Monday, September 19, 2011
Sept 2011 - Banquet
Sept 2011- Here We Go!!!
I just LOVE September – sure, my calendar goes crazy, but with such great things! To help you share in our excitement, we decided to tell you with pictures.
We ended summer with a bash! Thirteen kids at Fun City as a goodbye-fun for our graduated seniors Becky Scott, Luke Buren and Chelsea Townsend. Girls Team poses before their round of Laser Tag: NaClintriss Parker, Tammy Carson, Kassi Groff, Becky Scott, Alexis Aurelio and Laurie Daniel. Team Two “patiently” (not really) waits their turn: Michael Herron, Brandon Rossio, Luke Buren, Justin Derry, Chelsea Townsend and Taryn Surprenant.
YFC Pizza Lunch returns! Free Pizza Lunch, the first pizza lunch of the year, hosted 125 kids (translates into 35 pizzas!). The first $2.00 Pizza Lunch enjoyed 75 kids!
Campus Life Kids (grades 6-8) continued to meet throughout the summer. We had a splash with water games and other goofy activities. Three students “Upgraded” (promoted) – Kassi Groff, Michael Herron and NaClintris Parker moved from this group to the senior high.
The Senior High Kids have kicked off a going-deeper program, we’ve named iConnect, with our first lesson series focusing on active prayers. Both Senior High and Junior High (gr 6-8) participated in a prayer walk/drive.
We encourage you to prayer drive Macomb:
- Macomb High School Students, staff, knowledge & wisdom James 1:4-6
- Macomb Armory For all who willingly serve John 15:12-14
- Bridgeway Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Psalm 139:14
- Loaves & Fishes For the poor Matt 5:3
- McDonough County Courthouse Justice for all (worldwide) Psalm 140 11-12
- Police or Sheriff’s dept Submit to authority; protection for them Romans 13: 1, 5-7
- MDH For the sick James 5:14-15
- YFC For Christians everywhere 1 Peter 4: 12-14
(you can email Lauren for more details at