Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bushnell Beat

In Bushnell, I had quite a week in ministry a week ago. The week started off strong with a good afternoon contacting teens at the Jr. High after school and a fun-filled and good discussion night at Campus Life M on Monday night. Then we had one of our best BAMA (Bushnell Area Ministerial Association) meetings on Tuesday morning with prayer for the community and forgiveness for the community. Then Wednesday evening at Depth Charge 3 male teen stepped up and let me know of their desire to do a bible study lesson. Also that night a teen told me of his decision to go straight after a long addiction. Thursday at Teen Lunch we had some teens
try some hot peppers from a couple of our local pastors gardens. That was amazingly hot! They each got $5. Thursday night at Sr. High Campus Life we had about 25 teens and very good discussion about out life stories. Is yours staying the same, getting worse, or improving? Then, what happens when God gets involved in your life? Since God never changes, He will always be
there for you no matter what you go through. Then it hit.

Recently we have had teens and adults in the community be drug down by, what I believe is demonic influence in the sexually immoral realm. Through our ministerial association we have learned that Bushnell used to be a red light district a long time ago, and the seeds that were sown then are still being reaped. Several stories have surfaced over the past week or two and it seems like Satan is really gaining ground. I know God is bigger. Please pray with me and the other pastors for wisdom, compassion and strength to be what God wants us to be in our community and in the lives of the people involved. Specifically pray against the spiritual darkness in this area for Bushnell. God can still use what the enemy intends for evil and in the end use
it to gain glory for Himself. The story is not over yet!

We have a weekend trip coming up at the beginning of November, called Go M.A.D. Please pray for this outreach weekend. Pray for the teens that go to be overwhelmed by the spirit of God and turn to Him for answers in life.

You are so great to have as part of a deep roots ministry team, reaching out to teens in the Macomb and Bushnell area. Keep up the prayers. God hears and answers them according to his perfect time.

Reaching teens for Christ,

Todd Rodeffer