Monday, December 24, 2012

Dec12 - Good Time

A Good Time was Had by All!

The attendees of the 2012 Annual YFC Banquets enjoyed a delicious meal. The fellowship was wonderful. Lauren and Todd gave inspirational reports of the lives being touched by the ministry of Youth for Christ/Western Illinois. Students told us how YFC/WI is transforming their lives. For the evening banquet, Slap Happy Comedy had us all laughing. We were even visited by a flash mob!

Thanks to everyone who worked together to make the two banquets a wonderful success! Between the luncheon and dinner banquets around 175 people enjoyed a great time of food, fun and fellowship.

YFC/WI received $5,700 in donations of support at the banquets and $1,135 was received from the silent auctions. 

Dec12 - Finances

Nov. donations: $15,880
 Nov. expenses:  $10,832

 YTD income:      $38,027
 YTD expenses:   $43,320
 YTD loss:           $5,293

Dec12 - What’s Next?

What’s Next?

Those who were able to attend this year’s banquets enjoyed a wonderful time; and yet, attendance was down. Conflicting schedules, some who had to be out of town—the reasons were numerous, and we understand, although we missed seeing many of our friends.

Still--at YFC/WI we want to be faithful stewards of the resources God provides through you, our supporters. We have exciting plans for future outreach, but our ability to operate depends on continued support. If you were unable to attend, but would like to have your pledge counted, please fill out the detachable form and let us know we can count on you.

Dec12- Macomb Happenings

Macomb Happenings

Merry Christmas from Macomb~ such a fun time to decorate and celebrate the Reason for the Season.  We are learning the scripturally accurate Christmas traditions. It’s fun to recognize how much Christmas carols have shaped our understanding of the Christmas story (, the ox and lamb did not actually keep time).   Plus each of our YFC programs will serve one shift ringing bells for Salvation Army.

We are looking forward to a combined Christmas party with our friends from Bushnell and several fun Christmas activities including cookie making and a Christmas trivia party.

YOU’RE invited:  Youth for Christ would like to invite people (middle school and older – not appropriate for young children) to our Christmas prayer journey.  Experience Christmas in a prayer filled, hands-on experience  Sunday Dec. 23 4-8pm.

Helping Kids & Families:  We know there are teens without enough food and other items.  I have asked teens to “rat out” their friends and tell us who.  We have collected names of those who would be blessed by added assistance.  If you would be interested in helping teens and their families, please consider donating gift cards (any amount).  Lauren will accept them up until Dec. 18th – as we will see the students Dec 19th & 21st.

As we head into the new year, we’re excited to serve our high school students during final exam week.  We will be providing breakfast, breaks and three $2.00 Macaroni & Cheese, Tacos and Pizza Lunches  January 16-18.  Anyone interested in helping, please contact Lauren.  
Christmas Prayer Journey
Sunday, Dec. 23rd
4-8 p.m. at YFC Macomb
(note: not suitable for children younger than grade 4)

Lifetree Café Dives Deeper:  During the Lifetree Café session on Unlocking the Mystery of Prayer, we discussed whether intent and pureness of heart could sway God’s decision.  The conversation progress-ed to when Jesus asked God to take
the cup of suffering from Him.  That literally stopped them in their tracks. That question led us to deeper con-versations of Jesus’ obedience in a context we may not have been able to otherwise.

Lifetree Topics

Dec 6    Fate, Free Will or
             God’s Will
Dec 13  Unlocking the  
             Mystery  of Music
Dec 20  Be Yourself –   
             Everyone else is

Save The Dates
Dec 21      Free Pizza Lunch
Jan 16-18  Finals Week
March 22-23   CIY Believe in (Jr High)          Peoria                    
July 22-26       CIY Move at       (Senior High)     WIU

Pizza Lunch Hosts
Dec 7  Maple Avenue
Dec 14 Macomb Assembly
           of God
    First Christian
             Wesley UMC
Dec               28                 NO SCHOOL

Dec12 - Bushnell Beat

Bushnell Beat

You all get a newsletter treat this month from my lovely wife, Michelle.  Enjoy. -Todd

As we end the year 2012, we thought you might like to hear about our family.  This school year marks some big firsts for us.  Along with starting high school this fall, son Andy turned 15 in September and began the great driving adventure.  It's hard for mom and dad to believe we've reached this point, but the process of learning to drive is going well for all.  The majority of our evenings will be spent in the gym watching Andy play basketball and Abby cheerlead.  We were super blessed last year to have them both in the same gym.  This year time will be split between the high school and junior high.  Abby is now an eighth grader.  Along with cheerleading Abby is raising and training her English Springer spaniel, Lily.  She hopes to raise puppies in the future. 

Both Andy and Abby have been involved with Campus Life and the newly revived Breakfast Club.  That leaves Katy who is in third grade this year. She loves being a part of everything that is going on.  It's fun to watch her interact with all the different people we come in contact with and wonder what plan God has for her.  Those who spend time with Katy are sure it will be something big! 

Last but not least an update on the mom. I continue to teach at the Bushnell-Prairie City Elementary.  During my day I see both fifth and fourth graders. The job of teaching is both rewarding and challenging and exhausting.  I am reminded every day of the great need people have for the changes Jesus can bring to a life.
Please cover our family with your prayers as we seek to be a light and beacon of hope to the students and families in the BPC school district.
Thank you for your encouragement, gifts, and prayers over the years!  May God bless you richly this Christmas season and may we all share His love with others.
The Rodeffer’s 

December Calendar

Dec. 8                    Shopping Trip to Peoria
Dec. 15                  Christmas Food Boxes in Bushnell
Dec. 17,18            Joint Campus Life with Macomb
We meet Mondays and Tuesdays for CL and CL M respectively and Breakfast Club on Wednesday mornings.

Dec12 - You've heard from us

You’ve heard from us. Now we would like to hear from you!

YES! I want to help YFC/WI make a difference in the lives of teens!
          Please check all boxes that apply.

         I will be a monthly contributor. Amount: ______________________

         I’ve enclosed a one-time gift.   Amount:_______________________

         Please contact me with information on how to set up automatic

payments. (email address)___________________________________

Has God used YFC to impact your life or the life of someone you know? If so, how?  ___________________________________________ 

Would you like to be a part of our prayer team? If so, please enter your email address here: ________________________________________________

send your responses to