Monday, January 31, 2011

Jan11-Bushnell Beat

The highlight of the last month of ministry was our Junior High gospel night at CL M. For those of you not familiar with our Campus Life outreach ministry, we typically have games, discussion, wrap up and snacks. A couple of times a semester we share the complete gospel of Christ and give teens an opportunity to respond. The Monday before Christmas was a perfect time for the junior high group. Several teens decided to give Jesus a chance in their lives and asked Him to be a part of their life! Many others indicated their positive relationship with Jesus. There were only a couple out of the group of more than twenty that were not ready, yet. Please pray for us as we follow up with the teens. Praise the Lord for what He has done!!

The high school ministry has also produced one on one talks with teens. Two of them in particular seem very hard to reach. I know seeds are being planted, but it is hard to see them go off into the world without the Lord, after investing so much in them. Please pray for Tom & Dave (not their real names) as we minister to them this last semester of their BPC years.

Recently we had a 5th Qtr. Outreach at the Community Christian Center in Bushnell where we teamed up with Checkrow Community Church, Carpenter Tools International (CTI), and other local followers to give teens a fun, musical and spiritual event after a varsity basketball game. Around 50 teens showed up with thirty five of them staying for most of the event. The young adults with CTI did an outstanding job ministering and hanging out with the teens. We even had a chance to pray with one young man that was hurting inside and really needed some direction in his life. Pray for him as he is adopted and really needs to feel God's love from God's people.

Finally, we had a very un-normal Christmas this past year. All three of our vehicles were down at one time-the night before Christmas break. My dad was in the hospital with a brain hemorrhage, as many of you well know. My grandmother was not doing well at all and very close to death, it seemed. At the same time, our house was torn apart due to us refinishing our dining room and living room floors. We are just feeling like we are getting back to “normal.” Thank you for all of your prayers for my dad and for us as we continue in this fight against the evil one. For we are strangers and aliens in this world, and this is not our home. Come quickly Lord Jesus. Or we could thank you for tarrying so that many more might put their trust in you as their Savior! We serve a Big God.

Praise be to the Lord of hosts for His mercy and forgiveness,

The Rodeffer's