Sunday, October 19, 2008

Oct 08-Message from Greg

Bell-bottoms-------------------Pre-ripped jeans
Platform shoes-----------------Uggs
Polyester----------------------Micro fibers
Dance Fever-------------------MTV Podcasts
Summer Camp in Wisconsin--- Mission Trips to El Salvador
Goofy crowd breakers--------- Hosting “on-line” chat rooms

In the 1980’s The Barna Group did a survey and found that if a person did not accept Christ by the time they graduated from high school (18 years old), the chances dropped significantly that they ever would. Today, that age has dropped to 14!

So, in Bushnell, IL and Macomb, IL, YFC runs clubs just for junior high and high school students. Besides introducing them to the Jesus of the Bible, one of their regular endeavors is to teach the kids to serve, then give them opportunities to do just that in their homes, their community and even beyond Illinois.

According to the U.S. Dept. of Commerce (2002), there are two million new Internet users each month and by far (90%+) children and teens between 5-17 use computers and the Internet most.

So, if you look at YFC’s national website ( you will find supervised chat rooms where teens can go to discuss issues – especially spiritual issues. Todd, Kayleigh and Amanda all utilize the internet, e-mail, cell phones - and probably a few things this old guy doesn’t even know about - to post meeting and event schedules and communicate with volunteers and regular attendees of YFC ministries.

Geared to the Times, Anchored to The Rock

This was the first motto of Youth for Christ: circa 1950. You know – it still works today.

Pray for your Macomb and Bushnell staff, as they serve God by communicating His Love and Hope in ways that catch the eye, seize the ear and sting the conscience of young people in our world today. In other words, help them stay “geared to the times, but anchored to the Rock.”

Oct08-News in Macomb



We are very excited to have a small but great group of students attending Campus Life regularly. The highschool students have been learning that their lives are important, even influential because of what Jesus can do in and through them. We are having a great time getting to know the students and sharing our stories and God's Story with them as well.

Campus Life Middleschool is an even smaller group, with only one student currently in attendence. She is a great girl and has been helping us brainstorm about how to get more students involved with CLM. I'm sure that she will be bringing some friends along with her soon!
We also have a great group of volunteers faithfully serving alongside us every week. Jasmine, Sharee, and John have been a huge help. We are so thankful for their willingness to use their gifts and abilities to help reach out to the students here in Macomb.

Calendar of Events:

Mondays 6-8pm CLM for all 6th-8th grade students (Please notice that 6th graders are now invited to participate in CLM!!!)
Tuesdays 7-9pm CL for all 9th-12th grade students

Saturday, October 18 Paintballing with Bushnell
Thursday, October 30 CLM "Not Your Average Halloween Party" 4:30-8:30pm
Friday, October 31 CL Bonfire & Hayride with Bushnell

November 7 & 8 Go Mad

Oct08-Bushnell Beat

One moment we are talking about paintball, and the next we are talking about heaven. That’s exactly what happened a couple of Mondays ago while driving a student home from Campus Life M (Middle School). “Doug” asked, “What does it take to get to heaven?”. Over the next few minutes, the gospel was shared and “Doug” had a clearer understanding of what it meant to believe in Jesus. He said he believed and had already read half of the small New Testament I had given him a couple of weeks prior.

PRAISE THE LORD! I believe “Doug” is in the process of beginning his journey with Christ. He understands the gospel and is trying to grasp the meaning of living for Jesus. He also went on our Junior High campout we had the following weekend, where he had the chance to deepen his relationship with God and experience the creation first hand.

Since “See You At The Pole” a couple of weeks ago, there is a serious effort underway to pray for the school, the country, and fellow classmates. Please pray for the students that are attending and leading the “before school prayer meeting” as they will face persecution. Pray that they will be given the words to speak, just as Peter was before the Sanhedrin in Acts.

If you are someone in the Bushnell-Prairie City community receiving this newsletter and do not know much about YFC, please give Todd a call at 309-333-6186 and he would be glad to visit with you over a cup of hot chocolate. Thanks for everyone’s continued prayer and financial support of this ministry to teens.
Schedule of Events
CL-M (Jr High)-Mondays @ 6-8 pm
Depth Charge-Wednesdays @ 8 pm
Teen Lunch-Thursdays @ 11 am
CL (HS)-Thursday @ 7 pm

Friday, October 31 CL Bonfire & Hayride with Macomb
November 7 & 8 Go Mad
campout..........................................jello bobbing for hotdogs

Oct08-Banquet Basket Info

Banquet Gift Basket Contacts and Dropoff Instructions
Completed baskets may be delivered to the following locations anytime between now and the day before the banquet:
Barsi-Depoy Tax/Copy Pack & Post
34 W Side Square (Macomb)
Mon. – Fri. 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sat. 9:00am – noon
Bushnell First Presbyterian Church
170 W Hurst Street
Mon. - Fri. 8:00am - 11:00am
If you need a different delivery time or even someone to pick up your basket, please call Kelly Barsi (Macomb) at 833-5996 (days) or 833-1480 (evenings) or Vicki Reimolds (Bushnell) at 772-3062 (evenings) to make arrangements.

Oct08-17th Annual Banquet

The annual Youth for Christ Banquet
is coming up quickly now.
Put Friday,November 21 on your calendar now!
It will be an exciting and challenging evening,
and agreat time of fellowship for
those who care about area teens.

Oct08-Prayer Requests

+ Please continue to pray for the banquet planning that is well underway. Anyone willing to help before or during the banquet, please contact our office manager (Deanna) at or by calling her at 333-0111.

+ Please pray that support will increase to cover our new budget needs.
+ Please pray for the Macomb and Bushnell staff as they continue to reach out to new and continuing students.
+ Please pray for both groups as they organize their trips to “Go Mad” in Indiana on Nov. 7-8. Pray that the hearts of the students will be open to the teaching and the challenges that will be presented that weekend. Pray for travel safety.