Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nov09-Bushnell Beat

What a rainy year we have had! Wow. It truly is unbelievable, but since we lived through it, we can now tell our children and grandchildren about the wet year of 2009. Rain is good and we need water to live. Like rain, we need God to live spiritually. If we follow Christ, God promises to provide for our needs, but does not promise a picture perfect life.

We are definitely less than picture perfect when it comes to ministry in Bushnell, but we have had some amazing things happen in the last month. At our Campus Life meeting three weeks ago we presented the gospel, with two teens saying they wanted to make Christ their King! Five others rededicated their lives to Christ, acknowledging their need to walk more closely with Him. Thanks to the time our leaders put in working with the teens and sharing life with them, teens are seeing the light and their need for God in their lives. However, there are still others that need to make that decision to follow Christ in their lives. Continue praying.

A couple of weeks ago, we had a trip to Fort Wayne Indiana called Go M.A.D. (Go Make a Difference). Eight teens, 3 adult leaders and myself drove, built relationships, talked about life, worshipped, dug deep and sought God. Two teens went that do not know Jesus. Please continue to pray for them. Out of the other six (2 new believers this year), two made decisions to begin going to church. Luther Whitfield, our speaker for the weekend, challenged teens to surrender to God’s plan for their lives and begin learning how to live our lives for the glory of God.

Since Michelle and I knew she was pregnant with Andrew, our oldest son, I have been praying for his classmates to be saved. This year Andrew is in 6th grade. About 10 of his classmates have been coming to CL M (Campus Life Middle school) this year. Pray that God would give them understanding of the gospel and how it relates to living out their lives. They are young and still very impressionable. It is neat to be able to minister with my son and his classmates.

If you can, please consider some kind of financial gift at the end of this year. It would really help us at a needy time. Your prayers are coveted and are what keep us going through hard times and difficult circumstances in life. Many of the teens we work with in the Bushnell area do not have a church family or support team.

May the Lord find favor with you,

Todd Rodeffer

Nov09-Macomb News

We at YFC would like to start off by thanking all of you very much for this past year of support, whether through prayer, time, or monetary support, without which we would not have been able to complete the task that we have accomplished. Here at YFC our mission statement is: “To participate in the Body of Christ in the responsible evangelism of youth. Presenting them with the personal work and teachings of Christ and discipling them into the Church.” This is a great opportunity to make the Kingdom of God grow and to bring some of the most vital people in God’s Kingdom to know who Jesus Christ is and what he has done for them. Our goals as a national organization are quite large this year and we need your support now more than ever. YFC looks to reach up to 5,000,000 young people in 2010 and engage them in a productive relationship with Christ. We do this by reaching out to the young people in our schools, and our community, that may not already know who Christ is. To do this, the staff at YFC find it very important to go out among them in their environment, and step out of our own comfort zones to reach students in theirs. We get this idea from Jesus Christ himself, in multiple examples of selfless acts, where He steps out and touches peoples’ lives.

I would like to inform you of just a few ways in which we go out among the students to minister to them. One of the first steps we take is to meet the students where they are. This is where we believe going into their world is the most important. To be a part of their lives, we join the students at sporting events, musicals, school concerts and other school affiliated activities. After making initial contact with the students, we must find a non-threatening way in which to break down the negative stereotypes that these students may have built up against the Christian community. We do this through group activities that they might enjoy. As the stereotypes and initial walls they have built up are broken down, we open ourselves to answer questions that they may have and continue to show them the love of Christ. As we build our relationships with the students, we will begin to disciple them into a life with Jesus Christ, and they will begin to show Christ to other students on their campus, and in their world.

We would like to once again thank you for your time and previous offerings, and would like to ask you for continued support and prayer. As I am sure you all know, we are very appreciative of any and all help that you are willing to give. We just ask that as you consider supporting us for this upcoming year that you pray and let God lead you in your offering.

Thank you and God Bless, Ken Krueger

Current Macomb Schedule:

Fri. Dec. 4th - Pizza Lunch - University Baptist

Fri. Dec. 11th - Pizza Lunch - Maple Avenue Christian Church

Fri. Dec. 18th - Pizza Lunch - Macomb Assembly of God

We are also planning to get Campus Life-High School meetings up in running in January. If you have (or are) a HS student that

is interested in Campus Life, give us a call at the office. Ken would love the chance to get to know the students of Macomb High.