Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Feb/Mar 11-Bushnell Beat

When was the last time you served someone? Maybe today, yesterday, last week, last month. In the last month at Youth for Christ in Bushnell I got to be on the giving and receiving end of service for the Lord. “If you want to be great in God's Kingdom, you must be a servant of all.” I remember that song from my college days, now my youth, because I turned 40 this month.

Our leaders were waiters and waitresses for one night at CLM (Campus Life Middleschool). We served the junior highers a full course meal of salad, pizza, and ice cream. One of our leaders taught the teens proper etiquette and table manners. You should have seen them trying to eat pizza with a plastic knife and fork. It was quite a night to remember. At the end of the meal a couple of leaders shared how the night tied into the life of Christ. Remember when Jesus washed the disciple’s feet? Pray for these teens as they navigate life in many different home situations.

We also got a chance to serve adults in the Bushnell community that support YFC through our Soup Supper. On March 4 about 25 teens and 15 adults served soup, drinks, and desert to about 140 adults at the Community Christian Center in downtown Bushnell. Following the meal 2 teens and 2 leaders shared how being involved with YFC had impacted their lives. I am proud of our leaders that give of their time to share God's love with teens. I was also impressed with our two seniors that shared how they love their peers in spite of what side of the tracks they are from. One of them shared a story of how he went to great lengths to be nice even when
other teens picked on him. Eventually, they became really good friends. Getting closer to a person also brings them closer to knowing God. That's what we are called to do as Christians.

One more way that I had a chance to serve was through the death of my grandmother. She was 103 years old and had many great years here with our family. She loved the Lord and loved people. I will always remember how many times she said that she missed grandpa over the years since his death. Now they are together. In addition to being a pallbearer, all the grandchildren played a football game in honor of her, because that is what she wanted us to do. I will miss her, but am confident that He, who raised Jesus from the dead, will also raise us that believe, to eternal life.

Finally, about 60 people showed up in Bushnell at the Community Christian Center on Monday, March 7 to truly surprise me on my 40th birthday. That was a true blessing. I had no idea. Thanks to all that took time to come, provide food, or drive others so they could be there. Thanks, Jody, for your spectacular game-leading ability, and of course the gifts for people 40 and older. And, thank you Shelly (my loving and caring wife) for how you put this all together.

Thank you so much for your ongoing support of YFC in the Bushnell area!
Todd Rodeffer

Upcoming events
Dare 2 Share – March 25-26
Paintball Trip – April 9