Sunday, December 11, 2011
Dec11-Banquet Report
Dec11-Financial Status
Dec11-Merry Christmas from Macomb
As we head into December, we have a strong focus on the Reason for the Season! Looking back, we had such a jam packed November, it just goes to remind us that we have so much to be thankful for. We had a great time at our Banquet – and those who were able to attend, got to see, in action, just how much we all just enjoy each other.
Blessed by VIBE
Todd and I enjoyed back-to-back banquets (sort of a double-date for the second one), attending the VIBE (Volunteers Interested in Benefitting Everyone) banquet with Michelle & Tom on Nov 19th. As a grant recipient, I got to share our vision and passion for teens with the community. Fun tidbit: During this talk, I was able to give a “shout out” to Aaron Durant, an MHS student was working at the Forum that evening. He was so excited, I think he told ½ of Macomb High! Loving on kids – it’s what we do best!
[Lauren @ VIBE Banquet]
Kassie Courson, President of VIBE, called the next day to let us know that YFC Western IL will receive a check for $25,000 (yes, 25 thousand dollars) in January to be used in 2012!!! There is one use for this money – “to directly benefit the students”. While the exact usage is still being finalized, Todd and I are excited to be able to offer scholarships for kids for CIY Believe (Jr High Program), CIY Move (Sr High program), Go MAD (Sr High) and camp scholarships. We are excited to see how God can grab hold of these kids in life-changing ways.
Fun Stuff Coming Up
YFC has signed to ring bells for the Salvation Army Kettle Drive. Dates are locations are listed below.
Please come by, visit and of course, drop something in the bucket.
12/12 iConnect rings bells at Walmart 6-8pm
12/13 After School Hangout ring bells at Walmart (in shifts) 3-6pm
12/13 CLM ring bells at Walmart 6-8pm
12/17 YFC rings bells at Hyvee 10am-12pm
Our Christmas celebrations take place on Monday, Dec 19th for iConnect (Senior High) and Tuesday, Dec 20th for Campus Life. Festivities include Christmas caroling, fun and food. [On Tuesday, iConnect performs Reason for the Season – a humorous look at Christmas through the eyes of Christmas symbols - for Campus Life].
The favorite Christmas celebration: FREE PIZZA LUNCH takes place the Friday before break, Dec. 16th. Anyone interested in helping donate soda, water or desserts would be greatly appreciated.
From all of us in Macomb – we wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! - Lauren
Dec11-Macomb Pics
After losing the Penny Wars, Justin fulfills his obligation to be made into a Human Sundae
got to fling spoonfuls of ice cream, whipped cream, cherries and sprinkles – aiming for his mouth. …Justin said the sprinkles were the worst thing to get hit with.Sundae. Kids
The activity also provided a parallel teachable moment about how one man took the punishment for the losers (us – due to sin, not status)
Playing in the leaves just makes ya feel like a kid again!
Colton sports an extra large smile while working the Altrusa fair
Dec11-Bushnell Beat
Today as I write this, the snow is falling. What a beautiful picture of God's grace falling on us. Christ's blood blotting out our sin. I am thankful for the blood of Christ and His willingness to come to earth and be born in very humble circumstances, live a holy life, and ultimately go to the cross. We all need God's forgiveness and to walk with Him daily. Thank you, Lord, for 1st John 1:9. “That if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
In the Bushnell ministry the past month, we have had a couple of answer's to prayer! We have a new female volunteer for CL M and 2 female VIT's! Melinda Treadway is a local parent of a Jr. High teen and is a real blessing when it comes to working with teens. She had prior experience as a camp counselor and a real heart for Jesus. In addition, a couple of our Sr. high girls have filled out applications to help with the jr. high teens. Courtney and Chelsea began observing at the end of the month and will be serving as Volunteers in Training in the coming months.
• truth to be revealed to the teens we are working with
• teens that have the wrong view of themselves to get God's perspective
• for leaders to be effective ministers while in contact with the teens
• for spiritual strongholds to be broken down
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Nov11-Banquet Reminder
Nov11-Current status
Nov11-Macomb Ministry
by Lauren Surprenant - part-time Macomb staff
This month we met a critical need for students – helping with the graduation of the Constitution Test. As a former teacher, I have been able to create a prep method that presents the story of the Constitution to help understand how it all fits together. Of the 30 students that participated, each student passed! YFC deliberately makes connections in kids’ lives!
Campus Life has Surrendered! We have ‘raised the bar’ and going deeper in our faith, including utilizing the “Surrender” series by Francis Chan. We have been breaking into gender-specific discussion groups, ones for the 8th grade and then others the younger ones, facilitating age-appropriate discussions without trying to impress the opposite gender. The kids are certainly enjoying it – as we had to host the Ice Cream Trough (when 24+ are in attendance).
iConnect (senior high discipleship group) recently watched “Love Costs Everything”, a portion of the full length film produced by CIY on Christian Persecution. This snippet documents the struggles of Christians in Iraq. It was truly eye-opening. Students have come to realize that being a Christian, in this country, really is not that difficult. We will continue to focus on that throughout the coming weeks.
We have had a very blessed month! We would like to say thank you to:
- AGR Fraternity for the donation of a 60 (?) inch projection TV!!! (Much loved already)
- Mary McMillian – for the donation of LOTS of outdoor Christmas lights and a full size tree!!! November 3rd, YFC will get decorated
- Contributions by Gary & Nancy Kendall; Dan & Patty Morgan; John & Holly White; David & Mona Johnston – and Gary Kendalls efforts to get us a freezer!
People have often said they did not know where YFC is located…. This now faces the driveway of MHS, north of the MHS wall of The Cottage.
November Dates To Remember
2, 16 Delayed Start Pancake Breakfasts
3 YFC Student Work Day
11 BANQUETS! Lunch & Dinner – end of Penny Wars
12 Come see us at Altrusa Bazaar
12 Operation Christmas Child Boxes Due
22 NO Campus Life (Thanksgiving Break)
November Pizza Lunch Partners
11 Wesley UMC
18 University Baptist
Nov11-Bushnell Beat
I also had the chance to spend an entire weekend with 12 teens from the Bushnell area out at Faith Bible Camp in the middle of October. It's a great place to fellowship, learn about God, worship God, and grow closer to God and others. I feel like part of me was designed to counsel kids and take time with them. What gift has God given you?
At our Middle school gospel night, we broke into small groups and each leader shared their lives with the teens and gave them a chance to respond to God's grace. Surprisingly these teens have good understanding about God and what He did for them. A few were concerned about their friends. Most have already trusted in Christ, but need to understand how to grow in their relationship with God. Pray that we could encourage them and gently lead them in the right direction. Pray that they would get a burden for their friends that don't know Christ!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Oct11-From the Board
Oct11-New Website
Oct11-Macomb News
A Great Start to the
School Year!
We have had an AMAZING September – and are looking forward to fantastic months to follow. See You At The Pole had more than 50 people in attendance. The event was organized and led by YFC Student President, Justin Derry.
Both the Senior High and Junior High experienced a prayer journey, traveling throughout YFC. The journey included a variety of prayer methods, includes artistic,
Other Fun Tidbits:
Delayed Start (D-Start) Wednesdays = PANCAKE DAYS! YFC is open 7:30am – 9pm and serving pancakes on each Delayed Start day.
Constitution [Graduation Requirement] Test Prep will be held Monday Oct 10th, with additional dates added if needed. Learn the Constitution, with effective memory tidbits. Dates & times to follow
VIBE +YFC Together Again: we’ll marched with the WIU Homecoming Parade with the VIBE float. Reminder: we are one of the three recipients of this year’s VIBE [Volunteers Interested in Benefitting Everyone] Grant. Please be sure to support their efforts. Keep a lookout for their Traveling Treasure Chest – around Macomb all of October.
“The Cottage” (formerly known as The Garage).
Thank you Wesley Methodist!
ICE CREAM FOR PENNIES –YFC is hosting Penny Wars Senior High VS Junior High! For each COIN deposited, the face value is counted in points. Ex: penny=1 pt, quarter =25 pts. However, each dollar bill is DEDUCTED the penny face value (ex: $1.00 = less 100 points; $20.00 = less 2000 points). While you may not want to put those into your own jug, you can put them into the opposing teams. J Give your coins to your favorite 6-12th grader – or help out your favorite team at the banquet! Winner receives the ICE CREAM TROUGH (a massive ice cream sundae) the first week in December.
Oct11-Macomb Calendar
Dates to Know:
Oct 10 Constitution Test Prep 7-9pm
Oct 19, Nov 2 Delayed Start Pancake Breakfasts
Oct 7, 14, 21 Fifth Quarter
Oct 31 iConnect – 7-9pm Come in costume!
Nov 11 Last day of Penny Wars
YFC Macomb
Mondays | Tuesdays | Wednesdays | Fridays |
6-9pm Junior High Count It An accountability group just for Jr High Boys. Dinner is provided. | 3-5pm Hang Open to Jr/Sr High Students grades 7+ are invited to come hang out at YFC. Soda & cookies provided | 7-9am Senior High D-Start B-Fast During Late Start Wednesdays, YFC hosts pancake breakfast … great way to start the day | 11:43-12:20 (MHS lunch) $2.00 Pizza Lunch Includes 2 slices of pizza, a drink & a dessert, in partnership with local churches |
7-9pm Senior High iConnect for senior high Christian students who really want to go deeper in their faith. Includes exercises in apologetics (defending your faith) and active prayer | 6-8pm Junior High Campus Life Open to all students grades 6-8. Includes games, discussion and dinner | 9:30 -11pm Grades 6+ 5th Quarter Immediately following the end of the Bomber football game – includes bon fire, s’mores, music, friends and fun.. and is FREE |
Pizza Lunch Hosts
7 Macomb Assembly of God
14 Industry Methodist
21 Industry Assembly of God
27 First Christian
11 Wesley UMC
18 University Baptist
Oct11-Bushnell Beat
September is always a busy month for youth ministry. It is where the ministry foundation for the school year is put into action. Organizational meetings occur in August, along with promotion and contacting lots of teens in their venues (ie. School events, facebook, text messages). These contacts set the stage for personal invitations as the school year goes on. Staying up to date of happenings in their world is crucial for conversations when in person. Those conversations allow for invitations to Campus Life or other events. That's where relationships begin. Then they are followed up throughtout the school year at CL, school, events, around town, etc. When the relationships have been established, then it is time to engage a teen about their beliefs. Chances to share parts of the gospel come in personal relationships with teens, often in their world. At Campus Life, we share the gospel 3-4 times a school year, giving teens a chance to choose Christ. Please say a prayer for our gospel nights coming up this month at Campus Life and Campus Life Middleschool. Thanks!!
In the last month our Campus Life programs have kicked off. We have had a JH boys campout and See You at the Pole. Our JH program is exploding with 31 teens the last two weeks. If you have a leading to work with a team of people reaching out to these young teens, please send me an email or give me a call to set up a time to talk about helping. We could use your gifts from the Lord! Our Sr. High Campus Life program is quite a bit lower in attendance with only about 10 each week. Pray for student leaders, as they are growing in their faith.
Wow! Have you ever took 15 junior high boys camping? Please call me if you have. We could use your help in Youth for Christ's Campus Life Middleschool program. I would summarize the outing as a great opportunity to instill lifelong values to teens and to spend some time in God's creation hanging out. The kids collected wood, set up tents, fished, played football in the hay field, ate like kings, and took a night hike with Mark and I. On that night hike is where the God stuff happened. In an open hay field, under the cloudy skies, the boys got to clearly hear the gospel message with oppurtunities to ask questions. That was the sweet moment of the trip! Pray for these boys becoming men and our future spiritual leaders.
At 7:00 AM, of a cloudy overcast day, more than twenty people stood outside the Bushnell-Prairie City High School, at its flagpole – solely for the purpose to pray. Seventeen students and a few adults joined together for the annual See You At The Pole (SYATP) event. Those that attended sang a few songs and then joined hands to thank God and ask Him for help in our lives, schools and community. We prayed for people in our local government, federal government and people around the world. Margie Statler and Dorothy Williams, part of the Bushnell Area Christian Women, served donuts, juice, and milk to those that showed up early to pray. It's neat to be a part of a bigger plan by the Master.
Upcoming gospel nights this month at CL and CL M.
A teen I met with in the Mary Davis home
A junior high young man that needs to step up, obey, and make wise choices
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sept 2011 - Banquet
Sept 2011- Here We Go!!!
I just LOVE September – sure, my calendar goes crazy, but with such great things! To help you share in our excitement, we decided to tell you with pictures.
We ended summer with a bash! Thirteen kids at Fun City as a goodbye-fun for our graduated seniors Becky Scott, Luke Buren and Chelsea Townsend. Girls Team poses before their round of Laser Tag: NaClintriss Parker, Tammy Carson, Kassi Groff, Becky Scott, Alexis Aurelio and Laurie Daniel. Team Two “patiently” (not really) waits their turn: Michael Herron, Brandon Rossio, Luke Buren, Justin Derry, Chelsea Townsend and Taryn Surprenant.
YFC Pizza Lunch returns! Free Pizza Lunch, the first pizza lunch of the year, hosted 125 kids (translates into 35 pizzas!). The first $2.00 Pizza Lunch enjoyed 75 kids!
Campus Life Kids (grades 6-8) continued to meet throughout the summer. We had a splash with water games and other goofy activities. Three students “Upgraded” (promoted) – Kassi Groff, Michael Herron and NaClintris Parker moved from this group to the senior high.
The Senior High Kids have kicked off a going-deeper program, we’ve named iConnect, with our first lesson series focusing on active prayers. Both Senior High and Junior High (gr 6-8) participated in a prayer walk/drive.
We encourage you to prayer drive Macomb:
- Macomb High School Students, staff, knowledge & wisdom James 1:4-6
- Macomb Armory For all who willingly serve John 15:12-14
- Bridgeway Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Psalm 139:14
- Loaves & Fishes For the poor Matt 5:3
- McDonough County Courthouse Justice for all (worldwide) Psalm 140 11-12
- Police or Sheriff’s dept Submit to authority; protection for them Romans 13: 1, 5-7
- MDH For the sick James 5:14-15
- YFC For Christians everywhere 1 Peter 4: 12-14
(you can email Lauren for more details at
Save the date: See You At The Pole Weds Sept 28th 7:30am (it is not a late-start Weds)
Sept 2011 - Bushnell Beat
Monday, August 15, 2011
Aug 2011-Open House
Aug 2011-Awesome August
Aug 2011-Bushnell Beat
Aug 2011-Facebook Options
Aug 2011 - Thank you Streaming Waters!!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
June/July 2011 - Save the Dates
June/July 2011 - Sizzling Summer in Macomb
Sizzling Summer in Macomb
We kicked off summer with a bang! We hosted lunches during finals – serving about 75 kids over two days! Then, we had a blast at the YFC Golf Outing. Attendees got to meet the Senior High Discipleship group, Roar, – and had they been needed, Campus Life Junior High teens offered to serve as well.
The first few days out of school hosted two photo scavenger hunts – one for Senior High and one for Junior High – fun times for kids and leaders! Lauren attended High Teen Camp, offering YFC teens an added place to build relationships/ Then, at Heritage Days, we hosted the Minute to Win It table and marched with nearly a dozen students with the VIBE Float (other students marched, just with other organizations).
Our Human Checker Board has been providing us with great fun. In the works are: Tic Tac Toe, 4 Square and a standard board-game board (“move 2 spaces”, etc). Gives a whole new meaning to “playing outside”.
We have more fun stuff coming up – including a trip to CIY-Move, a Christian conference being held in Roache Mo. We ask for your prayers for traveling mercies, but particularly for God ‘s presence to make a lifelong impression in these students.
This year’s YFC Student Leadership Team has had some changes and are as follows:
- Student President: Justin Derry
- YFC Student Vice President: Brandon Rossio
- Secretary: Laurie Daniels
- Team Manager: Alexis Aurelio
- Underclassman Representative: Kassi Groff
- Junior High Student President: Colton Markey
- 6th grade Class Representative: Kelcie Cawthorn
- 7th grade Class Representative: Hannah Moon
- Team Manager: Hayley Coker
Our big news is the launching of Campus Life Senior High – launching September 12th! All the fun the Junior High kids have been having – expands to MHS.
Ways to Help
As the summer programs continue, we are beginning to run low on soda , water and snacks. It would be a huge blessing for donations of such items – they can be left on the porch at anytime. (If you are interested in joining the Cookie Ministry team, please let me know.
Consider joining the Senior High Campus Life team. We run Campus Life with multiple leaders, enabling small group attention and developing relationships. If you would like to know more, please call me.
Churches, we are getting ready to develop the pizza lunch partner schedules. If you have not already joined the team, please consider doing so – rotation is about once every 8-10 weeks, providing sodas and snacks, and people to serve & love on kids.
To reach Lauren: 309 252 0404 email: Facebook – I’m on it