Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mar12 - Letter from the Board


You are reading this newsletter because you have made a gift, attended our golf outing, or come to our annual banquet, so you already know what Youth for Christ is about. You have also probably read in our regular reports or on our website about the work our leaders Lauren and Todd have been doing in the lives of the young people in Macomb and Bushnell and their impact within the communities and the schools. I would like to thank you, personally, for your interest, monetary gifts and prayers.

I come to you now to make you aware of a serious need. We are experiencing an ongoing problem in meeting our regular and on-going expenses--specifically the things that are necessary to keep the ministry going, like the money to pay our ministry staff, money for the electric bill, you know, the little things. I know from my own experience that it is a lot more interesting to contribute to something visible, like a building or a some other project, and I assure you, there will be opportunities for that in the future. But right now, we need funds to pay our people, turn the lights on for the pancake breakfasts and the pizza lunches. So I would ask that you join me in committing to supporting Youth for Christ every month. If this is something you are already doing, thank you. Would you consider increasing your support? If you are not contributing monthly, would you consider making this change? We really need your help.

On our website ( you can go and make this monthly donation. If you are not a computer expert, leave your name and number on our phone answering machine and someone will get back with you to help set up regular support, or you can just mail a check to our PO Box (126.) And don’t forget to keep the ministry and our kids in your prayers. It's times like this when we truly count on your support.

Joe Barsi,

Board President

on behalf of Board members

Domenick Ascone, Karen Kuras, Nancy Kendall, Jason Miller, Kelly Barsi, Bernie McCance

Mar12 - Financial Status

Feb Donations $ 6.045
Feb Expenses $ 6,500
YTD Donations $64,110
YTD Expenses $74,928
YTD Shortage ($10,818)
(note YTD is July11 to Feb12)

Mar12 - Golf Outing reminder

10th Annual YFC Golf Outing
Saturday, June 2nd, 2012
WIU Golf Course

Last June, we had 71 golfers come out and enjoy ideal golfing weather. We had a light breakfast, hole in one contests,
complimentary beverages and snacks, and a grilled luncheon to conclude the outing.

We even had a winner on one of auxiliary hole-in-one contests. Joe Rodeffer (Todd’s dad) used a 4-iron to drop the 166 yard hole-in-one on Hole 12 which was worth a $500 Visa Gift Card. Thank you Joe for donating it back to YFC!

During the luncheon, prizes were awarded in 2 flights. Also in 2011, 7 church teams competed for the coveted Church Team Traveling Trophy. After spending 2010 at First Baptist Church of Littleton, the Traveling Trophy returned to Macomb with a win by Macomb First Baptist. Be sure to begin assembling your church teams!

We look forward to another exciting and successful outing! Brochures will be available in mid-April!

Mar12 - Macomb Moments

The Penthouse is open! With the generous contribution of 10 large comfy chairs from First Christian Church (thanks Bob Chatterton), we were able to relocate furniture and ultimately open a third room upstairs - called the Penthouse - to students. This has been fun for kids to have a room with their friends hang out during pizza lunch and pancake breakfast. Plus it adds a sense of “something different”.

This came just in the nick of time, as you can see by the chart below. That is a fun comparison to see how our numbers have grown. However, the better growth chart is the one to the left – showing spiritual growth. This is raw data copied as written.

College Ready is BACK! This one day session offers sound wisdom, eye-opening insight, and practical advice for what's ahead as you enter college. This high impact, DVD-guided series are designed to help you navigate the college maze, recognize the key areas where you'll need to succeed, and craft your own plan and personal vision.

College Ready will be held at Campus Students for Christ, 1545 Riverview Dr, Macomb on Saturday, March 24th from 9:00am-5:00 pm. Cost is $5, includes lunch, drinks, and snacks.

Save the date AND your stuff! The Second Annual YFC Yard Sale will begin collecting donated items the week of April 22nd; yard sale will be held Friday April 27th and Saturday April 28th. Watch for more details next month.



YFC Macomb is alive & thriving! Our numbers have increased like crazy - but our ministry financial support has not kept pace. Please partner with us and help us keep reaching kids for Christ!

Since 2010:



Total Kid Connections:


Sept 2010


(this month!!!)

Sr High Connections


Sept 2010


(this month)

Jr High Connections


July 2011


Pizza Lunch


Sept 2010


(this month!)

Student Survey: How has YFC helped grow

your faith?

It helps grow my faith because I get to have talks about the bible that I would never get to

The prayer journey was the first time I heard Jesus

See You At The Pole

The prayer night and it helps grow my faith being here because I am comfortable here

Monday nights help me to rethink where I’m at in my faith

The prayer night

It helped me to make new friends that I can trust.

Brought me closer to God, people and other adults.

Gave me friends I can talk to about anything.

It helped me learn more about ministry, really loving people like Jesus does, and making connections with other Christians in Macomb & Bushnell.

Seeing people I know and interact with on a daily basis

Gave me a purpose

See You At The Pole and I have made many great friends who care

To see how much it means to people I know

Feb 2012 raw data

Mar12 - Bushnell Beat

At the beginning of February our family attended Grace Bible Church in Monmouth, IL, where Todd spoke on the Fear of the Lord. “The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of His holy one brings understanding.” Prov. 1:7 To fear God is a good thing. Jesus said in Matt. 10:28 “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” To have great repect and reverence for the Lord is good. When we obey Him, we show that we love Him. That is just like in our own families. When our kids obey us, they show us that they love us, and that they love God. We also had a chance to attend their 20th Anniversary Celebration in early March. May the Lord bless GBC as they serve Him!

A local pastor and myself took 5 teens and my youngest daughter Katy to Snowstar for tubing and skiing on Feb. 20. Fun was had by all. Relationships were deepened. It was a beautiful day.

A really meaningful time was had for 30 hours from Friday, Feb. 24 til Saturday, Feb. 25 at 6 pm. Todd was part of a 30 hour famine, along with 16 teens and several adult volunteers. The Bushnell Presbyterian Church held this event at the Community Christian Center. (Where we meet for YFC) Not only did we learn about famine in Africa, we shared together about the experience. Most took it seriously. Some had a difficult time without food for the 30 hours. It was very encouraging when one young lady explained that she learned another reason for fasting – to draw closer to the Lord and rely upon Him to sustain us. Remember Jesus said in Matt. 4:4 “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” NIV

The 13th Annual Souper Duper Soup Supper was excellent as always, it seems. Courtney Weaver, a senior at BPC highshcool, shared her testimony about how leaders have helped her through some tough times in her life the past couple of years. Todd wrapped things up with a challenge for all to come together, pray, and seek the Lord each day in hopes of seeing revival right here in Bushnell.

Pray for:

teens to really seek the Lord

Michelle and I – Grenada short-term mission trip this summer


April 5-10 Rodeffer mini-vacation to FL

April 20-21 Believe Trip for Jr. High students