Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dec08-Merry Christmas!

May the peace and hope of
Christ’s birth
be with you now and in the days ahead...

Thank you for your continuous prayers and support of
our ministries in Macomb and Bushnell!!
YFC Board (Mike, Sue, Janice, Chris, Bill, Tye & Bernie),
Todd, Kayleigh, Mandy & Deanna

Dec08-Macomb News

spending some quality time with our volunteers at Dickens on the Square
I would like to begin by saying how wonderful it was to get to meet so many of you at our banquet last month. It is such an encouragement to know that so many people are supporting us and praying for us and the students we are trying to reach! Thank you so much for your support, and please keep praying!
Speaking of "thanks," last month we also celebrated with a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with our students and volunteers. It felt just like a family gathering, with everyone pitching in by bringing food, helping to cook, and getting everything ready. As we went around the table, each expressing our thanks, I was excited to be able to share that I was thankful for Autumn being at YFC for the first time. I have known Autumn for awhile now, and have been hoping that she would want to get involved. Please pray that shewill continue to come so that we can share with her the love of Christ.
We also had a new high school student attend Campus Life for the first time this past week. We look forward to seeing more of Robert and getting to know him better. Many of our high school students are involved in band and/or choir, so we are excited to attend some of their Christmas concerts this month to show our support for them and enjoy what is sure to be some wonderfullyfestive music. ~ Mandy
Prayer Requests
That we will be creative and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's guidancein how best to reach the students in Macomb
That the students would not allow busyness to keep them from thetruly and eternally important things in life
Upcoming Events:
Friday, December 19, 6-10pm Christmas Party for 6th-12th grade
Monday, January 19 Ski Trip with Bushnell

Mondays 6-8pm CLM for all 6th-8th grade students
(Please notice that 6th graders are now invited to participate in CLM!!!)
Tuesdays 7-9pm CL for all 9th-12th grade students

Dec08-Bushnell Beat

How are your holiday seasons? Ours are kind of crazy. Between visiting family, hunting, basketball, school, and YFC activities, it seems as if we hardly have time to breathe some days. Is there some way around all of this? Pray and listen for God’s voice. That is hard isn’t it? I need God, like I need water! Without Him life is meaningless. I am so thankful for His gift of redeeming love through Jesus. Let’s praise Him with all of our hearts this Christmas season.
From a youth ministry perspective, it is so exciting to see the eagerness to learn at Depth Charge. Teens today need an influx of God’s Word into their lives, just like every follower of Christ. Most of these teens have not been raised with the background of the bible before them every week in Sunday School. We encourage teens to find a church home, read God’s Word on a regular basis, and put the Word into action. That’s when others see a difference and ask why they do what they do. That gives teens (and us) an opportunity to share the message.
Something a volunteer and I are working on is helping the homeless in the area. Please pray with us that God will be pleased and the teens that choose to get involved will be changed from the inside out.

Prayer requests
Our family has been very sick lately, especially Michelle.
Teens to be affected by the power of the Holy Spirit
Schedule of Events
CL-M (Jr High)-Mondays @ 6-8 pm
Depth Charge-Wednesdays @ 8 pm
Teen Lunch-Thursdays @ 11 am
CL (HS)-Thursday @ 7 pm


The 2008 Youth for Christ Banquet was held on Friday, November 21st at the WIU Grand Ballroom from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m with a little over 200 attending.

Thank you to the area churches and individuals that donated baskets. The basket auction raised almost $1800 this year alone.

Also, a big thank you to:

all the corporate and individual underwriters, table hosts, Kelly Barsi and our basket committtee, Becca Pettit for her wonderful truffles, Checkrow Community Church Praise band, Amanda Miller (our soloist), Rick Selk (our speaker), the CL & CL-M studentvolunteers, and so many others that helped to put together this year’s event.

The Attic, Barsi-Depoy Tax Business Serv./Copy Pack & Post, Bushnell Banking Center, Clugston-Tibbitts Funeral Homes, Dodsworth-Piper-Wallen Inc., Edward D. Jones & Co., Farmers & Merchants State Bank, First Bankers Trust Company, First State Bank, Heritage Farms Grain & Dairy, Inc., Larry A’s Pizza, Martin-Hollis Funeral Home, MidAmerica National Bank, Midwest Control Products, Nelsons Clothing, Nostalgia Decorating, Pumo Insurance Agency, and Western Illinois Shotokan Karate Clubs

Tye & Jill Adair, Fred & Eloise Caspall, Richard & Beth Ann Ferguson, Charles & Wilma Hess, Steven & Phyllis Hess, Don & Joy Hubner, Ed & Karen Kuras, Bernard & Kay McCance, Richard & Christine Myers, David & Rheta Paisley, Mark & Cynthia Rauchert, Charles & Debbie Schade and Morris & Mary Vos


+ Praise for all the help that came forward for the banquet. It was such a blessing.
+ Pray for Kayleigh Jump and her family as they prepare for the arrival of their new baby at the end of December.
+ Praise for the fun and fellowship that continually happens at CL & CL-M events and meetings. May this open doors to discuss Christ’s love with each of the students involved.
+ Pray for safety in the winter month’s ahead.
+ Pray for the Macomb and Bushnell staff as they continue to reach out to new and continuing students.