Sunday, October 19, 2008

Oct08-Bushnell Beat

One moment we are talking about paintball, and the next we are talking about heaven. That’s exactly what happened a couple of Mondays ago while driving a student home from Campus Life M (Middle School). “Doug” asked, “What does it take to get to heaven?”. Over the next few minutes, the gospel was shared and “Doug” had a clearer understanding of what it meant to believe in Jesus. He said he believed and had already read half of the small New Testament I had given him a couple of weeks prior.

PRAISE THE LORD! I believe “Doug” is in the process of beginning his journey with Christ. He understands the gospel and is trying to grasp the meaning of living for Jesus. He also went on our Junior High campout we had the following weekend, where he had the chance to deepen his relationship with God and experience the creation first hand.

Since “See You At The Pole” a couple of weeks ago, there is a serious effort underway to pray for the school, the country, and fellow classmates. Please pray for the students that are attending and leading the “before school prayer meeting” as they will face persecution. Pray that they will be given the words to speak, just as Peter was before the Sanhedrin in Acts.

If you are someone in the Bushnell-Prairie City community receiving this newsletter and do not know much about YFC, please give Todd a call at 309-333-6186 and he would be glad to visit with you over a cup of hot chocolate. Thanks for everyone’s continued prayer and financial support of this ministry to teens.
Schedule of Events
CL-M (Jr High)-Mondays @ 6-8 pm
Depth Charge-Wednesdays @ 8 pm
Teen Lunch-Thursdays @ 11 am
CL (HS)-Thursday @ 7 pm

Friday, October 31 CL Bonfire & Hayride with Macomb
November 7 & 8 Go Mad
campout..........................................jello bobbing for hotdogs