Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Feb10-Bushnell Beat

Ministry Happenings -

Praise God for all of the volunteer leaders we have helping to reach-out to teens in Bushnell.
We had a great retreat in late January with 2 staff and 6 adults attending.
Praise God for more potential volunteer leaders to work with teens.
A Campus Life teen brought attention about a local billboard that unintentionally breeds negative thoughts
about our community to the city council.
Working with troubled teens in Bushnell – going through the fire with them.
I had a chance to speak at Faith Bible Camp in Yates City during their Junior High winter retreat.

Home update

Praise God that we were able to move into our new home Feb. 13!
Pray for the buyers of our old home to be able to sell their home in Bushnell.
Praise that Michelle got a chance to get away to Florida with my sister for
a long weekend.

Items to pray for

A couple of teens that attempted to take their own lives that we work with.
My physical condition – I have been sick lately with different things.
For God to break through the muck and mire in the lives of the troubled teens. For teens to get a bigger view of what
He can really do and who He really is.