Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nov09-Bushnell Beat

What a rainy year we have had! Wow. It truly is unbelievable, but since we lived through it, we can now tell our children and grandchildren about the wet year of 2009. Rain is good and we need water to live. Like rain, we need God to live spiritually. If we follow Christ, God promises to provide for our needs, but does not promise a picture perfect life.

We are definitely less than picture perfect when it comes to ministry in Bushnell, but we have had some amazing things happen in the last month. At our Campus Life meeting three weeks ago we presented the gospel, with two teens saying they wanted to make Christ their King! Five others rededicated their lives to Christ, acknowledging their need to walk more closely with Him. Thanks to the time our leaders put in working with the teens and sharing life with them, teens are seeing the light and their need for God in their lives. However, there are still others that need to make that decision to follow Christ in their lives. Continue praying.

A couple of weeks ago, we had a trip to Fort Wayne Indiana called Go M.A.D. (Go Make a Difference). Eight teens, 3 adult leaders and myself drove, built relationships, talked about life, worshipped, dug deep and sought God. Two teens went that do not know Jesus. Please continue to pray for them. Out of the other six (2 new believers this year), two made decisions to begin going to church. Luther Whitfield, our speaker for the weekend, challenged teens to surrender to God’s plan for their lives and begin learning how to live our lives for the glory of God.

Since Michelle and I knew she was pregnant with Andrew, our oldest son, I have been praying for his classmates to be saved. This year Andrew is in 6th grade. About 10 of his classmates have been coming to CL M (Campus Life Middle school) this year. Pray that God would give them understanding of the gospel and how it relates to living out their lives. They are young and still very impressionable. It is neat to be able to minister with my son and his classmates.

If you can, please consider some kind of financial gift at the end of this year. It would really help us at a needy time. Your prayers are coveted and are what keep us going through hard times and difficult circumstances in life. Many of the teens we work with in the Bushnell area do not have a church family or support team.

May the Lord find favor with you,

Todd Rodeffer

Nov09-Macomb News

We at YFC would like to start off by thanking all of you very much for this past year of support, whether through prayer, time, or monetary support, without which we would not have been able to complete the task that we have accomplished. Here at YFC our mission statement is: “To participate in the Body of Christ in the responsible evangelism of youth. Presenting them with the personal work and teachings of Christ and discipling them into the Church.” This is a great opportunity to make the Kingdom of God grow and to bring some of the most vital people in God’s Kingdom to know who Jesus Christ is and what he has done for them. Our goals as a national organization are quite large this year and we need your support now more than ever. YFC looks to reach up to 5,000,000 young people in 2010 and engage them in a productive relationship with Christ. We do this by reaching out to the young people in our schools, and our community, that may not already know who Christ is. To do this, the staff at YFC find it very important to go out among them in their environment, and step out of our own comfort zones to reach students in theirs. We get this idea from Jesus Christ himself, in multiple examples of selfless acts, where He steps out and touches peoples’ lives.

I would like to inform you of just a few ways in which we go out among the students to minister to them. One of the first steps we take is to meet the students where they are. This is where we believe going into their world is the most important. To be a part of their lives, we join the students at sporting events, musicals, school concerts and other school affiliated activities. After making initial contact with the students, we must find a non-threatening way in which to break down the negative stereotypes that these students may have built up against the Christian community. We do this through group activities that they might enjoy. As the stereotypes and initial walls they have built up are broken down, we open ourselves to answer questions that they may have and continue to show them the love of Christ. As we build our relationships with the students, we will begin to disciple them into a life with Jesus Christ, and they will begin to show Christ to other students on their campus, and in their world.

We would like to once again thank you for your time and previous offerings, and would like to ask you for continued support and prayer. As I am sure you all know, we are very appreciative of any and all help that you are willing to give. We just ask that as you consider supporting us for this upcoming year that you pray and let God lead you in your offering.

Thank you and God Bless, Ken Krueger

Current Macomb Schedule:

Fri. Dec. 4th - Pizza Lunch - University Baptist

Fri. Dec. 11th - Pizza Lunch - Maple Avenue Christian Church

Fri. Dec. 18th - Pizza Lunch - Macomb Assembly of God

We are also planning to get Campus Life-High School meetings up in running in January. If you have (or are) a HS student that

is interested in Campus Life, give us a call at the office. Ken would love the chance to get to know the students of Macomb High.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Save the Date - Annual Banquet 11/20/09

Believe it or not, our 18th Annual Banquet on November 20th, 2009 is only 3 weeks away. As in the past, it is being held at WIU’s Grand Ballroom. Doors open and silent auction begins at 6:00 p.m. Dinner is served at 6:30 p.m.

If you are interested in hosting or organizing a table, be sure to send us an email or call the office
at (309) 833-3026.
Be sure to come early and check out our Annual Basket Auction. The baskets themes ranged from Chocolate Lovers to Christmas to Movie Night. If your church is interested in putting a basket together or would like to donate towards a basket, please feel free to contact the YFC office or Kelly Barsi at 255-7010 or Vicki Reimolds at 772-3062. Dropoff locations are Barsi-Depoy Tax/Copy Pack & Post in Macomb or Bushnell First Presbyterian Church.

New in Macomb

In our search for a staff person to work with directly with MHS students God has led us to a young man with maturity and a heart to reach teens for Christ. Ken Krueger is a senior at WIU and lives in the Campus Students for Christ house just west of campus. He is majoring in Biology, has a leadership role in the campus apartments where he lives and has a desire to be a youth pastor someday. We are excited to welcome Ken as a part of Western Illinois Youth for Christ team.

Friday Pizza Lunches in Macomb continue with different churches sponsoring each Friday.
So far Scotland Trinity, 1st Baptist, The Crossing, University Baptist, Macomb Assembly
of God and Maple Avenue Christian Church have sponsored the lunch.

If your church would like to sponsor this lunch please contact us to get a spot in 2010. We will be rotating churches each week throughout the school year. This gives youth leaders and people in the church that feel a calling to reach out to teens another opportunity for contact with teens during the week. All persons are welcome to attend each week.

Current Macomb Schedule:
Fri. Nov. 6th - Pizza Lunch - Scotland Trinity
Fri. Nov. 13th - Pizza Lunch - First Baptist
Fri. Nov. 20th - Pizza Lunch - The Crossing
Fri. Dec. 4th - Pizza Lunch - University Baptist
Fri. Dec. 11th - Pizza Lunch - Maple Avenue Christian Church
Fri. Dec. 18th - Pizza Lunch - Macomb Assembly of God

We are also planning to get Campus Life-High School meetings up in running in a few weeks. If you have (or are) a HS student that is interested in Campus Life, give us a call at the office. Ken would love the chance to get to know the students of Macomb High.

SYATP Macomb

Bushnell Beat

In Bushnell, I had quite a week in ministry a week ago. The week started off strong with a good afternoon contacting teens at the Jr. High after school and a fun-filled and good discussion night at Campus Life M on Monday night. Then we had one of our best BAMA (Bushnell Area Ministerial Association) meetings on Tuesday morning with prayer for the community and forgiveness for the community. Then Wednesday evening at Depth Charge 3 male teen stepped up and let me know of their desire to do a bible study lesson. Also that night a teen told me of his decision to go straight after a long addiction. Thursday at Teen Lunch we had some teens
try some hot peppers from a couple of our local pastors gardens. That was amazingly hot! They each got $5. Thursday night at Sr. High Campus Life we had about 25 teens and very good discussion about out life stories. Is yours staying the same, getting worse, or improving? Then, what happens when God gets involved in your life? Since God never changes, He will always be
there for you no matter what you go through. Then it hit.

Recently we have had teens and adults in the community be drug down by, what I believe is demonic influence in the sexually immoral realm. Through our ministerial association we have learned that Bushnell used to be a red light district a long time ago, and the seeds that were sown then are still being reaped. Several stories have surfaced over the past week or two and it seems like Satan is really gaining ground. I know God is bigger. Please pray with me and the other pastors for wisdom, compassion and strength to be what God wants us to be in our community and in the lives of the people involved. Specifically pray against the spiritual darkness in this area for Bushnell. God can still use what the enemy intends for evil and in the end use
it to gain glory for Himself. The story is not over yet!

We have a weekend trip coming up at the beginning of November, called Go M.A.D. Please pray for this outreach weekend. Pray for the teens that go to be overwhelmed by the spirit of God and turn to Him for answers in life.

You are so great to have as part of a deep roots ministry team, reaching out to teens in the Macomb and Bushnell area. Keep up the prayers. God hears and answers them according to his perfect time.

Reaching teens for Christ,

Todd Rodeffer

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sep09-Bushnell Beat

If you have never been to the Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky, keep that trip in the back of your head for sometime soon. Eight teens and 3 adults went east for our summer trip at the end of July. There were a few challenges along the way with vehicles and tires. But there were also good conversations about God. Very thought provoking questions like, “If God is so loving, why would He send anyone to hell?” and “How do we know there is a God?” Answers to these questions seem fairly straightforward when one believes God’s Word, but very fuzzy if not. Some people just can’t get past their own selfishness and shortsightedness. Pray for a young man that continues to be involved in our activities, but relies on his own power and wisdom and has not put his trust in the one who can save him from eternal separation from the one true Holy God.

Last week I had a conversation with a young man that I discovered has a faith in God, but needs some direction and discipleship. He is a very outgoing person and cares about others. Pray that God will give me a chance to build into his life and help him along in his faith. Also pray that he begins regularly attending a local church.

Furthermore, there is still another young man that has been approaching me for help in his life as he is going through a relational split. He cares a lot about the other person and asks prayer for her choices in life. Thanks for praying!!

Pray, pray, pray too for another young lady that is in a very stressful home life situation and trying to live for Christ. She recently told me that she has been praying to get through what the drugs and alcohol do to her parents, and thus their relationship. Things are great one day, and then – WHAM – things totally change the next. She struggles with depression and asked if she could pray her way out. Wow! Would you pray with me for her right now?

Thank you for the many prayers for our family since the last letter. We are seeing some light at the end of the tunnel as we begin painting our new home. We should be ready to move in by the end of October thanks to a bunch of help from family and friends. We are very excited about the move wrapping things up in the new house.

Sep09-Changes at Macomb YFC house

Recently the YFC house has been spruced up. The kitchen and living room have a coat of fresh paint and the entire first floor has new carpet. We also have 2 gently used televisions that have recently been donated to the YFC house. MANY THANKS go out to those that came out to help with painting and tearing out the carpet. We still have some more work that needs to be done. If you are able to help, please contact the YFC house.

Our wish list includes: work on back doors, kitchen countertop replacement, upgrades to stove and refrigerator, installation of 2 televisions, upgrade to living room furniture, repairs to walk-in door on garage, new water heater and inside phone line repairs.

Sep09-Macomb News

First, we’d like to extend our thanks to Kayleigh Jump and her husband Jeremie for their continued support of Campus Life in Macomb through the early part of the summer and Cornerstone.

Now, as a new school year is upon us, Todd Rodeffer is currently overseeing the Macomb activities as we continue to search for a part-time assistant minister. If you know of someone who you feel would be interested, please contact the YFC office or Todd at 333-6186.

And now a word from Todd:
In Macomb, we had our first Friday Pizza Lunch last week with around 25 teens. Adults from 3 different churches came and helped. As I have been meeting with the local pastors, they have agreed to sponsor this lunch each week and work together to reach out to area teens. Pray that unity would build in this town between churches. It’s neat to see the body of Christ come together and serve. Still be in prayer for a staff person for the Macomb ministry. We have a couple of leads, but we want someone that is thorough, passionate, grounded in their faith, and loves others.

If your church is interested in helping out with Friday Pizza Lunches or interested in assisting with other activities at the YFC house, please feel free to contact Todd.

Current Macomb Schedule:
Friday September 18th - Pizza Lunch
Friday September 25th - Pizza Lunch
Friday October 2nd - Pizza Lunch
Friday October 9th - Pizza Lunch
Friday October 16th - Pizza Lunch
Friday October 23rd - Pizza Lunch

Sep09-18th Annual Banquet planning has begun!!

We know that November seems so far away, but the banquet committee has already begun planning. Believe it or not, our 18th Annual Banquet on November 20th, 2009 is only 9 weeks away. As in the past, it is being held at WIU’s Grand Ballroom. Doors open and silent auction begins at 6:00 p.m. Dinner is served at 6:30 p.m.

If you are interested in hosting or organizing a table, be sure to send us an email or call the office
at (309) 833-3026. Invitations will be going out in early October.

Churchs also will be receiving information regarding out Annual Basket Auction.
Last year, we had over 30 baskets that raised over $1800 for Youth for Christ. The baskets themes ranged from Chocolate Lovers to Christmas to Movie Night. If your church is interested in putting a basket together or would like to donate towards a basket, please feel free to contact the YFC office or Kelly Barsi at 255-7010 or Vicki Reimolds at 772-3062. Dropoff locations are Barsi-Depoy Tax/Copy Pack & Post in Macomb or Bushnell First Presbyterian Church.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Jul09-Macomb News

Hey everyone, I wanted to give you all an update on what we have done so far over the summer. We recently attended Cornerstone, July 1-4, and volunteered as the clean up crew afterward. We had two students who came and volunteered with us from Macomb, and we camped out with the Bushnell YFC group. I was glad that my husband had the opportunity to come with me this year, because of him and our truck, we were able to help pull several bands and people out of the mud on the 4th so that they could make it home. It was a wonderful opportunity to serve others and show them Christs love. It was such a great experience throughout the week being able to fellowship and worship God with a variety of people to a plethora of worship music. One of the requirements that we had this year for the students was that they attend at least two of the many seminars that they had to offer. Most of the students, both from Macomb and Bushnell attended the breakaway seminar which was designed just for High School Students. It taught them the importance of getting connected with a local church.
My husband, Jeremie, and I also attended a few seminars which were comparable to the breakaway for the teens. It taught that a majority of high school students who accept Christ fall away from the church and into worldly things after they graduate from high school. This is mainly because they do not get connected with a local church when they are away at college, and do not have anyone to look up to spiritually that they can depend on in tough situations. The seminar gave us some great ideas on how to get the teens connected with a local church whether they are going away to college or staying closer to home.
Another seminar showed us the importance of people in the church, and not just the youth directors or pastors, to show interest in the teens and to show them the love of Christ. At one of the seminars we were told a true story of what happened to the pastor. He worked at a Youth mission where troubled teens could come. One teen had been in and out of rehabs and had finally made it to their mission. He was the type of kid who had almost everything pierced, he wore black and was covered in chains. His nickname was Stinky Mole because of his smell, he didn't bathe, he didn't care about himself. One day when he walked into the mission a little old lady from the church, who was there helping, went up to him and called him by his real name and told him that he frightened her. then she gave him a hug and told him that she loved him and that Jesus died for him and that he loved him too. The pastor was expecting the worst from this kid, but instead he began to cry then turned and left. Many weeks later the kids probation officer came to the mission to see what had impacted him so much. The pastor thought that maybe it was the great program that they ran and all the things that they had to offer. But he was told that the kid said, it was the little old lady who cared for me enough to hug me and tell me that she and Jesus loved me. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the things that we are doing that we forget what reaches people. We think that it is our great program, or the awesome music that we have. This is not the case, it is the relationships and showing others that they are important and that we and God loves them. Many of us think that we have nothing to offer to teens, that they are too different from us. Or perhaps we think that it is not our job or place, it is the youth director or youth pastors job. Not true, as this story shows everyone can reach the teens if they are speaking the right language... that you care about them and God loves them. God has given everyone a gift, use that gift to reach others! Maybe you are not called to help teens, but you can do something. It is our mission as Christians to spread God's word and love through out the world, even in our backyards. "Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28:18-20; NIV).
In Christ,
Kayleigh Jump
Our Campus Life is meeting every other Monday @ 6:00pm at the YFC House. Our remaining meetings before school starts are July 13, 27 and August 10. We will also be attending some local area churches or youth groups on Sunday nights. Contact Kayleigh to find out the churches we will be visiting and times at 309-335-7904.


YFC- Macomb See You At the Pole Planning Meeting - Sun., Sept 13th, 2009 @ 4:30 p.m.

Questions/comments/Interested in being involved? Contact Todd Rodeffer at 309-333-6186 or

Jul09-YFC Work Day

Volunteers needed to rip up the carpeting downstairs, paint the downstairs and other miscellaneous items to be done. We have some minor electrical repairs and outside doors that need repairs too.

Some gently used living room furniture and a big screen tv would help us finish off the downstairs area after repairs are made. We also need people to donate towards the paint and carpeting costs.

To sign up: contact us at, the office at 309-836-3026, or Deanna at 309-333-0111.

Jul09-Bushnell Beat

Hello faithful supporters of God’s Kingdom work. Thank you so much for your generosity and faithful giving over the last 10 years plus of our ministry in Bushnell! It has been an amazing adventure so far. To be very honest with you we are very, very over committed right now.

Many of you may have heard that we have purchased another property NE of Bushnell and are doing some repairs before moving in. We have our current property up for sale NW of Bushnell and it just got rocked by some very strong winds on June 27. Our machine shed/garage, windmill, grain bins, hay barn, and many trees were taken out. The place is really a mess, not to good, when you are trying to sell it. Our plates are very full and we need a miracle to get cleaned up and moved into our new home before this school year. I do not get stressed out very easily, hardly ever, but this is a time when I am really feeling it. Praise the Lord for his faithfulness. I know He is preparing us for deeper and further ministry down the road. Right now is difficult, but He didn’t promise anything would be easy. Pray for wisdom, consistent time with the Lord through this circumstance in our lives, and love for one another.

On a pleasing family note, Andrew and Abby have been able to attend Faith Bible Camp this summer. Andrew loved it and I am thrilled for him. Abby is there as this is being written and our prayers are with her as she grows into the young lady God wants her to be. Andrew will be going into middle school this year, Abby into 5th grade, and Katy into Kindergarten. Pray that they will be a good influence on many of their classmates for the Kingdom of God. Thank you for sharing in our lives.

I continue to spend time with teens, building into their lives and encouraging them to draw closer to the Savior. Through this transition in our lives, I have had the opportunity to help teens develop as they help us clean up and prepare for the move. Pray for a trip we have at the end of this month to Northern Kentucky. We will be visiting the Creation Museum and Kings Island for a 3 ½-day adventure. There are some teens that really need to get away from Bushnell and freed up to talk about where they are at with Jesus.

On another front, I am taking on additional duties at Youth for Christ, Western Illinois. I will be coordinating the Macomb ministry as well as the Bushnell ministry. I will be overseeing new staff and developing the ministry there, as well. I have already begun meeting individually with pastors the last couple of weeks to get a feel for where they are at in their ministry, what their vision for the lost is, and how we can partner together. That has been a true blessing and is going extremely well. Pray for Macomb and the work God is doing there and wants to do. I will be part of team that will hire a new staff person for this fall in the coming weeks. Be in prayer for the right person for this job, as it will require unique abilities and a heart for reaching out to lost teens.

In Christ, and for His Kingdom,

Todd Rodeffer

Jul09-Bushnell Calendar

Every Wednesday - Depth Charge @ 8pm @ CCC (except Cornerstone Week and Week of Eastward Teen Adventure on 7/29)

7/23 - CL "Capture the flag" @ Rodeffers (6-9pm)
7/27 - CLM "Capture the flag" @ Rodeffers (6-9pm)

7/29 to 8/1 - Eastward Teen Adventure - Traveling to Northern Kentucky and staying at a church there for 3 nights.
Creation Museum & King's Island. Trip is $150/person and includes food while there, lodging, gas and entrance fees to
both places.

Jul09-Ministry Opening

We are currently looking for one or more part-time individuals for both Macomb and Bushnell starting in August 2009.
If you are interested or know of someone interested, please have them contact the YFC office by either calling
309-833-3026 or emailing us at We can promptly email them the job description and application.
Compensation may include housing (Macomb).

Position(s) will be filled as soon as possible.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

May-Jun09-Ministry Opening

As the school year comes to a close both for high school and university students, we find ourselves going through changes too.

We are currently looking for one or more part-time individuals for both Macomb and Bushnell starting in August 2009. If you are interested or know of someone interested, please have them contact the YFC office by either calling 309-833-3026 or emailing us at We can promptly email them the job description and application.

Position(s) will be filled as soon as possible.

May-Jun09-Message from Board Chair

Who is your favorite underdog? The Cubs; the little guy; the one picked last?

I love to root for the underdog – the one who everyone knows will lose, is down for the count, and is not expected to cross the finish line.

Being involved with YFC as both an employee and a board member reminds me that our local evangelical outreach, YFC, is the underdog. We have no director, no full time staff in Macomb, no big endowment, no fancy fundraising plan, and a 13 year history of just getting by. But to the teens that have been impacted by YFC, what matters is the life changing message of Jesus Christ.

Just think, the first crop of students who were impacted by YFC in 1996 are in their 30’s and have children, but still remember fondly the impact of YFC. Through the years, YFC has remained a fixture due to dedicated and modestly paid staff, board members who are also local church members, volunteers, local clergy, and the prayers and financial support from you. We are also mindful and thankful for all the saints who helped start and sustain YFC, who’ve since gone on to be with the Lord.

In McDonough County there are approximately 3,200 children who are school age. George Barna, America’s Christian pollster reports that two out of three born again Christians (64%) made that commitment to Christ before their 18th birthday. Additionally, “when asked to identify the most significant or challenging issues facing their teenagers, challenges related to their teen’s faith were listed by only 3% parents” (Barna). Given that only three percent of parents identify their children’s faith as a significant issue, it’s no wonder that teens are being buried by issues like pornography, drugs, alcohol, sexuality, greed, self-centeredness, and a lack of purpose, perspective, and meaning. Are we as a Christian community doing our best to reach the 3,200 youth in McDonough County?

The YFC board has been meeting with local pastors to garner feedback regarding the future of YFC. We’ve asked them if believers and churches in Macomb can come together and share Jesus with the next generation. What we are hearing is that YFC should stick with what is has historically done best: EVANGELISM.

If not us, then who? If not now, then when? YFC is the only purely evangelical organization in the county, and the only known strictly evangelical organization targeting youth in the five county region. Our many local churches do a great job with discipleship and training. By partnering with the local church, YFC aspires to specialize in evangelism.

Who’s your favorite underdog? How about the kid who has never heard about Jesus and is filled with hate and rage? How about the girl with everything going for her, but lives in a home devoid of love and purpose? How about the kid who’s parents are abusive and neglectful? How about the young man who is teased and bullied and is nearing the end of his rope? How about a young lady who is about to follow our culture into a world of impurity?

Are you burdened for the young underdogs in our community? Please make your best gift to YFC: time, energy, prayer, or finances.

To quote a board member, “…financially, times are nearing the point of desperation.” As a board, our request for financial help is based solely on our desire to sustain YFC for future teens that need to hear the message of Jesus.


Tye Adair

Board Chair, Western Illinois Youth For Christ

Donations may be mailed to: Youth for Christ

PO Box

Macomb, IL 61455

May-Jun09-Macomb News

Redneck Olympics High Schools Girls Overnight Agape

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.” It can be very scary to be given responsibility in God’s kingdom, but we know that whatever God calls us to, He also equips us for. I have been privileged to experience that this year serving at Youth for Christ. I have learned much about God, myself, teenagers, and the journey of the soul. I wish I had learned some of it more quickly, but like all children, I had to learn some lessons the hard way. Fortunately these are the lessons most readily remembered, and I will carry all I have learned here with me wherever I go. This brings me to the fact that this is my last newsletter for YFC. It is time for my husband and I to move on to the next season of our lives, but we will always cherish our time in Macomb serving the Lord at YFC.

These several weeks have given us some especially great memories. We started out May with a trip to Agape Fest where we took three high school students to camp out and enjoy some good Christian music. The following weekend, we had a “slumber party” for our high school girls. It was a great night for fellowship and fun. We even went to Café Aroma’s open mic night, and some of the girls and Kayleigh performed. Later in May Kayleigh and I went with some students to visit the Crossing one Sunday night. We were happy to find that they really enjoyed it, and we hope that they will continue attending there or at another church and truly become part of the body of Christ in Macomb. Near the end of May we had our last presentation of the gospel at Campus Life for this school year. Many of the students communicated that they do have a relationship with Jesus Christ, so the next step for many of them is to learn to live in obedience to Him and to become part of a local congregation of believers. This can be a very difficult step for a teenager, especially if their family is not supportive and helpful in this endeavor, so please be in prayer for them about this. We ended the year with a cookout where we just spent a few hours hanging out and having fun with the kids to celebrate the end of the school year.

Kayleigh is planning to continue meeting with students every 2 weeks throughout the summer. The next meeting will be Monday, June 15 at the YFC house. She plans to continue discussing various topics from a Biblical perspective as well as to do some other fun activities.

I cannot end this without adding a HUGE THANK YOU to our volunteers. We could not have accomplished half of what we did this year without the help of our husbands, John and Jeremy, and two very dedicated young women, Jasmine and Sharee Young. Their consistent and energetic service has been humbling and encouraging to see throughout this year, and I speak for Kayleigh and myself when I say “Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!”

May-Jun09-Bushnell Beat

Photos from Redneck Olympics

School is out and summer is here! I have some praises from this past school year and some disappointments. There were many challenges this year with discipline. We also made some strides with a few young ladies, I hope. Also, we have a long-time volunteer leader retiring after 8 years of service.

This years graduating class had so much potential going into high school. Over 15 of them trusted in Christ their 8th grade year. It is sad to say that most of them drifted away, got choked out, or their seed landed in rocky soil. The reasons are endless. That’s why it takes the body of Christ to grow young followers. Most of these teens began going to a discipleship group of some kind, Sunday school, depth charge, blast off, or Sunday morning church. In the end, they compromised their faith and followed other things. Is there still hope? YES!

Others have drifted away, but we can be sure that God will keep drawing them back to himself day after day, year after year.

In the past school year, 5 teens have trusted Christ as their savior, several others recommitted their lives and are trying to live out their faith on a daily basis. Please pray for these teens as they are each challenged to connect with a church in their community and grow in their faith. Also pray that the enemy does not choke their seed out with the worries of this world. Thanks!

Donna Williams is retiring from YFC after 8 years of service. She is a wonderful lady that loves the Lord with all of her heart. She teaches Sunday school and Youth group at the 1st Baptist Church in Bushnell. Please pray for her as she continues her service to the teens in Bushnell and her grandchildren. Thank you Donna!

One of the biggest praises of the year came a couple of weeks ago, when I found out that a high school teen trusted Christ following Dare 2 Share. She has been attending event after event and meeting after meeting this whole school year with a close friend. Several times throughout the year I have taken time to ask her about her relationship with Jesus. She just wasn’t ready, but I could sense her drawing ever closer to Christ. Then our second to last Campus Life meeting of the year, we had our gospel night and she indicated she had put her trust in Jesus for her salvation. What a miracle!! Praise the Lord for His working in her life through many people.

As far as our family goes, we will be moving some time late this summer, after our home is sold and we have been able to fix up the new place. We are really looking forward to that. Last month, Andrew and Abby attended a Faith Bible Camp retreat as campers and they loved it. I really appreciate that ministry that Twig does. They are planning on attending camp this summer, too. I love how the kids get a chance to learn so many bible verses and hear quality teachers of God’s Word. Pray for Andrew as he will be going into Middle school this next year.

Thank you for all of your prayers and gifts on our behalf. If any of you would like to get together and talk over the summer, just give us a call and we will try to arrange a time. God bless,

The Rodeffer’s

May-Jun09-Bushnell Summer Calendar

Every Wednesday - Depth Charge @ 8pm @ CCC (except Cornerstone Week and Week of Eastward Teen Adventure on 7/29)

6/8 - CLM to Ball Fore (5-9pm) bring $5
6/11 - CL to Ball Fore (6-10pm) bring $5
6/22 - CLM Fishing/Bonfire @ Rodeffers (5-9pm)
6/25 - CL Fishing/Bonfire @ Rodeffers (5-9pm)
6/29 - Cornerstone Week - get wrist bands for volunteers - need $90 deposit - after volunteer hours are served, deposit is refunded.

7/5 - Cornerstone Volunteering (9-5pm)
7/6 - Cornerstone Volunteering (8-4pm)
7/7 - Cornerstone Volunteering (8-4pm)
7/9 - CL Pool Party @ Rodeffers (5-9pm)
7/13 - CLM Pool Party @ Rodeffers (5-9pm)
7/23 - CL "Capture the flag" @ Rodeffers (6-9pm)
7/27 - CLM "Capture the flag" @ Rodeffers (6-9pm)
7/29 to 8/1 - Eastward Teen Adventure - Traveling to Northern Kentucky and staying at a church there for 3 nights. Creation Museum & King's Island. Trip is $150/person and includes food while there, lodging, gas and entrance fees to both places.

Fun City Day planning in the works - TBA - $10

May-Jun09-Macomb Summer Calendar

Starting June 15, we will be meeting every other week at the YFC house (except Cornerstone week).

Other events such as trips to Fun City, Cornerstone, camping and paintballing are being planned.

For information, contact Kayleigh @ (309) 335-7904.

May-Jun09-Golf Outing

We had 65 golfers this year. Although it rained heavily the day before, we were still able to have the outing on the back 9 at WIU’s Harry Mussatto Golf Course. The weather may have been cool and breezy, but all the golfers enjoyed an event filled with fellowship, lots of food and plenty of prizes.

We send out a huge thank you to our major sponsor Catch-A-Star Learning Center Inc., Hole in One sponsor Western IL Shotokan & Jujitsu Karate Clubs, Food/Beverage Sponsors: Neimann’s County Market, Ludlum’s Food Mart and CocaCola Bottling of Macomb, 25 hole sponsors listed below, the many businesses that donated raffle prizes (also listed below), the 65 golfers and our faithful volunteers. Without you, our golf outing would not have been the success that it was! Through this event, we were able to raise over $5,000 to be used directly in ministry.

Hole Sponsors -Ascone Family, Bushnell Banking Center, Citizen’s National Bank, Comcast, Cox Construction, Dough Delights, First Bankers Trust, In memory of JUDY FORNESS- CVS Pharmacy Employees, Gantner Family, Grand Prairie Assisted Living, Headliners, Rich Myers, Matt McClure, McDonough District Hospital, McDonough Power Cooperative, Robert McMahan, Mid-America National Bank, Midwest Crop Insurance, Digger & Sarah Oster, Pierce Law Offices, Professional Eye Care, Purdum Gray Ingledue, David Pyles-Financial Concepts, State Farm-Cathy Early, Walmart and Craig Waterstreet (Counseling Cares).

Raffle Sponsors: Arby's, Bushnell Banking Center, Bushnell Chiropractic, Bushnell Dairy Queen, Citizen's National Bank, Mel Blasi, Farm King, First Bankers Trust, Fun City, Hart's Nursery, HyVee, Il Spazio, Larry A's, McDonough Power, Nelson's Golf, Papa Johns, Rodeffer Family, WIU Golf Course, and Vaughn & Bushnell.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Apr09-Message from President

Did you hear that? Shhh... there it goes again. Did you hear it? I'm more and more convinced thatlistening is like a muscle. The more we use the skill, the greater our ability will become to listen. I've heard people dismiss or discount their capacity by simply saying, "I'm just not a good listener." To which I think we should collectively declare... "Foul, not acceptable, no free pass." You become a good listener; you aren't simply born to be one. Listening is a gift you give to the individualthat you are with. It's the foot washing of everyday life. It highlights the significance of the words thatthe other individual has to share and the thoughts that are on their mind. Some people listen only so they can prepare a rebuttal or a grander story. They listen with a desire to overpower whatever experience or emotion they have just been exposed to. Some people simply wander; mentally, physically... and certainly emotionally to a place that is so far from their communication partner that they couldn't possibly join in a meaningful exchange. Listening elevates and participates. It connects your attention, your hearing, your mind, and your emotion. Great listeners participate in the heavy lifting of capturing each word and in dipping into the meaning and feeling behind each. Great listeners convert the mechanics of hearing into the art of involvement. Jesus listened well. The Son of God... with so much to say... listened well. And in it He taught us about love, compassion and sacrifice. Practice, exercise, stretch, discipline yourself to listen well. Wash the feet of those that talk with you by taking off the cloak of self-centeredness and personal agenda... and listen. It will transform any and every relationship you have.

Apr09-7th Annual Golf Outing

YFC Golf Outing Sat., May 16th, 2009

Location: WIU’s Harry Mussatto Golf Course
Time: Shotgun start 8:00 am
Come enjoy a great day out on the links!

The golf committee is already gearing up for an awesome event. This year, we are having a $15,000 Hole-in-One 50/50 Split Contest on Hole #3 as well as auxilary hole-in-one prizes on the remaining par 3 holes. We’ll still be offering mulligans and closer tees, but adding one additional way of improving your score.

The day includes a light breakfast during registration, 18 holes with cart, a gift for each participant, snacks and beverages during play, a catered grilled lunch, prizes in various divisions and raffle prizes.
Get a foursome together from your church and compete for the Traveling Church trophy. To sign up, contact us at, the office at 309-836-3026 or Deanna at 309-333-0111.

Apr09-Macomb News

Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to give you all an update on what we have been doing with YFC in Macomb for the past few weeks. The annual Dare-2-Share trip was March 27-28. We had three students attend along with two volunteers and myself. At Dare-2-Share our students not only got to listen to some incredible music and speakers, but they got to learn how to “shred the gnar” in sharing their faith with their friends. Also over the past few weeks we have been teaching the kids about God’s love for them. We taught the kids about Jesus’ sacrifice to pay the price for our sins, so that we can live eternally with God. Although we did not have any new students commit their life to Christ, they did have the courage to let us know that they weren‘t quite ready to make a decision yet. Pray that God will move in these students hearts and that they will come to trust Christ with their lives. Thank you for all your support and prayers without it none of this would have been possible.
~ Kayleigh
Upcoming Events
Agape Fest ~ May 1-2
High School Girls Sleepover ~ May 8 @6pm

Apr09-Bushnell News

Our big event in the last month was Dare 2 Share. We had 23 teens and 7 adults go to St. Louis from March 27-28. Some of the teens learned a lot and were able to constructively share the gospel with theirfriends. One young lady even had a friend trust Christ right on the phone. I made a call to one of the high school student that I have been praying for this semester. He didn’t put his full faith in Jesus, but understands the gospel truth. On Saturday afternoon we got to share the gospel with hurting people onour mission of collecting canned goods for a local mission. We also prayed with people and engaged them about their spiritual beliefs. This is always a good chance to get out of our comfort zones, grow our faith, and help people along the way. We also had a few teens that were in an out of the meetings and were distractive on the trip. Pray for them, as they have not all trusted Christ as their Savior and need guidance in their lives. Also, pray for our volunteer leaders and myself as we comeup with a plan to meet their needs and bring order into their lives.
In the last month our high school ministry has been talking about things that disconnect us from each other and God. I want to say thank you for praying for our meeting on pornography last week. The guys really opened up and realized some of the future implications it can have. All of them said they wanted a “new car”, not a used one, when it comes to getting married some day. It’s great to have a prayer team to lift us up! Send me an email if you are not on my prayer team and want to be and I will put you on the team. A really neat opportunity to explain what Good Friday is, happened with one of my son’s friends. We were driving along on Good Friday and Andrew shared a little bit what it was about and then I finished. By the end of the ride Andrew’s friend said,“Oh, I never knew that.” It was cool. Now he knows. Pray that God will open up his heart and reveal Himself to this young boy.
Our family is growing and on the go a lot. We have wonderful extended family and get to see them regularly. I even had a chance to visit my home church over Easter and attend service there. It was great to see some friends and people that I really appreciate building into my life as a youth. Thanks be to God for how He works in our lives.
Upcoming trips events:
May 8 – Jr. High guys campout
May 9 – Jr. High girls campout
May 10 – Baccalaureate May 17 - Graduation
May 18 & 21 End of year CL meetings

Apr09-Youth Advisory

Macomb Youth Advisory Committee - Reminder
All churches in the Macomb area are invited to join this committee. Several local pastors and leaders will meet once amonth during the summer beginning May 12th at 10:15 a.m. During these four meetings we will discuss viable options for the future of YFC, possible obstacles, and if YFC can continue primarily as a volunteer organization. Feel free to call or email the YFC office if you have questions regarding the process, or if you would like your church to be represented at the advisory meetings.

Apr09-House Repairs

Request for help:
Recently the facilities committee has reported to the Board a list of repairs needed at YFC house. If anyone would like to help us out with a specific repair or would like to donate to a specific project, please feel free to contact the office by phone or email.
- repair hole in kitchen floor and replace kitchen flooring

- need new (back) door that enters kitchen (door & frame)

- kitchen needs to be painted

- entire downstairs (except kitchen) needs new carpet

- wheelchair ramp to back door needs work or needs to be removed

- front foundation of house needs to be repaired

- side door of garage needs to be replace (wind damage)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mar09-7th Annual Golf Outing

Mark it on your calendar!
7th Annual YFC Golf Outing
Sat., May 16th, 2009

Location: WIU’s Harry Mussatto Golf Course
Time: Shotgun start 8:00 am
Come enjoy a great day out on the links!

The golf committee is already gearing up for an awesome event. This year, we are having a $15,000 Hole-in-One 50/50 Split Contest on Hole #3 as well as auxilary hole-in-one prizes on the remaining par 3 holes. We’ll still be offering mulligans and closer tees, but adding one additional way of improving your score.

The day includes a light breakfast during registration, 18 holes with cart, a gift for each participant, snacks and beverages during play, a catered grilled lunch, prizes in various divisions and raffle prizes.

Get a foursome together from your church and compete for the Traveling Church trophy. Scotland Trinity will be doing their best to repeat their win from last year. Brochures will be available by April 1st. Feel free to contact us at orDeanna at 309-333-0111. We’ll be glad to drop one in the mail to you.

Mar09-Introducing one of our newest board members

My name is Jeff Gantner. Last month I attended a board meeting for Youth for Christ and was voted on. About five years ago through my church, we opened a youth center on the square where I helped run and assisted the youth pastor with concerts. I have always had a burden for teens in the area and feel Macomb needs a positive place for them to hang out. When my two children were young, my wife and I volunteered as team leaders, and helped with fundraisers. I look forward to being a part of the YFC board.

Mar09-News in Macomb

A few weeks ago at Campus Life we talked about why God came to Earth in human form. In the end, we decided He chose this approach because He wanted to give us a glimpse of who He is in a way that we could understand and not be afraid of. For many people today, reading the Gospels gives them that glimpse into the heart of God that draws them into a relationship with Him, but for many others, the Jesus of Scriptures still seems distant and irrelevant. That is why we try to follow Christ’s example by giving the students at YFC a glimpse of God that they can understand. Our prayer is that bit by bit, they will grow to understand Him, and then to trust Him, and finally to build their own relationship with Him.

In the last month, we have had quite a few new students attend Campus Life and/or other activities such as, open mike nights at Café Aroma, or the 6-8th grade overnight. We also have a good group of students who have been attending very consistently. We are seeing them open up and grow, slowly but surely.

We have a few upcoming events on the calendar. During spring break, we will be helping to sort donations at the Crossing’s thrift store (date TBA), and another day, we will hang out at the YFC house for the afternoon. March 27 & 28 is Dare to Share, a conference in St. Louis to which we hope to take some students. In the more distant future, we hope to attend AgapeFest, a music festival on May 1 & 2.

Our students would be grateful for any opportunities to earn some of the money for these trips, so if you have any projects you need help with, please contact me at (217) 836-1733 or Kayleigh at (309) 335-7904.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support!

Mandy Johnson

Mar09-Bushnell Beat

Two Wednesday nights in the last month, we have had teens asking how to be saved. An evening when I was sick and one of our volunteers was leading Depth Charge, a young lady put her trust in Christ. A couple of weeks later a young man asked how to be saved. There is nothing like being able to share with another human being how they can spend eternity with Jesus forever! God is amazing.

In our high school campus life we have been discussing relationships, which is a popular subject. The last couple of weeks we have shown the movie “Fireproof” in order to facilitate discussions. It seems like a revelation when teens understand the big lie of the media and entertainment. This movie was produced and distributed for Godly purposes. Others are just trying to get their money. It was neat to see their reaction when they realized this fact. Also, it seemed as though the content of the movie really set in and demonstrated the difference God can make in a relationship. Please pray that teens will truly consider these fundamental values when choosing a mate.

Our biggest event of the year in Bushnell is our soup supper. This year was our 10th annual Souper Duper Soup Supper. Over 25 teens came out to serve soup and drinks to area supporters of Youth for Christ on March 6. Twenty of them signed up to do labor in exchange for help with their trip and event money. (i.e. Dare 2 Share) We had quite a few new people attend this year and our best support to date. We give thanks to the Lord for his protection and provision for this ministry in Bushnell the past 10 years.

Finally, we have a transition in our lives ahead of us the next few months. We have purchased a property north east of Bushnell, where we plan to move this summer. There is much to be done in the mean time. The property is a way for us to save some money over time and something that we have been thinking about doing for a couple of years. We are excited about the change of venue and if anyone has any time to help we would not turn it down. We are so thankful for the place we now live and know it will be a blessing to a family in the future.

May God continue his work and be glorified in all we do.

Please Pray for:

Dare 2 Share coming up at the end of the month.
YFC finances
Our family transition to new house

Morgan Pic : Morgan Lindsey, a new volunteer at Bushnell CL M

Big Group JV pic: a typical junior high campus life night

Mar09-Macomb Youth Advisory Board

On March 10th, YFC hosted an informational meeting for local pastors regarding an expanded partnership between YFC and the local Church. Eight local pastors, three YFC board members, and our office manager Deanna Eden attended the meeting. The meeting yielded a fruitful discussion regarding the past and future of YFC.
Several local pastors who were present for the informational meeting have committed to meet for four months, beginning May 12th at 10:15 a.m. During these four meetings we will discuss viable options for the future of YFC, possible obstacles, and if YFC can continue primarily as a volunteer organization. Feel free to call or email the YFC office if you have questions regarding the process, or if you would like your church to be represented at the advisory meetings.

Mar09-Soup Supper Thanks

Special thank you to all of you who came out to support Bushnell YFC at the 10th Annual Souper Douper Soup Supper on March 6th.
We also would like to thank all the student and adult volunteers and the Parent Action Committee.

Mar09-Help Wanted

Help Wanted

**Email addressesHelp us be good stewards of our funds by providing us your email address. We can email you our newsletters as well as donor receipts.

**Repairs needed at YFC house. We’d really like to repaint the main downstairs areas but we could really use some experienced advice/help.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Jan/Feb09-Mike Cox

It has been a number of years since I came on as a member of the YFC Trustees. One or two years prior to that my daughter was involved in club activities. She learned a lot about her personal relationship with God as well as building relationships. My wife and I always wanted our daughter and her friends to spend as much time as they wanted at our house. That allowed us to build our own relationships with these students. We were and still are so encouraged by the their closeness to God and to each other. We hope that these relationships remain strong.

I read an interesting statement by a man that, at the time, was homeless. He had a compassion for fishing and friendships. He said he didn’t understand why anyone would catch a nice fish and then just release it rather than show it off or let it help sustain you. And if he was your friend, he would be your friend forever and be there to sustain you.

I think back to those who have built their relationships through YFC, church youth programs or other groups just like my daughter. This has helped me see just some of the value YFC brings to young peoples lives. It is my hope that we as adults with young people in our lives will continue to see the need and do all we can to help those needs be met. Even if it means that we need to step outside our box and get involved in ways that we had not dreamed we would.

We have great challenges to meet and need your prayer and support. We would love to hear from you if you could help us in anyway. We would like to grow our board so that we have the best representation possible. Or perhaps an individual could help with some executive director duties or volunteer to help with events or with the newsletter. If you have any of these interests, please feel free to contact the following individuals: Mike Cox 309-255-0643, Tye Adair 309-836-2971, Todd Rodeffer 309-333-6186 or Deanna Eden 309-333-0111.

If you are interested in checking out a YFC Board Meeting, please feel free to drop by our February meeting on Monday, February 9th. We are meeting at 6:00 p.m. at Il Spazio’s Restaurant (upstairs) for coffee. We are encouraging past board members to come as well as we continue to develop our vision for YFC in Macomb and Bushnell. Please join us!