Friday, September 17, 2010
Sept10-Bushnell News
Getting back in Gear
Going deep at Depth Charge
The two young men aforementioned
A middle school teen that struggles with home life and depression
Campus Life Kickoff’s coming up
Volunteers as they work with teens
Teens to be open to God’s working in their lives
Sept10-Macomb News
YFC Macomb Update
We have started off the new school year with a bang! During our Free Pizza Lunch - held the first Friday of school - we had over 100 students attend! During the $2.00 Pizza Lunch - we had nearly 70 students attend! We went through 45 pizzas in two days!!! Praise God!
We held our first-in-recent-years Fifth Quarter with a dozen or so Junior High Students - complete with bon fire and s’mores.
The Macomb house has also kicked off an afterschool hangout program called Vent - come vent about the day. Some wonderfully talented ladies keep us supplied with cookies for the kids. (Could the way to a teen’s heart be through their stomach?)
Soon to launch programs include: Battlefield of the Mind for Teens by Joyce Meyers, Bible BABES (Beautiful, Accepted, Blessed and Eternally Significant) by Andrea Stephens and God in the Games - facilitated by Tom Surprenant.
We have been blessed by a variety of chairs (although anyone looking to discard good-condition patio furniture, we will gladly put it to use.
The main thing on our wish list now - cans of soda and bottled water. This could prove to be a large expense as the number of program participants continue to grow. If you would like to donate soda/water, please just leave it in the garage of the YFC house.