Grenada was the highlight of the month for sure. It was great to get to go with Michelle. The 4 girls we took were very well behaved. We led a VBS for one church each morning of the week and held evening services for another Sunday through Thursday night.
Overall, 27 Grenadian kids made decisions for the Lord on the side of a mountain that week. We got to pray with many others for assurance of their salvation. God worked in a mighty way.
I was praying that God would change me and help me to be renewed in my faith prior to our trip.
Grenada! A treasured experience it is to me. To be able to go and see, go and serve, go and be humbled by the Creator. Yes!
The people are so open to talking about the Lord. They listen and share their beliefs. They have not been distracted by so many technological contraptions (inventions). Most adults seem to have phones. Some teens even have video games. Life is much simpler though.
With 45% unemployment, basic needs are imperative. But thanks to the warm climate, there seems to be an abundance of fruit and plants, which is mostly what they eat.
There is no need for insulated houses or air-conditioning. Most people do without, or don't even like the air-conditioning, because it makes them cold.
Not only did I get to teach about the One and only Creator, I was taught by their friendliness and open hearts. One service in the middle of the week, I once again surrendered all to Jesus. I get so caught up in what “I am doing” that sometimes I miss what God is doing around me. I was reminded that Jesus often took time to get away, pray, and be ready to do God's will wherever He went. That's what I need to do, too.
I am so grateful for those of you who prayed for us, or gave a little money for us to go. It was truly a trip of a lifetime for me. In a couple of years, I would like to take our family back.
Praise God for what He has done and how He draws all people to Himself, if we let Him.
Pray for...
· a 16 year old boy named Kaiheba who has a soft heart toward the Lord to find his purpose preaching the Word
· Our family to be changed for the better as a result of serving in Grenada
· a new effort to start up a before school worship and testimony time for teens in Bushnell
· The start of school – that teens connect with someone in the body of Christ.
· Recovery for me as I may have caught some kind of bug from the trip