Tuesday, July 1, 2008

July08 - Introduction by Tye Adair

Please allow me to introduce myself, or get reacquainted, in my capacity as a new board member with Youth For Christ. YFC is, and historically has been, one of many powerful tools God is using in our area to reach teens with the good news of Jesus. I worked in various capacities for our local YFC from 1998 to 2003. During that time, the value of our local YFC was evidenced in multiple ways. First, YFC was able to partner with local churches, pastors, youth workers, volunteers, and a fellowship of believers, in a cooperative and encouraging manner for the betterment of the Kingdom. Secondly, the clear truth regarding Jesus was shared with hundreds of teens who attended school in Macomb, B-PC, Southeastern, West Prairie, and Industry. And finally, I saw lives changed, character built, new hope instilled, and eternal futures set into motion.

Most would agree that the mission and vision of YFC is worthy, but at times it is difficult to grasp the role that donors can play in fulfilling the vision. In many respects, it is quite simple. As believers in Jesus, we are concerned about local youth and long for the Gospel to be known. Since most of us are not gifted in youth evangelism, we look to YFC to help with this job. Thanks to financial supporters, volunteers, board members, and staff, YFC has been working to help local youth for nearly 15 years.

Currently, YFC has seven board members who are committed to fulfilling the mission and vision of our local youth outreach. As such, we are working diligently to restore the Macomb ministry. Our plan for the Macomb area includes staff and volunteers. Additionally, we are striving to support the thriving ministry in the Bushnell area. All that being said, the take home message is this – the board of directors and many supporters continue to believe that McDonough County needs - Youth For Christ.

July08 - Update from Lynn

Well we are doing great, Keaton turned 7 weeks on Tuesday (June 10th) and aside from being a little fussy at night he doing wonderful. We will be closing on our house in Macomb the end of this week (June 14th), ending a 4 month stay in my parent's basement. My current job is not all its cracked up to be so I have been pursuing ministry positions and have several leads in the Butler Area. We are excited to see what God's plans are next. Here's one of our latest photos attached. Take care, miss and love you all,
Lynn, Tanya and Keaton Wagner

July08 - Bushnell Beat

Rodeffer kids in pool, which was a major blessing/gift to us this year. Thank you!!!
Last Campus Life meeting of school year

In ministry, the summer has been a time to further develop key relationships with teens. Since our last update, a few teens have graduated, a couple have gotten involved, we have had a junior high camp out, and a lot of work with teens earning money for the summer trip coming up in mid-July.

June 13th a need was met in Brian’s (not his real name) life. Brian has been in quite a bit of trouble in the past, but has also made a decision for Christ in 6th grade. He is still in junior high, but hasn’t been walking with the Lord very closely. On this overnight camping/fishing trip with Mark Rauschert, (a local volunteer) Brian turned closer to the Lord. That night we got to talk about God and our spiritual lives. The next day after the overnight, Brian went to Church for the first time in a long while. He was excited about going and also went on an outing the next week with Campus Life. I love it when good things happen. It gives me hope and encouragement.

Thanks for all of your gifts to the ministry in Bushnell reaching youth for Christ!
Please keep praying for a couple of more female volunteers for this fall.

July08 - Bushnell Calendar of Events

Car Wash - Saturday, July 5th (7 am to 5 pm) @ First Baptist Church-Bushnell

Cornerstone Volunteer Clean-up - Sunday, July 6th (9 am to 5 pm), Monday and Tuesday, July 7th & 8th (8 am to 4 pm)

Depth Charge - Wednesday, July 9th (8 pm) @ CCC

Up North Teen Adventure - Monday, July 14th (depart 8 am) through Thursday, July 17th

Campus Life-JV goes to Ball Fore - Monday, July 21st

Breakfast Club - Tuesday, July 22nd (9 am) @ VFW park

Depth Charge - Wednesday, July 23rd (8 pm) @ CCC

Campus Life goes to Ball Fore - Thursday, July 24th

Depth Charge - Wednesday, July 30th (8 pm) @ CCC

Questions regarding above events? Please contact Todd @ 772-2254.

July08 - Prayer Requests and Thanks

Please continue to keep the YFC-WI board members in your prayers as they work towards finding a new Macomb Youth Director for the upcoming school year.

Thank you to those that mow the YFC house lawn and to those that help with the newsletter mailing. We appreciate your dedication to YFC!