On behalf of the YFC board and staff, I want to wish Ken God's best with his endeavors to go to seminary in the near future. May the Lord bless you and use you in His Kingdom work!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Dec10-Thanks Ken!!
When Jesus comes a second time it will be AWESOME! No more worrying about what to do or how to do it. No more tears or agony. No more pain or death. All will be fulfilled. Jesus came to earth around 2000 years ago to save us from an eternity without knowing the love of God, without having an everlasting relationship with Him. May you all find peace this Christmas season and pass His love onto someone around you that doesn't know Him. That will be just like someone did for us, before we knew HIM as our Savior.
Here's a snapshot of what has been happening in Bushnell over the last month:
• Teens serve at the Youth for Christ Annual Banquet
• Volunteers initiating conversations about the Lord with teens. That happens regularly after a CL meeting during “hang out” time.
• Girls Jr. High Overnighter with female volunteers Lisa, Kelly and Mary Beth
Merry Christmas from the Rodeffer's
Please Pray for us as we continue serving in Bushnell
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Nov10-Banquet Summary
Nov10-Banquet Basket Donors
Nov10-Banquet Underwriters
Nov10-Macomb WishList
Christmas Decorations
Dehumidifier: to eliminate the musty smell that’s creeping upstairs
Game Systems: Getting a new one for Christmas? We’d LOVE your old one
Electric tea Pot: Heats faster than a kettle (necessary when needing several pots for hot chocolate)
Fire Extinguishers: we have one - it would be beneficial to have several
Lightweight folding Tables: As we move into a “Set Up and Tear Down” mode to make the most of our space, lighter tables would be a true God-send (ideally, four of them))
Pots/Pan Set: We need some pasta pots, sauce pans and a few cookie sheets to enable appointment lunches/dinners
Nov10-Macomb Calendar
Thursday, November 18, 2010
What's New in Macomb...
First, thank you to all who attend or participated in the banquet in some way. It was lots of fun and it is great getting to meet you all. I am very proud of our students’ commitment to serve (after all, it was a Friday night) and how well they did at it.
Next, we have some great ideas percolating and developing. The students and I agree that we want YFC to be a force for Christ in the community, not just some programs being run. To gain student input and insight, we have begun developing Student Leadership teams for both Junior High and Senior High (since it is still developing, I will save the list of names until the next newsletter - but yes, the Macomb students you met at the banquet are part of that team).
As a result of our first meeting, we are proud to announce that Junior High Campus Life will kick off January 11th, running on Tuesday evenings. Specific details will be announced in our next newsletter.
We also have two thriving support ministries, that you are invited to join us in: Cookie Ministry (providing cookies that we serve during our programs) and our Prayer Team. The team agrees to maintain confidentiality as we pray over the emailed list of prayer requests for students, leaders YFC and other needs. If you are interested in joining either of these teams, please let me know.
During our Battlefield of the Mind for Teens study, we focused on James 2:26, “Faith without deeds is dead”. As a result, this group came up with several ways to serve others:
· During the six Friday night home games of basketball season, 5th Quarter participants will be encouraged to bring Loaves & Fishes food pantry contributions.
· We will partner with Western Illinois Regional Council (WIRC) in an “Angel-Tree” like means to provide for some of the needs of children in the area, with tags available during Pizza Lunch. We plan to have the tags ready before Thanksgiving.
· We have discussed being on the lookout now for those elderly people that could use help with shoveling. If you know of an elderly person that still does their own snow removal, can you please email me at Laurensurp@yahoo.com. (Note: we are not certain how this will all work logistically, so we will try to get to all the names collected, but not certain if we will).
Lastly, we are discussing other fun activities that we can run, just to get kids connected to YFC, at least on a social level initially.
As we continue to develop and expand our programs, we would love to have you partner with us. Please watch the next newsletter for the specific opportunities that will be available.
Thank you for your care, commitment and support of YFC.
Be well and be blessed
Nov10-Bushnell News
Faith Bible Camp Retreat
- Five Bushnell teens attended FBC at the end of Oct. 22 -24, including our son and daughter, along with a friend.
- Todd counseled jr. high boys for the weekend. Pray for a young man that we took on the retreat. I sense he is very close to trusting Christ.
- David Hartwig, director of FBC, was the speaker for the weekend. David related well with the boys and girls, sharing some of his weaknesses as a child in the hopes of the teens gaining understanding about life choices and the unintended consequences bad decisions can result in.
Go M.A.D.
- Five high school teens & myself traveled to Fort Wayne, IN Oct. 28 – 30
- There were two 1st time decisions to trust Christ and 2 recommitments. Praise the Lord!
- Pray for a young man that still needs to make that decision in his life.
Campus Life
We continue to work with teens that need love, need to see love in action, and need to see what a loving family looks like. (About a week ago we had that chance.) We spent a day off from school with 3 jr. high boys at our home. We worked, ate, laughed and just hung out. I pray that God will use that time to show them that there are families that truly love and care for one another, and ultimately lead them to Jesus.
- 9 Teens greeted and served adult supporters at the YFC annual banquet in Macomb, IL Nov. 12.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Oct10-Macomb News
Macomb is becoming quite the happening place. In addition to Pizza Lunches, that average 70 kids and benefit from church partnerships, we also have two bible studies running: Battlefield of the Teenage Mind and the girls only study -BABES (Beautiful, Accepted, Blessed and Eternally Significant). We have run several Fifth Quarters - tons of fun and very relational… not to mention yummy (s’mores and other great snacks).
We have been very blessed by contributions of both cookies and soda - kids can come for refreshments at no expense to YFC. This is a HUGE blessing, as the way to a teen’s heart … and sometimes even through a teen’s attitude - is through soda & cookies.
As a means of connecting directly to teen’s immediate needs, we ran a Constitution study program for the 4 days prior to the state-mandated (aka: “pass or can’t graduate”) Constitution test. As a former educator, Lauren utilized her skills at transforming studying into fun. Games like Con Pong (answering questions during ping pong) , Be The Board (whereas THEY are the pawn during a board-game-like game and Name The Con - who’s who (and their role) via the Constitution. In addition to training them, we are also praying for their success.
I look forward to you all meeting some of the great YFC students from Macomb at the Banquet. We hope to see you there!
Oct10-Macomb Pizza & Activities Calendars
Oct 22 Industry Assembly of God
Oct 29 No School
Nov 5 Scotland Trinity
Nov 12 No School
Nov 19 The Crossing
Nov 26 No School
Dec 3 University Baptist
Dec 10 Maple Avenue
Dec 17 FREE Pizza Lunch - YFC
Jan 7 Macomb AG
Jan 14 Wesley UMC
Jan 21 1st Christian
Jan 28 Industry AG
Monday: Battlefield of the Teenage Mind 3:15-5pm
Tuesday: BABES (Beautiful, Accepted, Blessed and Eternally Significant) Jr and Sr high 7-8:30
Thursday: VENT 3:15-pm
Friday: Pizza Lunch
Fifth Quarter - following all MHS Varsity Friday Night Games
Oct10-Needs & Thanks!
Oct10-Bushnell Beat
God answer’s prayer
An answer to many prayers came this past month. A young lady from WIU began playing guitar for our Depth Charge group. I am so thankful for her and her attitude about wanting to serve God and help teens grow in their walk with the Lord. Please pray for Amanda as she balances, school, life and ministry. Pray for the teens coming to Depth Charge as we study the book of Revelation. Many thoughts have been stirred. Pray for a deepening of faith and a willingness to share their lives with others.
Mark, Chuck and I took 11 junior high boys camping October 1-2. Remember those days? I do. I remember when some adults from my church took me camping, fishing, and hiking. It was a blast! Well, we fished, took a night hike, told stories (including the gospel), asked spiritual questions, had smores, and topped it all off with a big breakfast. That was the largest amount of boys we have ever taken. Praise the Lord.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Sept10-Bushnell News
Getting back in Gear
Going deep at Depth Charge
The two young men aforementioned
A middle school teen that struggles with home life and depression
Campus Life Kickoff’s coming up
Volunteers as they work with teens
Teens to be open to God’s working in their lives
Sept10-Macomb News
YFC Macomb Update
We have started off the new school year with a bang! During our Free Pizza Lunch - held the first Friday of school - we had over 100 students attend! During the $2.00 Pizza Lunch - we had nearly 70 students attend! We went through 45 pizzas in two days!!! Praise God!
We held our first-in-recent-years Fifth Quarter with a dozen or so Junior High Students - complete with bon fire and s’mores.
The Macomb house has also kicked off an afterschool hangout program called Vent - come vent about the day. Some wonderfully talented ladies keep us supplied with cookies for the kids. (Could the way to a teen’s heart be through their stomach?)
Soon to launch programs include: Battlefield of the Mind for Teens by Joyce Meyers, Bible BABES (Beautiful, Accepted, Blessed and Eternally Significant) by Andrea Stephens and God in the Games - facilitated by Tom Surprenant.
We have been blessed by a variety of chairs (although anyone looking to discard good-condition patio furniture, we will gladly put it to use.
The main thing on our wish list now - cans of soda and bottled water. This could prove to be a large expense as the number of program participants continue to grow. If you would like to donate soda/water, please just leave it in the garage of the YFC house.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Aug10-Wish List
Aug10-Lauren & Ken
Aug10-Thank yous
Aug10-Macomb News
July had been a bit quiet in Macomb, due to camps, Vacation Bible Schools and vacations. However, we recently held our Prayer Experience event over two nights. One of those nights we Prayer Walked (ok, drove) Macomb, including: MHS (praying for all students, teachers, knowledge), Armory (for all military and those in authority), Bridgeway (that everyone is fearfully and wonderfully made), Loaves & Fishes (for the poor), MDH (for the sick), YFC (for the youth of America).
Now we are gearing up for some great stuff for the school year - the interior has received some color (come check out the new look), Pizza Lunches return (FREE Pizza Lunch is Aug 27th), and a few additional programs:
SENIOR HIGH MONDAY NIGHTS: Senior High students continue to meet on Monday nights. We are getting ready to begin studying Battlefield of the Mind for Teens, by Joyce Meyers. If you have a teen interested, please have them contact Lauren or Deanna to order a book for them.
VENT: Tues/Thurs 3:15-5pm We want to be a place for teens to just come and hangout… and frankly, vent about their day if they want to. This will be a safe place to celebrate your day or let out the frustrations and/or worries, within a Christian Environment. This will be open to both Junior and Senior High kids, Tuesdays and Thursdays immediately after school until 5pm. {Note: those of you who enjoy making cookies, I would love to have snack available for them - please let me know if you can help}.
PIZZA LUNCH IS BACK! We are kicking off with FREE pizza lunch on Aug 27th. All teens eligible to leave for lunch are invited to join us at the YFC house. After Aug 27th, the cost is $2.00 for pizza, soda and dessert.
FIFTH QUARTER IS BACK!!! The post-MHS football game event has returned to YFC. This event gives Junior and Senior High kids a chance to hang out with friends outside at a bon fire (weather permitting) or indoors - perhaps playing video games. We will be in need of firewood, marshmallows and roasting sticks. Also, we are praying hoping to acquire several gaming systems and some games to have on hand. This year’s Friday night home games are: August 27, September 10, September 17, October 1 (which is also homecoming), and October 15 (which is Senior Night).
CHURCH PARTNERSHIPS: Churches, we love you! Our God is an amazing God, and regardless of denomination, we love the same God. It is my goal to further develop partnerships between YFC and Macomb area churches. Please contact me (if I haven’t already contacted you) to set up a time to chat about how we can do this together. Wouldn’t it be great if kids could receive a helping of God each and every day? In small, steady steps, we can start that journey.
To kick off the year, I would like to invite Church representatives to meet at the Macomb
YFC house Monday, August 16 at 4:00 pm to discuss how we can partner together.
To reach Lauren: Cell: 309 252 0404 Email: Laurensurp@yahoo.com
Facebook - friend request me as well as join the group YFC Macomb
Aug10-Bushnell Beat
Cornerstone Festival
What do 7 tents, a small camper, a green table and a bunch of folding chairs equal? You guessed it, a campsite. When you camp with teens, along with 20,000 other people you get to know each other better. There is talk about the fest, life and God. We had kind of a rough time with a couple of the teens this year. We had language and behavior issues with a couple of teens. I pray that through the apologies, the time at the concerts, and the conversations that we had, those teens saw Christ in me. I pray that Andrew, Abby and Katy, who really enjoy the campsite and going to the concerts, did too.
Adult Leaders
I am so thankful for godly adult leaders that give of their time and reach out to lost teens. This summer a couple that helps with Campus Life has been consistently getting teens to church with them. The list has grown to over a dozen different teens, and some that, if you knew them, you wouldn’t believe they are going. As Richard relayed the story, he shared how they invite them, take them, and feed them. Kim, his wife, says there has to be a limit to how much they spend on the meals, but Richard just shakes his head and figures the Lord will take care of things. May the Lord truly bless them for their generosity and love.
Another leader that comes to mind is Pastor Dave Eden. (He is still a kid on the inside.) He has been so busy this summer investing in people with his family, VBS and community activities. He couldn’t do it though, without his supportive wife, Deanna. She really allows Dave to be the man he was created to be. Thanks, Dave and Deanna for your great support of YFC and the Kingdom of God!
There are many other faithful leaders that I will tell you about in the months to come.
A teen that needs Jesus
John (not his real name) comes from a home where dad isn’t home a lot. He fends for himself, along with his sisters on the weekends because mom and dad are often out of town. He is in desperate need of the biblical principal “training a child in the way that he should go.”
Fun City with Jr. Higher’s
What a day. It really wasn’t that bad. Water slides, pools, food and fun. Michelle & I took 11 teens one hot day in July to Fun City, a water park about an hour away. Times like these allow us to develop our relationships with teens so that they will be more open to listen and receive the gospel down the road. Thanks, Michelle for your sacrifice.
Things to pray about
- The young lady that we wrote about last month has moved in with her dad and is beginning to see that he has changed since she last spent time with him, which has been years.
- Pray for Andrew and Abby to be Godly influences on their friends in Jr. High
- That teens would expect God to do more in their lives and their friends lives
- Boldness to invite and come along side friends, even if they don’t know Christ
- A family of two teens whose dad is going away to a correctional facility for the rest of their teen lives.
Aug10-Bushnell Calendar
Friday, July 2, 2010
July 2010-Banquet Date & Location Change
July 2010-Macomb News
Hi All - My name is Lauren Surprenant and I have been having a great time with the YFC kids since the end of May. We hosted our First Annual (?) Photo Scavenger Hunt. We had 12 kids participate! Frankly, any activity that gets a picture of a Board Member in a sombrero, in her bathtub with 4 teens is surely one memorable event! (Thank you Kelly Barsi!)
The YFC building in Macomb hosted a youth group event. The first event connected YFC with other Jr/Senior high schoolers, including students from the Industry/Rushville school. We had so much fun, we needed to call parents and ask if we could extend the time.
Because of this event, we are launching a mentoring program, connecting godly High Schoolers with Junior High students. Presently, 5 students are connecting with 9 students. This program kicks off June 24, with a Connection Event at Ball Fore. Three remaining YFC students are interested in working with younger kids - I will be working to launch that sometime in July (I hope).
A few more social events are being developed. If you would like to stay informed as they are developed, please email me at Laurensurp@yahoo.com to get onto an email mailing list or join the Facebook Group, YFC Macomb.
July 2010-Bushnell Beat
Thank the Lord for summer time. I really do enjoy all of the seasons that He has made. For me, summer is a chance to spend a little more time with Michelle and the kids, because they are not in school.
In mid-June we took a trip up north to Lake Benedict, MN for my mother’s family reunion. The last time we did this was 12 years ago. Ironically enough, that was our first summer on staff with Youth for Christ. My how time flies. I am reminded of Psalm 103 v. 15-16, where it says, “As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field, the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more.” We have only a relatively short time here and it’s very important how we live our life.
Finding their place in this world
Casara trusted Jesus Christ as her savior in the spring of 2009. This year she graduated from BPC. Over the last year she has grown in her walk with the Lord, through reading the bible, attending church, helping with jr. high girls ministry and Depth Charge. Pray with me for her as she stretches her wings and flies. Pray that she will seek the Lord’s leading in her life. She really likes children and plans to take classes related to working with kids this next school year.
Pray for a needy young lady that is 18 and has been left behind when her mother went out east to relocate. Some Bushnell YFC teens have helped her out in the last month.
Pray for Andrew and Abby to be Godly influences on their friends in Jr. High
Pray for the ministry of Faith Bible Camp and other Christian camps this summer
Pray for a teen named Boyd (not his real name) that I spoke with about the Lord the other day. He needs to trust Jesus as hisThursday, June 10, 2010
2010 Macomb YFC Summer Calendar
entering college (college kids are welcome to come help)
June 14 NOT Meeting (CIY week)
June 21 Diving Deeper - (longer lesson time)
6-9pm Geared towards those who are already Christians
June 24-26 Heritage Days Let’s go together Thursday nt?
June 28 NOT Meeting (Cornerstone, Crossing’s VBS AND Lauren out of state )
June 28 - Cornerstone (want to help? let me know)
July 3
July 5 NOT Meeting July 4th holiday (Lauren just getting back to IL)
July 12 YFC Meeting
July 19 Diving Deeper - (longer lesson time)
6-9pm Geared towards those who are already Christians
July 26 NOT Meeting VBS in Industry (come help!) - Lauren is working this
Aug 2 YFC Meeting
Aug 9 YFC Meeting
Aug 12 TENTATIVE: Chris Tomlin Concert in Rockford
$25 (lemme know if interested & I’ll get details)
Aug 14 TENTATIVE: Christian Family Festival at Six Flags St Louis
$30 (lemme know if interested & I’ll get details)
Aug 16 Diving Deeper - (longer lesson time)
6-9pm Geared towards those who are already Christians
Aug 23, Aug 30, Sept 6 NOT Meeting
Email: | laurensurp@yahoo.com |
Mobile Number: | 13092520404 |
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Golf Outing Changed to June 12th
Photo Scavenger Hunt June 7th
Thursday, May 20, 2010
May10-Golf Outing-Sign UP!!
May10-Banquet Change!!
May10-Macomb News
Hello again,
As this newsletter gets to you, the semester will be coming to an end and the students will all be ready for their summer break. This past semester has been a great time in which I have gotten to know a few of the Macomb High students through our pizza lunch program on Fridays, as well as our Monday night outreach time. Our numbers have been regular for both, about 25-30 for pizza lunch and from 4-6 for our Monday night time. Our Monday night outreach will continue into this summer although I will not be able to be there myself. I am going to be heading back to
Agape fest-
On April 1st I took three students with me down to
In closing I would like to ask all of you for your prayers. Recently, with no surprise, life dealt me a bunch of bad cards, beginning with the deaths of some very close friends and family. I would like to ask for prayer for both my family and the family of Melissa Johnson.
May10-Bushnell Beat
How’s your heart?
Have you thought about the condition of your heart before the Lord, lately? He wants our hearts to be made of good and fertile soil, ready to learn, listen and put His love into action. Jesus was a master at this. Let’s just say perfect! If you haven’t studied Mark chapter 4 for a while, check it out.
As an adult working with teens I am always trying to gauge where a person’s heart is in relation to God. Are they open or closed? Are they hard hearted or tender toward the things of God? Sometimes they are kind of in between. That reminds me that it is the relationship with the person that matters most. When building relationships youth leaders earn the right to be heard through time spent with teens. It’s not that much different for adults either. Take time to get to know a person, do things with them that are not a part of your agenda, love like Jesus did, and share about how God has changed you when the opportunity arises. Then, I believe, the other individual will have seen Jesus through you. And that’s all we can do. It is up to us to plant the seed and water the seed, only God makes it grow. Each person has to decide whether or not to put their trust and faith in Jesus Christ alone, for their salvation in this life. May we be good farmers for the Lord.
Speaking in the Community
Over the last month I have had the opportunity to speak at Walnut Grove UMC and
Teen central
There have also been several times that teens have needed a listening ear. Volunteers relay stories and I have had 4 specific encounters over the last month as well. One evening a teen called me because he needed to get out of the house and process what had taken place with his parents. Another night a teen felt compelled to share his life story. All the wrongs he had done and his desire to get closer to the Lord. It’s amazing how the Holy Spirit works and how God has given us power to love and be his messengers in this world full of selfishness and pride. May the Lord continue to bless this community as we yield to his Spirit.
Family Central
On a family note, we have closed on the sale of our home. We are very thankful to all of you that prayed with us about this. We are settling in and love our new surroundings! Our daughter Abby turned 11 on May 14 and got the horse that was promised to her a year ago. She will be checking fences and riding away into the sunset, another dream come true. Thank you Jesus. I also got a chance to be a chaperone on my daughter Katy’s Kindergarten field trip. What a day! Kindergarteners are a handful.
Praises & Prayer Requests
· One teen put her faith in Christ about a week ago
· A couple of teens are really digging into God and discovering what He wants in their lives
· Pray for a Bushnell teen that dropped out of school due to having to care for his grandpa and brother
· Baccalaureate and Graduation coming up for seniors
· For the summer time to be productive in building relationships with teens and going deeper with God, discovering His plan in their lives.
· We have a couple of teens that are close to trusting Christ
· We continue to have a faithful group of volunteer leaders. It is nice to have a couple helping with Depth Charge on Wed. nights now.