This has been one of the hottest months of my life. Back in the 1980's, I remember it being hot
in the summer as well, but that was a while ago. It's been a great summer unless you have been
trying to grow a garden or crops. Amid
this drought, I am reminded that the bible says in Matthew 5:45, “... the rain
falls on the righteous and the unrighteous.”
This is the time we all need to lean on the Lord to provide, and realize
that there are way more important things in this life to be concerned about –
namely souls of people.
How can we help others to see their need for salvation
through Jesus? Even if they see their
need, will they believe and put their trust in Him for eternal life? Our lives are like kind of like the weather,
aren't they. We have rainy seasons,
droughts, the more normal ebb and flow, etc.
Our challenge as a Christ follower is to be ready, in season and out, to
share the hope that is within us with those around us. Thanks be to Jesus Christ for His sacrifice
and example for us.
The last month has been full of events. We have had teens over for pool parties,
games, and hay rack rides. We have taken
teens fishing, to Ball Fore (miniature golf, batting cages, and driving range)
the last Cornerstone Festival, and Fun City (a water park in Burlington,
IA). Baseball has also been a big part
of the summer. Coaching can be very
humbling, especially when the team doesn't win that often. It requires instruction, encouragement (lots
of encouragement), lots of repetition, and a very good knowledge of the game
being played. These are all special
chances to be with teens, learn about them, set an example, and look for
opportunities to share about the Lord.
Thank you for all of your prayers, gifts and blessings over
the years!
Please be in Prayer for:
ñ Grenada
Mission Trip – It's our first over seas trip.
Pray for Michelle and I, along with 4 teens as we minister to the people
of Grenada July 14 – 21.
ñ This
school year's student leadership team
July 13-22 Grenade
Mission Trip
Aug. 6,7 Meet
with student leadership
Aug. 9 YFC
Volunteer Leader Training 5:30 pm at Spoon River College (supper included)
Aug. 14-16 YFC
Regional Staff Conference