Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nov10-Banquet Summary

The 2010 Youth for Christ Banquet was held on Friday, November 21st at Spoon River College’s new Macomb Community Outreach Center on East Jackson from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m with a little over 200 attending. We enjoyed a new facility with easy access and ample parking. HyVee catered a wonderful meal of roast beef, pork loin, tossed salad, potatoes, green beans and assorted fruit pies.

Financially, our banquet raised over $10,000 for YFC programming and additional $160 to go directly to supplying bibles to students. We also added many new names to our mailing list, new prayer supporters and even some new regular financial supporters!!

We had 34 baskets this year which raised over $2600 for YFC. We’d like to thank all the basket donors!! There were some beautiful and creative baskets this year, as always! Also, a big thank you to Derek Hammond for putting together a video of former YFC students.
The video can be viewed on youtube (at and includes Sarah Kuras, Lindsay Hess Luecht, Justin Ensinger, Derek Hammond and Hillary Erdmann Fosdyck. Be sure to check it out. After the video was shown, Tye Adair reflected on the Impact of YFC in the Macomb and Bushnell youth. Lauren and Todd also shared about current YFC happenings. We even heard from some Macomb YFC students and some Bushnell YFC volunteers.

Another BIG Thank You to Shepherd's Gate Foursquare Church Praise Band for providing the music this year. We had a stage packed with incredible musicians and vocalists!!

Finally thank you to all the corporate and individual underwriters, table hosts, our basket committtee (Kelly Barsi, Vicki Reimolds & Kay McCance) and the CL & CL-M student volunteers (so great to see teens cheerfully serving), and so many others that helped to put together this year’s event.

Nov10-Banquet Basket Donors

Basket Donors
Macomb First Christian
Dragonfly Shell Photography
(Michelle Keeffer)
Bushnell First Baptist
Bushnell Christian
Bushnell United Methodist
Ken & Deb Dallefeld
Calvary Baptist x 7
Macomb Church of God
Maple Avenue
The Crossing
Macomb Assembly of God
Blessings Unlimited
(Lauren Surprenant)
Wesley United Methodist Women
St. George’s Episcopal
Sugar Hollow Studios x 3
(Wendy England McKeever)
Nick & Rachel Self
Pastor Rob & Darlene Harrison x 2
Table Grove Community
Café Aroma
St. Bernard Catholic
Bushnell First Presbyterian
Joe & Ellen Rodeffer x 2
Checkrow Community
Scotland Trinity

Nov10-Banquet Underwriters

Corporate Underwriters
Arnold Brothers Heating & Cooling
Barsi Copy Pack Post
Bushnell Locker Service II
Century 21 Purdum-Epperson Inc.
Citizen’s National Bank
Cox Construction
Clugston-Tibbitts Funeral Homes & Monuments
First Bankers Trust Company
First State Bank of Illinois
Ludlum Food Mart
Martin-Hollis Funeral Home
MidAmerica National Bank
Professional Eyecare Center
Western Illinois Shotokan Karate & Jujitsu Clubs

Individual Underwriters
Joe & Kelly Barsi
Dr. Tim & Kimberly Bengtson
Mike & Vicky Cox
Charles & Tina Cox
Loran & Paula Erdmann
Ken & Lorraine Epperson
Richard & Beth Ferguson
Jeff & Valerie Gantner
Charles & Wilma Hess
Ed & Karen Kuras
Gary & Lisa Ludlum
Larry & Debra Mason
Bernard & Kay McCance
Ken & Lois McClintock
Richard & Christine Myers
CF & Susan Pierce Family
Bill & Karen Poncin
Charles & Debbie Schade
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Samuelson
Morris & Mary Elizabeth Vos
Dr. Tonny Williamson

Nov10-Macomb WishList

Christmas Decorations

Dehumidifier: to eliminate the musty smell that’s creeping upstairs

Game Systems: Getting a new one for Christmas? We’d LOVE your old one

Electric tea Pot: Heats faster than a kettle (necessary when needing several pots for hot chocolate)

Fire Extinguishers: we have one - it would be beneficial to have several

Lightweight folding Tables: As we move into a “Set Up and Tear Down” mode to make the most of our space, lighter tables would be a true God-send (ideally, four of them))

Pots/Pan Set: We need some pasta pots, sauce pans and a few cookie sheets to enable appointment lunches/dinners

Nov10-Macomb Calendar

Pizza Lunch Schedule
Nov 19 The Crossing
Nov 26 No School

Dec 3 University Baptist
Dec 10 Maple Avenue
Dec 17 FREE Pizza Lunch - YFC

Macomb Schedule
Battlefield of the Teenage Mind 3:15-5pm
BABES (Beautiful, Accepted, Blessed and
Eternally Significant) Jr and Sr High 7-8:30pm
VENT 3:15-pm
Pizza Lunch
Fifth Quarter -
following all MHS Varsity Friday Night Games

Thursday, November 18, 2010

What's New in Macomb...

First, thank you to all who attend or participated in the banquet in some way. It was lots of fun and it is great getting to meet you all. I am very proud of our students’ commitment to serve (after all, it was a Friday night) and how well they did at it.

Next, we have some great ideas percolating and developing. The students and I agree that we want YFC to be a force for Christ in the community, not just some programs being run. To gain student input and insight, we have begun developing Student Leadership teams for both Junior High and Senior High (since it is still developing, I will save the list of names until the next newsletter - but yes, the Macomb students you met at the banquet are part of that team).

As a result of our first meeting, we are proud to announce that Junior High Campus Life will kick off January 11th, running on Tuesday evenings. Specific details will be announced in our next newsletter.

We also have two thriving support ministries, that you are invited to join us in: Cookie Ministry (providing cookies that we serve during our programs) and our Prayer Team. The team agrees to maintain confidentiality as we pray over the emailed list of prayer requests for students, leaders YFC and other needs. If you are interested in joining either of these teams, please let me know.

During our Battlefield of the Mind for Teens study, we focused on James 2:26, “Faith without deeds is dead”. As a result, this group came up with several ways to serve others:

· During the six Friday night home games of basketball season, 5th Quarter participants will be encouraged to bring Loaves & Fishes food pantry contributions.

· We will partner with Western Illinois Regional Council (WIRC) in an “Angel-Tree” like means to provide for some of the needs of children in the area, with tags available during Pizza Lunch. We plan to have the tags ready before Thanksgiving.

· We have discussed being on the lookout now for those elderly people that could use help with shoveling. If you know of an elderly person that still does their own snow removal, can you please email me at (Note: we are not certain how this will all work logistically, so we will try to get to all the names collected, but not certain if we will).

Lastly, we are discussing other fun activities that we can run, just to get kids connected to YFC, at least on a social level initially.

As we continue to develop and expand our programs, we would love to have you partner with us. Please watch the next newsletter for the specific opportunities that will be available.

Thank you for your care, commitment and support of YFC.

Be well and be blessed


Nov10-Bushnell News

Faith Bible Camp Retreat

  • Five Bushnell teens attended FBC at the end of Oct. 22 -24, including our son and daughter, along with a friend.
  • Todd counseled jr. high boys for the weekend. Pray for a young man that we took on the retreat. I sense he is very close to trusting Christ.
  • David Hartwig, director of FBC, was the speaker for the weekend. David related well with the boys and girls, sharing some of his weaknesses as a child in the hopes of the teens gaining understanding about life choices and the unintended consequences bad decisions can result in.

Go M.A.D.

  • Five high school teens & myself traveled to Fort Wayne, IN Oct. 28 – 30
  • There were two 1st time decisions to trust Christ and 2 recommitments. Praise the Lord!
  • Pray for a young man that still needs to make that decision in his life.

Campus Life

We continue to work with teens that need love, need to see love in action, and need to see what a loving family looks like. (About a week ago we had that chance.) We spent a day off from school with 3 jr. high boys at our home. We worked, ate, laughed and just hung out. I pray that God will use that time to show them that there are families that truly love and care for one another, and ultimately lead them to Jesus.

  • 9 Teens greeted and served adult supporters at the YFC annual banquet in Macomb, IL Nov. 12.
Bushnell Calendar
Mondays - Campus Life-Middle School 6-8pm @ CCC
Wednesday - Depth Charge 8-9pm @ CCC
Thursdays - Lunch @ Rosy’s - Bushnell Pastors and youth
leaders are invited to come have lunch with the HS kids
Thursdays Campus Life-HS 7-9pm @ CCC