Thursday, November 15, 2012

Nov12 - Bushnell Beat

5th Quarter is an after game fun time that happens a few times a year for high school and middle school students.   At our last 5th Quarter we had a chance to clearly present the gospel to the teens that had been coming.  About half the kids present were not saved.  Pray for fruit from the time spent with them.  It's been great to partner with the Bushnell Christian Church on this outreach to teens in the Bushnell community.

This past month I  had a chance to attend and speak at the Bethel Baptist Voyager group in Galesburg, IL.  I love these people! It has become an annual speaking engagement for me.  It is great to see people I grew up around and that had an influence in my spiritual development.  Praise the Lord for sunday school teachers and adults willing to disciple youth.

Thank you to all of the local churches that have partnered with YFC to help put on the Breakfast club for teens before school on  Wednesday's!  It seems so simple, but going to Grenada this summer, made me realize just how important it is to share your testimony with others.  It encourages, brings real life experience into others lives, and gives glory to God.  This is what happens at Breakfast Club.  If you would like to share your testimony with teens, please contact me to set up a date.  God will use it!  

A few of the events we have had in the past month are highlighted with pictures.  We have had a paintball trip and a wild hay-rack ride. 
                -the Rodeffer’s 

Bushnell Prayer Needs

·          Pray for several of the teens I am currently working with.  Recently I have spent time with them in numerous ways and not need the right time to share with them the hope that can set them free for eternity.
·          Pray for a couple more adult leaders
·          Pray for unsaved teens to make a decision to accept Christ as their personal Savior at our middle school gospel night coming up soon.
·          Pray for Christian teens get a vision to reach out to their non-christian friends

It seems so simple, but going to Grenada this summer made me realize just how important it is to share your testimony with others.” -Todd