Friday, July 17, 2009

Jul09-Macomb News

Hey everyone, I wanted to give you all an update on what we have done so far over the summer. We recently attended Cornerstone, July 1-4, and volunteered as the clean up crew afterward. We had two students who came and volunteered with us from Macomb, and we camped out with the Bushnell YFC group. I was glad that my husband had the opportunity to come with me this year, because of him and our truck, we were able to help pull several bands and people out of the mud on the 4th so that they could make it home. It was a wonderful opportunity to serve others and show them Christs love. It was such a great experience throughout the week being able to fellowship and worship God with a variety of people to a plethora of worship music. One of the requirements that we had this year for the students was that they attend at least two of the many seminars that they had to offer. Most of the students, both from Macomb and Bushnell attended the breakaway seminar which was designed just for High School Students. It taught them the importance of getting connected with a local church.
My husband, Jeremie, and I also attended a few seminars which were comparable to the breakaway for the teens. It taught that a majority of high school students who accept Christ fall away from the church and into worldly things after they graduate from high school. This is mainly because they do not get connected with a local church when they are away at college, and do not have anyone to look up to spiritually that they can depend on in tough situations. The seminar gave us some great ideas on how to get the teens connected with a local church whether they are going away to college or staying closer to home.
Another seminar showed us the importance of people in the church, and not just the youth directors or pastors, to show interest in the teens and to show them the love of Christ. At one of the seminars we were told a true story of what happened to the pastor. He worked at a Youth mission where troubled teens could come. One teen had been in and out of rehabs and had finally made it to their mission. He was the type of kid who had almost everything pierced, he wore black and was covered in chains. His nickname was Stinky Mole because of his smell, he didn't bathe, he didn't care about himself. One day when he walked into the mission a little old lady from the church, who was there helping, went up to him and called him by his real name and told him that he frightened her. then she gave him a hug and told him that she loved him and that Jesus died for him and that he loved him too. The pastor was expecting the worst from this kid, but instead he began to cry then turned and left. Many weeks later the kids probation officer came to the mission to see what had impacted him so much. The pastor thought that maybe it was the great program that they ran and all the things that they had to offer. But he was told that the kid said, it was the little old lady who cared for me enough to hug me and tell me that she and Jesus loved me. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the things that we are doing that we forget what reaches people. We think that it is our great program, or the awesome music that we have. This is not the case, it is the relationships and showing others that they are important and that we and God loves them. Many of us think that we have nothing to offer to teens, that they are too different from us. Or perhaps we think that it is not our job or place, it is the youth director or youth pastors job. Not true, as this story shows everyone can reach the teens if they are speaking the right language... that you care about them and God loves them. God has given everyone a gift, use that gift to reach others! Maybe you are not called to help teens, but you can do something. It is our mission as Christians to spread God's word and love through out the world, even in our backyards. "Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28:18-20; NIV).
In Christ,
Kayleigh Jump
Our Campus Life is meeting every other Monday @ 6:00pm at the YFC House. Our remaining meetings before school starts are July 13, 27 and August 10. We will also be attending some local area churches or youth groups on Sunday nights. Contact Kayleigh to find out the churches we will be visiting and times at 309-335-7904.


YFC- Macomb See You At the Pole Planning Meeting - Sun., Sept 13th, 2009 @ 4:30 p.m.

Questions/comments/Interested in being involved? Contact Todd Rodeffer at 309-333-6186 or

Jul09-YFC Work Day

Volunteers needed to rip up the carpeting downstairs, paint the downstairs and other miscellaneous items to be done. We have some minor electrical repairs and outside doors that need repairs too.

Some gently used living room furniture and a big screen tv would help us finish off the downstairs area after repairs are made. We also need people to donate towards the paint and carpeting costs.

To sign up: contact us at, the office at 309-836-3026, or Deanna at 309-333-0111.

Jul09-Bushnell Beat

Hello faithful supporters of God’s Kingdom work. Thank you so much for your generosity and faithful giving over the last 10 years plus of our ministry in Bushnell! It has been an amazing adventure so far. To be very honest with you we are very, very over committed right now.

Many of you may have heard that we have purchased another property NE of Bushnell and are doing some repairs before moving in. We have our current property up for sale NW of Bushnell and it just got rocked by some very strong winds on June 27. Our machine shed/garage, windmill, grain bins, hay barn, and many trees were taken out. The place is really a mess, not to good, when you are trying to sell it. Our plates are very full and we need a miracle to get cleaned up and moved into our new home before this school year. I do not get stressed out very easily, hardly ever, but this is a time when I am really feeling it. Praise the Lord for his faithfulness. I know He is preparing us for deeper and further ministry down the road. Right now is difficult, but He didn’t promise anything would be easy. Pray for wisdom, consistent time with the Lord through this circumstance in our lives, and love for one another.

On a pleasing family note, Andrew and Abby have been able to attend Faith Bible Camp this summer. Andrew loved it and I am thrilled for him. Abby is there as this is being written and our prayers are with her as she grows into the young lady God wants her to be. Andrew will be going into middle school this year, Abby into 5th grade, and Katy into Kindergarten. Pray that they will be a good influence on many of their classmates for the Kingdom of God. Thank you for sharing in our lives.

I continue to spend time with teens, building into their lives and encouraging them to draw closer to the Savior. Through this transition in our lives, I have had the opportunity to help teens develop as they help us clean up and prepare for the move. Pray for a trip we have at the end of this month to Northern Kentucky. We will be visiting the Creation Museum and Kings Island for a 3 ½-day adventure. There are some teens that really need to get away from Bushnell and freed up to talk about where they are at with Jesus.

On another front, I am taking on additional duties at Youth for Christ, Western Illinois. I will be coordinating the Macomb ministry as well as the Bushnell ministry. I will be overseeing new staff and developing the ministry there, as well. I have already begun meeting individually with pastors the last couple of weeks to get a feel for where they are at in their ministry, what their vision for the lost is, and how we can partner together. That has been a true blessing and is going extremely well. Pray for Macomb and the work God is doing there and wants to do. I will be part of team that will hire a new staff person for this fall in the coming weeks. Be in prayer for the right person for this job, as it will require unique abilities and a heart for reaching out to lost teens.

In Christ, and for His Kingdom,

Todd Rodeffer

Jul09-Bushnell Calendar

Every Wednesday - Depth Charge @ 8pm @ CCC (except Cornerstone Week and Week of Eastward Teen Adventure on 7/29)

7/23 - CL "Capture the flag" @ Rodeffers (6-9pm)
7/27 - CLM "Capture the flag" @ Rodeffers (6-9pm)

7/29 to 8/1 - Eastward Teen Adventure - Traveling to Northern Kentucky and staying at a church there for 3 nights.
Creation Museum & King's Island. Trip is $150/person and includes food while there, lodging, gas and entrance fees to
both places.

Jul09-Ministry Opening

We are currently looking for one or more part-time individuals for both Macomb and Bushnell starting in August 2009.
If you are interested or know of someone interested, please have them contact the YFC office by either calling
309-833-3026 or emailing us at We can promptly email them the job description and application.
Compensation may include housing (Macomb).

Position(s) will be filled as soon as possible.