Thursday, August 30, 2012

Aug12-Where Can I Plug In?

Students need positive adult role models in their lives, just showing that you care.  That looks different among different people.  Perhaps it’s through
leading a small group, perhaps by serving at pancake breakfast, perhaps by making cookies or providing soda.  EACH of these show kids adults care.

Serving Directly:
· Mondays:  just being available at After School Hang Out 3-5pm
· Mondays: helping lead a Jr High small group 
· Tuesdays:  helping lead a senior high small group
· Wednesdays (every other-ish):  7-9am making pancakes or serving as a morning devotional leader
· Fridays:  Assisting at Pizza Lunch 11:15-12:45pm (note: 2nd lunch starts in the winter,  with lunch ending at 1:30)
· Event Assistants:  On hand to help with specific events (5th Qtr, Kickoff, etc)

Serving Indirectly:
· Cookie Ministers:  This team provides homemade desserts.  We are able to freeze them, so they may be delivered at your convenience
· Soda Fairies… random deliveries of soda (okay to leave on the porch)
· Program Sponsor:  Each program costs a specific amount of money—
perhaps you would like to sponsor it
· Ministry Support:  Financial contribution towards YFC Western IL in general, or as individual support for Lauren or Todd.
· Prayer Team:  pray for specific items, while maintaining confidentiality