Thursday, November 15, 2012

Nov12 - Banquet

You’re Invited!

Join us for our 21st Annual Banquet featuring
Slap Happy Comedy! The event will be held at Spoon River College Community Outreach Center,
2500 East Jackson, Macomb. Mark your calendar for Thursday, November 15, 2012.

Luncheon Option-11:30 a.m. Doors open at
12:00 p.m. A silent auction will be held. Luncheon is free. Reservations are required. Unfortunately, Slap Happy Comedy will be  unable to be with us for our luncheon.

Dinner Option – Doors Open 6 p.m. A silent auction will be held. Dinner buffet starts at 6:30 p.m. Slap Happy Comedy will perform at our dinner banquet. Dinner with Slap Happy is $20. Tickets are available through YFC.
Please note: Slap Happy Comedy
 is only available at the Dinner Buffet.

Reservations required for the luncheon option
Tickets required for dinner

Nov12 - Tickets/Reservations?

How do I get my tickets/make reservations?

Whether you choose the luncheon or dinner option, getting yourself signed up is easier than ever!
Your simplest option is to go to
Once there, just fill out the form. If you are requesting a ticket, you can even pay online by clicking the link on the left.

You can also call us at 309-833-3026. Or you can drop by these locations to pick up tickets:

Copy Pack Post Business Center, 34 West Side Square, Macomb

First Bankers Trust Company, 440 North Lafayette, Macomb

Macomb Area Convention and Business Bureau, 201 S Lafayette St, Macomb

Nov12 - Macomb Happenings

Great stuff continues to happen in Macomb!  Campus Life is using the YFC small group program “If You Really Knew Me”.  Students have leaders that are directly connected and spending time with them.  It’s sweet to watchYFC senior high students and/or alum work with our Junior High.  Psalm 145:4 says: One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts. Our generations just happen to be grade levels.

Senior High students (iConnect) continue to work their way through Sifted, by Rick Lawrence.  We are very well versed in Luke 22:31-32:  “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”

The Coffee Café is an aromatic blessing that is offering kids a safe place to hang out.  A HUGE thank you to everyone who has donated various coffee equipment.  It is lots of fun. [Note: we are always in need of hot chocolate and decaf coffees].  The Coffee Café precedes Lifetree Café, a discussion based program that addresses contemporary issues in a gentle, loving, non-judgmental format.

In October, we helped 2 dozen students pass their Constitution Test…. meeting a direct need in students’ lives.  We were blessed with an additional 5th Quarter, as the Bombers had home field advantage in the first round of the playoffs.  We were also blessed for both Junior and Senior High groups to combine and meet their Bushnell counterparts at a hayrack ride & campfire event.

Reminder: Operation Christmas Child boxes are due November 12th.  There is a friendly competition between boys & girls … including who gets snack first for the rest of the year!

In November we are looking forward to working at Altrusa Bazaar (Nov 10) and Industry Methodist’s Vendor Fair (Nov 17).  We will be selling Christian Tee-Shirts – made to order.  OR have the kids design an original shirt with a scanned copy of their original work.  Prices range  from $10 to $20.

Save The Dates

March 22-23   CIY Believe in (Jr High)          Peoria                   
July 22-26       CIY Move  (Senior High)     at WIU 

Lifetree Topics
Nov 8   Smile, Even When You  Think You Can’t

Nov 15  none-Banquet

Nov 21  none – Thanksgiving

Nov 28  Power of Prayer

Macomb Pizza Lunch Hosts
Nov 9                   The     

Nov 16                St.  George’s                                                 

Nov 23                NO

Nov 30          Scotland   

Nov12 - Bushnell Beat

5th Quarter is an after game fun time that happens a few times a year for high school and middle school students.   At our last 5th Quarter we had a chance to clearly present the gospel to the teens that had been coming.  About half the kids present were not saved.  Pray for fruit from the time spent with them.  It's been great to partner with the Bushnell Christian Church on this outreach to teens in the Bushnell community.

This past month I  had a chance to attend and speak at the Bethel Baptist Voyager group in Galesburg, IL.  I love these people! It has become an annual speaking engagement for me.  It is great to see people I grew up around and that had an influence in my spiritual development.  Praise the Lord for sunday school teachers and adults willing to disciple youth.

Thank you to all of the local churches that have partnered with YFC to help put on the Breakfast club for teens before school on  Wednesday's!  It seems so simple, but going to Grenada this summer, made me realize just how important it is to share your testimony with others.  It encourages, brings real life experience into others lives, and gives glory to God.  This is what happens at Breakfast Club.  If you would like to share your testimony with teens, please contact me to set up a date.  God will use it!  

A few of the events we have had in the past month are highlighted with pictures.  We have had a paintball trip and a wild hay-rack ride. 
                -the Rodeffer’s 

Bushnell Prayer Needs

·          Pray for several of the teens I am currently working with.  Recently I have spent time with them in numerous ways and not need the right time to share with them the hope that can set them free for eternity.
·          Pray for a couple more adult leaders
·          Pray for unsaved teens to make a decision to accept Christ as their personal Savior at our middle school gospel night coming up soon.
·          Pray for Christian teens get a vision to reach out to their non-christian friends

It seems so simple, but going to Grenada this summer made me realize just how important it is to share your testimony with others.” -Todd

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Nov12 - Financial Data

Current Financials
Oct donations $7,721
Oct expenses $9,710

YTD donations $22,192
YTD expenses $32,560
YTD shortage $10,368