Friday, May 3, 2013

Macomb Happenings by Lauren Surprenant

Youth for Christ/Western Illinois was blessed to be able to take 18 students (12 from Macomb & 6 from Bushnell) to Christ In Youth’s (CIY) Believe program – a high energy 24 hour event geared specifically to Jr. High kids.  This year’s theme was The Presence (of God… the Holy Spirit). We learned how The Presence (“Ru-ah”) connects with us in Community, giving us Courage, bearing Fruit and giving us His Power.  The same power that rose Jesus from the dead is in us.

Over lunch, we got to discuss—how would family, school, YFC  and youth group look different if The Presence had more of a presence in them.  Upon returning home, one girl has begun DFC – Drama Free Club… and one girl has chosen to make Jesus her Savior! THAT’S the Power of The Presence.

Bushnell Beat by Todd Rodeffer

The 13th Annual Souper Duper Soup Supper was the big event last month. We had a little over 100 people to serve that night. Around 20 youth worked as waiters and waitresses, along with about 10 adults. Abby, Jasmin and Kaylyn shared how Campus Life Middle School has impacted them and provided a place to have fun and learn about Christ.

This (soup supper) is an amazing event and I want to thank all the adults and teens who put time and effort into the evening. Thanks!

Our Breakfast Club is held each Wednesday morning. We have been having  adult community members share their testimonies for the teens to reflect upon. Ted Cox (longtime community member—he’s near 100!), Pastor Joe Olson (Checkrow), and lay speaker Dan McGrew were among our speakers in the past month. Thank you to all who’ve shared how the Lord has saved you and what He does to make your life significant!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Jan/Feb 2013 Newsletter

Hello, friends! I hope all is well with each one of you.

I've listed the link to this month's newsletter below. Enjoy!

-Connie Sadler
Executive Director
Youth for Christ/Western Illinois

January/February 2013 Newsletter