Sunday, April 29, 2012

YFC Garage Sale Rescheduled

Due to the pending 40-50 degree rainy weather forecast for this weekend, we are forced to move the yard sale back one week to May 4-5th. Sorry for any inconvenience - but I just couldn't see many kids (or adults) doing well at such an event.

We will continue to take items up through the day before the sale

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Apr12-Golf Outing!!

10th Annual YFC Golf Outing
Saturday, June 2nd, 2012
WIU Golf Course

Spend a beautiful day on the links; playing for our youth!

Join us and be eligible for prizes in three flights.  You may enter alone OR as a foursome.
We will pair up individuals without golfing partners as space permits.

Shotgun start 8 am.  Registration begins at 7 am. The driving range and putting greens will be
available for practice.

$60/person or $220/foursome  Mail entries to: YFC, P.O. Box 126 Macomb, IL  61455 or call 309-833-3026.

Special shout-out to our Major Sponsor:  Catch A Star Learning Center!!  Thank you so much!!

Apr12-2nd Annual Yard Sale

2nd Annual Yard Sale 

One Man’s Trash is our treasure! YFC is collecting usable items and clothing for our yard sale.  Items can be dropped off in The Cottage (aka: the garage) anytime between April 21st and April 27th.  People will be available to help unload:    Tues, April 24th: 3-6pm and Thurs, April 26th  3-8pm.

 April 27 & 28
The sale is Friday, April 27th from 3-6pm and Saturday, April 28th from 8-noon.  All unsold items will be forward to other local charities.  Proceeds go to the Student Activity account – paying fees, food and scholarship.

Anyone available to help volunteer, please contact Lauren at 309 252 0404

Apr12-Macomb Moments

During Holy Week, YFC hosted another series of Prayer Journeys.  Since Holy Week itself began with a journey and prayer, it is only fitting we do the same.   The activities were designed to be hands-on or thought provoking – or both.  The students continue to love this opportunity to go deeper in their prayer life… and are looking forward to the next one at Christmastime.

YFC Macomb and Bushnell paired up and took 26 junior high students and 7 senior high to CIY Believe!  We were blessed by the VIBE grant enabling us to charter a bus and offer many scholarships to students who would not have been to attend otherwise.  Watch for details and pictures in next month’s newsletter!

Summer Camps are in the near future.  Junior High students are invited to attend LaMoine Christian Camps Junior High 1 July 8-13th, cost for registration before May 20th is $150.  Lauren will be on staff at LaMoine’s High Teen Camp June 10-15th, open to all high schoolers.  Registration cost before May 20th $165. 

Senior High students will be participating in CIY Move this year at WIU!  This saves us a ton of money in transportation costs!  We will also be a supporting ministry for CIY, helping with various setup and other modes of assistance.  CIY Move is July 23-27th and costs $269 before June 26th.  NOTE: CIY is already 25% full.  We need to make our reservations ASAP.  Any students interested in attending need to let Lauren or Todd now BY May 1 with a $25 deposit to hold your spot.

Apr12-Macomb Schedule

April 27  Scotland Trinity                                                                                                                  
4              Maple Avenue Christian                   
11           Macomb Assembly of God    
18           FREE PIZZA LUNCH
Industry Methodist,
Industry Assembly of God, and                       First Christian                                                                                 
Dates to Know:
May 2, 16        Delayed Start Pancake Breakfasts
April 27/28     Yard Sale
May 1              Sign up for CIY
May 11th          Free pizza lunch for seniors   
May 18th          FREE PIZZA LUNCH – last of the year
May 24 & 25   Finals Lunch BBQs                           
June 10-15       High Teen Camp
July 23-27        CIY Move

Apr12-Bushnell Beat

It's been a March like no other!  The weather has been delightful.  Wish it were this way every winter.  The last month has been filled with trips, hard work, opportunities, and a mini-vacation for the Rodeffer's.  First some exciting things, then some ordinary things in the life of a youth minister, and finally some family dynamics.

Winter Jam was more like “summer jam.”  We had fun rocking out to several different Christian bands, listening to a few speakers present the gospel in a relevant way, and worship the one true God!  It was a blessed night.

Cleaning up yards and flower beds for various elderly people around Bushnell is one of the things I do with teens this time of year.  Another is going to band and chorus contests.  Finally, out of the blue one day, I was asked to coach a 13-14 year old boys baseball team this summer.   I take this as an opportunity to invest in the lives of these boys-becoming-men, of which one is our son Andrew.  Thank you Lord!

Over Easter, we had the chance to get away for 5 days to Boca Grande, FL.  We had been planning this trip since last fall. Thanks to our generous aunt and uncle Treat we had a refreshing time soaking up the sun, walking the beach, fishing, swimming and attending sunrise service on the beach.  We needed that!

Last but certainly not least, one jr. high boy trusted Christ as his Savior in the past month!  As a ministry team, we have clearly communicated the gospel through out the school year and given teens a chance to respond.  So far this year about 10 jr. high students have taken that step of faith.  Some are growing, getting to church related activities and others are struggling, longing for God to help them out of their desparate situations.  Pray with me for these young people that need mentors and need to get involved in seeing life from a Godly perspective.  Pray for our leaders and myself as we try to meet these needs.

Ok, one last thing.  Recently we had a very open ended conversation with our two oldest children about relationships and life's purpose.  It was neat!  Pray for Andrew and Abby as they draw closer to God and draw their friends closer as well.  One in particular is taking steps toward God.  Pray for her.  Thanks.

Also Pray for:
ñ  teen that go on the Believe Trip (April 20-21) to come back ready to grow and help others grow closer to God (pland seeds).
ñ  Pray for us at Western IL YFC – our board, our staff, and resources.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Apr12-How you can help!

How to help support Youth for Christ Western Illinois:

1.  PRAY- We covet your prayers for our staff, volunteers, board as well as the students we serve.  If you’d like to be a part of either Todd or Lauren’s prayer needs (as they arise), please contact the office by phone or by any of the email addresses listed on the top of the front page of this newsletter.

2.  VOLUNTEER- We are always searching for a “few good men and women”!  No matter your gifts, we’ll do our best to find a way to involve you in our ministry.  Whether it is helping with the students, repairs around the YFC house, administrative help such as newsletter assembly, special events, pizza lunches, and even being on the Board.

3.  DONATE- Check out our new website at or our newsletter blog at From either location, you can donate online and even schedule monthly ongoing donations.  You can also mail your donations to Youth for Christ  PO Box 126  Macomb IL  61455.