly place to feel safe
We are cranking up for a new school year. You might think it takes some of us longer than others to graduate, but the truth is we just love high school kids.
Aug08-New in Macomb!
Campus Life-M (Jr. High) - Monday nights 6-8 p.m. starting with Kick-Off on Sept. 15th at the YFC house.
Campus Life (HS) - Tuesday nights 7-9 p.m. starting with Kick-Off on Sept. 16th at the YFC house.
We’re even planning a CL-M & CL Paintball Trip with the Bushnell chapter on Saturday, Sept. 20th.
My name is Mandy Johnson. I’m 23 years old and from Jacksonville, IL. I have been in church since I was two, was baptized at eight, and have been truly following after Christ since I was 15. My past ministry experience includes volunteering with the youth group at my home church, going on many mission trips, being a member of a missions committee, organizing “Purity Rallies,” and heading up an Operation Christmas Child relay center. I have a degree from MacMurray College in Sign Language Interpreting and currently spend my days working as a Program Assistant at Edison School. I am very excited to have the opportunity to work with YFC to share God’s love with students in Macomb.
My name is Kayleigh Jump, I am 23 years old and I live in Bushnell. My past ministry experience includes being involved with YFC. During high school I was a student leader for Bushnell YFC, and co-lead a weekly bible study at my school. As an adult I volunteered with YFC for a year with Todd Rodeffer. I am a student at Lincoln Christian College taking Thursday night classes toward my Bachelors in General Ministry. I currently spend non-school days at home with my children (Charity 3, Christian 2, Faith 1); we are also expecting our last child in late December. My husband, Jeremie, is currently employed by Wal-Mart and the National Guard, and is also a student. I believe that God has called me to youth ministry so I am very honored to have been given the opportunity to work with YFC in Macomb. I want to be able to give the youth in Macomb the same experiences that YFC brought to my life, and impact their lives for Christ. I know that God has great things planned for the youth in Macomb and I am glad that I can be a part of that.
Aug08-Bushnell Beat
The other major event this past month was our trip to the Wisconsin Dells area. Seven teens, two local pastors, a female adult chaperon, and I set up tents in a campground across the road from Devil’s Lake State Park. Our general schedule was as follows: breakfast, devotions, clean up, trip & lunch, supper, session time, talk about it, camp fire, and bed time. Being alone in the campground helped us really connect with each other and gave us time to connect with our Creator. I know in my heart that teens were confronted with the truth and reality of the gospel. Most of seven have already trusted in Jesus Christ as their Savior, but there is always room for further understanding and commitment. Also, since we have a couple of leaders departing for college this year, these teens were challenged with the opportunity to step up to become the new leaders for Christ in their school this year. Please pray for a couple of teens that are still “on the fence and those that will become leaders this year. Thanks!
There is a great need of father figures in the lives of teens today. I see this over and over, for males and females, rich and poor. I am very thankful to have had my dad around when growing up and facing all the obstacles of life as a teen. I can’t imagine what it is like, or the deep hurt way deep down inside of a teen without a father around to help guide them and agape love them. We always have teens that can’t afford events or outings because of their financial situation. If you can help financially, or would like to get involved as a volunteer please give me a call (309-333-6186).
Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment throughout the last 10 years of our lives in Bushnell.
Paintball on Sept. 20
Aug08-Introducing...Bernard McCance, YFC board member
I have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior through the shedding of His blood for the forgiveness of my sins. This was at the age of 8 at Checkrow Church Daily Vacation Bible School.
I met my wonderful wife, Kay, at the wedding of our friends and we just celebrated our 44th wedding anniversary. We were blessed with 3 daughters. Karen McCance who resides in Macomb, Stacey Creger in Peoria with her husband and our 3 grandchildren, and Cynthia in heaven at the age of 20.
I retired from Caterpillar Tractor after 44 years. Kay retired from nursing administration after 24 years. We reside on a farm 10 miles east of Bushnell.
Youth for Christ is and should be a challenge for each of us as board members. The challenge is to let the community know of the great work and the potential for greater encouragement of the gospel among our youth. Each of us is aware of the peer pressure that our future generation of leaders is facing as they become adults.
The churches of the area need to be challenged to the work and success of Youth for Christ in the community. Without much prayer we cannot meet the spiritual and financial needs of the ministry of Youth for Christ.
Aug08-Prayer Requests and Thanks:
+ Thank you for all your prayers and support during our transition in Macomb.
+ Please pray that support will increase to cover new budget needs.
+ Thank you for those individuals who help to clean the YFC house and mow the grass!!
+ Please pray for the staff as they gear up for the new school year and for the students that become involved.
+ Please pray for the banquet planning that is beginning. Anyone willing to help, please contact the office.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
July08 - Introduction by Tye Adair
Most would agree that the mission and vision of YFC is worthy, but at times it is difficult to grasp the role that donors can play in fulfilling the vision. In many respects, it is quite simple. As believers in Jesus, we are concerned about local youth and long for the Gospel to be known. Since most of us are not gifted in youth evangelism, we look to YFC to help with this job. Thanks to financial supporters, volunteers, board members, and staff, YFC has been working to help local youth for nearly 15 years.
Currently, YFC has seven board members who are committed to fulfilling the mission and vision of our local youth outreach. As such, we are working diligently to restore the Macomb ministry. Our plan for the Macomb area includes staff and volunteers. Additionally, we are striving to support the thriving ministry in the Bushnell area. All that being said, the take home message is this – the board of directors and many supporters continue to believe that McDonough County needs - Youth For Christ.
July08 - Update from Lynn
July08 - Bushnell Beat
In ministry, the summer has been a time to further develop key relationships with teens. Since our last update, a few teens have graduated, a couple have gotten involved, we have had a junior high camp out, and a lot of work with teens earning money for the summer trip coming up in mid-July.
June 13th a need was met in Brian’s (not his real name) life. Brian has been in quite a bit of trouble in the past, but has also made a decision for Christ in 6th grade. He is still in junior high, but hasn’t been walking with the Lord very closely. On this overnight camping/fishing trip with Mark Rauschert, (a local volunteer) Brian turned closer to the Lord. That night we got to talk about God and our spiritual lives. The next day after the overnight, Brian went to Church for the first time in a long while. He was excited about going and also went on an outing the next week with Campus Life. I love it when good things happen. It gives me hope and encouragement.
Thanks for all of your gifts to the ministry in Bushnell reaching youth for Christ!
Please keep praying for a couple of more female volunteers for this fall.
July08 - Bushnell Calendar of Events
Car Wash - Saturday, July 5th (7 am to 5 pm) @ First Baptist Church-Bushnell
Cornerstone Volunteer Clean-up - Sunday, July 6th (9 am to 5 pm), Monday and Tuesday, July 7th & 8th (8 am to 4 pm)
Depth Charge - Wednesday, July 9th (8 pm) @ CCC
Up North Teen Adventure - Monday, July 14th (depart 8 am) through Thursday, July 17th
Campus Life-JV goes to Ball Fore - Monday, July 21st
Breakfast Club - Tuesday, July 22nd (9 am) @ VFW park
Depth Charge - Wednesday, July 23rd (8 pm) @ CCC
Campus Life goes to Ball Fore - Thursday, July 24th
Depth Charge - Wednesday, July 30th (8 pm) @ CCC
Questions regarding above events? Please contact Todd @ 772-2254.
July08 - Prayer Requests and Thanks
Thank you to those that mow the YFC house lawn and to those that help with the newsletter mailing. We appreciate your dedication to YFC!
Friday, May 30, 2008
May-Jun 08 - Message from Jeff
Golf Woes & Joys!
Golf has to be one of the most humbling activities of all time. With my game if I hit one reasonably good shot every 5 to 6 shots – I’m happy. I get a secret thrill out of watching paid professionals hit terrible shots like mine!
But the joy of golf for me is the time spent with those that I’m with. This was the case at the recent Western Illinois Youth for Christ golf outing on Saturday, May 17. It was fun for me to attend and participate. There were around 60 golfers and 10 – 15 helpers that helped make a great day and God blessed us with beautiful weather.
I was able to renew friendship with many friends from my time on YFC staff in Macomb from 1994-1998. The winning foursome is a special group to me as this group were all a part of the ministry when I was leading the YFC outreach at Macomb High School. Dustin, Darcy, Brian, and Ryan were all a part of the YFC ministry during their high school days. I even got to coach Ryan and Brian in 7th grade basketball! What a joy to have these guys return to Macomb to support the continuing ministry in Macomb and Western Illinois.
But YFC is not about golf outings – we’re about sharing God’s love with teenagers. While we enjoy golf outings we really get pumped about helping young people understand that life is at its best when it’s lived in right relationship with God. I had the privilege to sharing this with many Macomb teens and the local Board is working hard to re-establish the outreach in Macomb. Todd Rodeffer and his team in Bushnell continues to do a great job in sharing Christ with teens there!
Will you continue to pray and give towards this needed mission? Young people in Macomb, Bushnell, and other Western Illinois communities need this ministry. Please do what you can to make it possible for this vital work to continue.
Jeff Ringenberg
Peoria Youth for Christ
Western Illinois Youth for Christ (1994-1998)
May-Jun 08 - Golf Outing Thank You!
Our Major Sponsor
Catch A Star Learning Center Inc.
Our Food Sponsors:
Ludlum Food Mart
Niemann’s County Market
CocaCola Bottling Co. of Macomb
Our Hole Sponsors:
American Family Insurance-Matt Glaser, Bushnell Banking Center, Citizen’s National Bank, Dough Delights, First Bankers Trust, Grand Prairie Estates, Gentry Motors, Linsco/Private Ledger Financial – Garner Financial, McGrew Feedlot Equipment, McDonough District Hospital, MidAmerica National Bank, State Representative Rich Myers, Digger & Sarah Oster, Professional Eyecare Center, Salsarita's Fresh Cantina, State Farm-Cathy Early, Table Grove State Bank, The Wright Agency – James Wright, Western IL Credit Union
Our Prize Sponsors:
Aurelios, Ball Fore, Batson’s Ace Hardware, Bella Hair Studio, Bushnell Banking Center, Chicks on the Square, Citizen’s National Bank, First Bankers Trust, Fun City, Hart’s Nursery, Health & Harmony Therapeutic Therapy, HyVee, Il Spazio, McDonough Power, McGrew Feedlot Equipment, Mel Blasi, Michael’s Hair Design, MidAmerica National Bank, Nelson Clothing, Nickson Tire, Nostalgia, Papa John’s, Professional Eyecare Center, David Pyles, El Rancherito, Red Ox, Rosy’s Pizza, State Farm Insurance-Cathy Early, Truffles by Becca, Vaughn & Bushnell, WIU Harry Mussatto Golf Course
Our Volunteers:
Mike Cox, Sue Dunseth, Janice Gates, Chris Myers, Bill Poncin, Ty Adair, Bernie McCance, Becca Pettit, Joe Rodeffer, Kelly Rodeffer, Vicki Reimolds, Charlie & Debbie Schade, Carl Knutson, Colin Hornbaker, Jeff Ringenberg and the Campus Life teens!
May-Jun 08 - Golf Outing
Scotland Trinity team
6th Annual YFC Golf Outing
Just as Jeff said, we had wonderful weather once again. We also had an abundance of volunteers for which I am very thankful. Our first place team was Ryan Twaddle, Brian Sullivan, Darcy Toland and Dustin Toland with a score of 58. They are also our returning champions from last year. Our traveling church trophy has transferred from Wesley United Methodist Church to Scotland Trinity Presbyterian Church thanks to Mark Lawver, Matt Lawver, Curt Lynn and Steve Epperson. They had a score of 64. This year we had 6 church teams competing - how exciting! After 18 holes, we all enjoyed pork chops and brats with all the fixings. Thank you to all our golfers for supporting YFC-WI! --Deanna Eden, office manager
Thursday, May 29, 2008
May-Jun08 - Bushnell Beat
It’s hard to believe that 10 years ago we came on staff with Youth for Christ, a true leap of faith at that time in our lives. Life has not been without it’s many challenges, but God has truly blessed us, protected us, and taken care of our needs over this time period. We would not still be here if it weren’t for your many gifts, time, encouragement, and generosity. We appreciate your generosity and gifts to us while we serve teens in the BPC area. Praise Jesus!!
May-Jun08-Prayer Requests
Pastor Al Somers at
Christian Teens to make good decisions over the summer
Additional female volunteers for jr. high and high school Campus LifeWednesday, April 30, 2008
Apr 08-Message from Greg Monaco
One of my favorite activities working with at-risk teens was to take them rappelling – descending cliffs with a rope. In preparation, I’d bring my rope to our meetings and pass it around. The kids would tug on it, read the tag that said it was “tested to 10,000 pounds shock strength", and even hang from it. I’d ask if they believed it’d hold them, if they had faith in it. They always said “Yes.”
Later, on our campout, in the shadow of the 200’ cliffs, I’d ask how they felt about the rope now that they could see the challenge first hand. Most of them would brag that they “weren’t afraid of nuthin’” and that they’d trust the rope… but was that a bit of hesitation I heard?
Later, at the top of the cliffs, the first teen would be strapped into the harness and clip into the rope. I’d back them up to the cliff on wobbly legs and then ask: “Do you trust the rope?” Half the time I’d get a shaky “yes”, the other responses would range from tears, to screams, to paralysis.
Eventually, all of them were coaxed over the edge of the cliff on their first rappel. Once they were six feet or so down the face of the precipice I’d stop them, lean over the edge and ask: “Do you trust the rope now?” Almost always, the response was a grin, and a knowing, “Yeah, I do. I get it now!”
That night at the fire, we’d talk about trusting in God, having faith in him. By the time of the trip, most of the kids would have heard about “accepting Christ” and “believing in Christ” several times in their weekly meetings. But now, when I would tell them that God wanted them to trust him, like they trusted the rope today, you could see the light come on in their eyes. They got it.
How about you? Is that the kind of trust you have in God?
When faced with a challenge, do you jump right in with because you aren’t afraid of “nuthin?” Some find it easy to face tests relying on their own power. They’re “wired” to take risks; it’s natural to just jump in. When they rise to a challenge, they don’t do it out of faith, but out of temperament.
Or do you find a way to hang back and watch - to walk away from a challenge? Do you reason that it “isn’t the right time in my life”, or “I don’t feel a peace about it.” But, maybe that’s just because the challenge is just too intimidating.
Or, coming face to face with a challenge from God, do you trust Him, strap in and go for it, wobbly legs and all? The response of the faithful is to trust that God has led them to the cliff, to check and make sure their gear is in order, then step over the edge.
Those that take “faith” risks, step out in a trust that lets God get them through the challenge. Faith is tested, not just resolve. Faith grows, not pride. Fear is overcome and we learn to trust God even more.
A life walking in faith means living in the expectancy of God’s presence; aware of his control of our world, his leading in our lives, and his provision for all our needs. A living faith should stretch us beyond our comfort zone, should move us into action and profoundly change us.
If it isn’t, maybe we are standing too far from the edge.
Apr 08-Golf Outing
How Much: $50/person or $200/foursome
Improve your score by purchasing mulligans and closer tees. There
Interested in registering? Email us or call us.
Apr 08-Bushnell Beat
The Bushnell YFC ministry over the last month has been stable. Throughout the week teens and myself are inviting other teens to Campus Life and other outreach events where they can hear about God. Teens are also discipling other teens in addition to our Wednesday night meeting. To see this take place has been a joy! We have a couple of young men in Bushnell that are really making a difference in the lives of others, while at the same time setting a very good example for the rest.
At the beginning of March, our 9th Annual Soup Supper drummed up a lot of excitement. The event was one of the best ever. Over 15 teens signed up to do odd jobs for people around town to help raise money for YFC. Several have completed their work already. One weekend I took 3 teens to my brother Mark’s home in Peoria where we worked on getting their house ready to sell this spring. A couple of weekend’s ago, one of our volunteers brought 3 teens to my home for a project.
A couple of weeks ago at Campus Life we lovingly shared the gospel, intertwined with a mini-series called “True Lies.” I have not heard of any direct responses yet, but the teens were very attentive and seemed to be taking it in as we shared.
Let me just say that God has put together a wonderful team of volunteers to reach out to the youth in Bushnell, but there is a constant need for more. In order to reach the broad spectrum of teens coming in and out we could really use an additional female volunteer or two for our Jr. High program. It seems like mom’s are very busy and it is hard to find those females that are able to help with teenagers. Please pray with me in this area of our ministry.
Thanks for all that you do prayerfully and financially for Youth for Christ’s outreach here in Bushnell.
Apr 08-Prayer Requests & Needs
• Pray for the students as the school year comes to a close.
• Pray for good weather and many golfers for our Annual Golf Outing. The golf outing committee is in full gear. If you can help out on the day of the outing, please contact Deanna at 309-333-0111.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Mar 08-Message from Greg Monaco
Many people are fascinated by the “end times” – the events that will lead up to Christ’s return - and not all of them are Christians. For your information…
-Over 1 million books in the fictionalized apocalyptic Left Behind series have now been sold.
-Hollywood movies like The Omen, End of Days and The Prophecy have been blockbuster hits.
-Surf” the net and you’ll find websites selling Bible Prophecy related items, including an End-Times Roadmap!
Many who spend a lot of time in this area of study are honestly interested in what God is trying to tell them and this lost world about His plans and our destiny. For some prophecy buffs though, end times are an interesting whimsy – a fiction, or a fantasy, or even entertainment.
In a way, how teens deal with their mortality is similar. Most of the youth I’ve met have a strong belief of their invincibility. That’s why when a teen dies a tragic unexpected death; others in their circle are so shaken. At a distance, they might acknowledge that death exists, but for them, it is only other people who die. It’s a fiction, or a fantasy, or even entertainment.
So, what’s my point?
The end times may be immanent, or they may be centuries away. But death is not. As a matter of fact, teens are only 70 or 80 years away from their end time, but still they do their best to deny it.
I feel a greater urgency today than I ever have as I see my grandchildren growing up in a world where there are fewer and fewer opportunities to hear the Good News… and they are being raised in a home and a church where the Gospel is shared repeatedly.
More and more of the youth that we are reaching through YFC don’t have parents who can tell them, don’t have teachers who share with them and don’t attend any church with regularity - let alone a church where Christ is proclaimed clearly.
So please, pray with me for the youth within the reach of Western Illinois Youth for Christ… and for the 175 other chapters we have across the U.S. and the 98 other countries around the world where YFC is reaching out to over 11 million young people.
After all, there is only so much time left.
Greg Monaco is the Regional Field Specialist for the Great Lakes Region of Youth for Christ. Greg is working closely with the Board as we search for a new Executive Director and Macomb Ministry Director. Greg can be contacted at
Mar 08-Upcoming Events-Golf Outing
6th Annual YFC Golf Outing
Sat., May 17th, 2008
Location: WIU’s Harry Mussatto Golf Course
Time: Shotgun start 8:00 am
It may be March, but we’ve got GOLF on our minds!
It’s only 7 weeks away!!
We are planning a great day of glorious golf, fantastic fun, great prizes and even more players.
Mark your calendars and join us! Brochures will be available by April 1st.
Mar 08-Bushnell Beat
I have seen an increased depth at our Wednesday night meetings the last couple of months. That is due in part to the happenings at Dare2Share and through some Sr. High student leadership. I am very grateful to God for letting me experience such awesome wonders.
We had one of our best-attended Souper Duper Soup Supper’s ever on March 7 in Bushnell. Close to 200 people were served by 25+ teenagers that worked alongside more than a dozen adult volunteers. Two senior’s and an 8th grader talked about how God has made a difference in their lives over the last year. One of them is applying to Moody Bible Institute and the other is planning on attending Blackburn College this fall. I am very proud of these young men and how they have taken their relationship with Jesus to the next level, choosing to let Him direct their lives.
Please pray for wisdom in deflecting and defeating the coming attacks by the enemy. I know they will come and have already seen evidence. I just pray for steadfastness and discernment in dealing with them.
Last, but not least, Michelle and I had a wonderful time in San Diego for the National YFC Staff Conference. The weather was rainy and around 60, but we were still very thankful for the chance to get away together. We would like to thank all of you that gave so we could attend and the few people that watched our children while we were away. It is always good to get refreshed and bring back a clear sense of direction. I felt like this conference got us back to the basics of our mission.
Thank you for all of your financial support over the years. If you do not currently give to Youth for Christ, please consider partnering with us in the next year. Thank you also for your lavish prayers and spiritual battles you have fought for the Kingdom of God in Bushnell, IL.
May God Bless you richly for your perseverance,
Todd Rodeffer
Mar 08-YFC Newsletter Online
You can now find all the same photos and articles
If your interested in switching to email, just
Mar 08-Prayer Requests & Needs
• Pray for the students of Macomb Campus Life during this time without a Ministry Director.
• Needed: A few more people willing to help with our annual golf outing. We’ve got a few people on board, but a few more helping hands would be appreciated.
• Needed: Bushnell and Macomb people willing to help assemble newsletters once a month. Give Deanna a call at 309-333-0111 if you can help occasionally.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Feb08-Message from Greg Monaco
But my favorite of all the group designations is the rhinos. Rhinos can run at 30 mph, which is pretty fast when you consider how much weight they are pulling. Running at 30 mph is faster than a squirrel or a used Pinto would go. Just one problem with this phenomenon. Rhinos can only see 30 feet in front of them. Can you imagine something that large moving in concert as a group, plowing ahead at 30 mph with no idea what is at 31 feet? You would think that they would be far too timid to pick up full steam, that their inability to see far enough ahead would paralyze them to immobility. But with that horn pointing the way, rhinos run forward full steam ahead without apprehension—which leads us to their name.
Rhinos moving together at full speed are known as a crash. Even when they're just hanging around enjoying the watershed, they're called a crash because of their potential. You've got to love that. I think that is what we are supposed to be. We become an unstoppable force. We don't have to pretend we know the future. Who cares that we can see only 30 feet ahead? Whatever is at 31 feet needs to care that we're coming and better get out of the way.
We need to move together as God's people, and become the human version of the rhino crash. The future is uncertain, but we need to move toward it with confidence. There's a future to be created, a humanity to be liberated. We need to stop wasting our time and stop being afraid of what we cannot see and do not know. We need to move forward full force because of what we do know. We may not be able to see what's at 31 feet, but we don't have to be blind to what is right in front of us. There's a world that desperately needs God, a world filled with loneliness, hopelessness, and fear.
Pray for us here at YFC, that we become a Crash here in Macomb and Bushnell.