Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Feb/Mar 11-Mark Your Calendars


9th Annual YFC Golf Outing
Saturday, June 4th, 2011
WIU’s Harry Mussatto Golf Course

20th Annual YFC Banquets
Friday, November 11, 2011
Spoon River College’s Community Outreach Center
--Yes, you read that right! Banquets (plural)
Plans are in the works for a luncheon option and a dinner option.

Also, in the works....
Macomb YFC’s Spring Garage Sale
Date: TBD, but we are thinking late April/early May
So, keep us in mind as you do your spring cleaning this year. Email or call Lauren and let us know if you’ve got some good stuff for us. Unfortunately, we’ll have to ask you to hold your items until a week before the sale. Funds will go toward Macomb YFC activities and event scholarships. More info to come soon!!!

Feb/Mar 11-Macomb News

We have had a BLAST this past month! Lots of great, fun and exciting things have been happening!

Programs: We are excited to announce a couple additions to the YFC repertoire.

Claim Your Campus: We have partnered with this national program for organized student prayer. (CYC)’s mission is prayer every day in every in America praying daily, on two levels - asking specific prayers to see that God answer them: locally- prayers specific to Macomb and nationally praying for the same thing on the same day(via a prayer calendar) with other CYC students. Any MJHS or MHS student interest in participating should contact me for more specifics (either by Facebook, email at Laurensurp@yahoo.com or phone 309 252 0404)

The Senior High Discipleship Group will resume meeting on Monday evenings from 7-9pm after Spring Break. This program, “Roar” - is based on the book “Roaring Lambs: A Gentle Plan to Radically Change Your World” by Bob Briner. Who knew Flash Mobs could be used for Christian purposes? (We do).

Doing Life Together: We have realized there is a huge need for students to have safe adults to go to for advice. DLT offers the skills of three counselors (youth pastor, former school counselor and former Teen Challenge counselor) to our young people. Students may come for a “drop-in” time on Tuesdays from 3-5pm or may schedule a “Chew & Chat” appointment (individual appointment at lunch, with lunch included) or other individualized times are available by appointment.

The “Ice Cream Reward” was having “The World’s Largest Sundae” - a house gutter filled with ice cream (Thank you to Farm King for donating the gutter). Campus Life meets each Tuesday night, from 6-8pm with dinner included. Leaders for this program are: Karen Kuras, Angelica Markey, Caleb Markey, Phyllis Walters, Alex Foltz and Lauren Surprenant

· We took 10 students to Believe, a Jr High overnight program, over the course of two events. The program focused on how our HERE moments (all those life experiences that brought you to the point you are in your life) influence the NOW moments (what can you do now to further the Kingdom of God). It was a blast - and for some, life changing. Here is a note from a mom of an attending student:

o Colton attended a Christ in Youth Believe Experience through the Youth for Christ house last Friday and Saturday. He had a wonderful time. Thank you Lauren for helping to instill in our youth the desire to seek the Holy Spirit. Colton came home with a Bible study timeline and asked that we do it as a family, so each night we have been taking some time to read the scheduled verses and discuss them. This is something I have wanted to do for a long time and am grateful for the push from our 11-year-old to do it. (Paula Markey)

· Peoria Trip St Louis Trip:

Left to right: Lauren, Kassi, Colton Sydney (hiding), Claire , Hayley and Hannah

artist Eric Samuel Timm, Paul & William Missing from picture: Alex, Ryan & Paul

Pizza Lunch Schedule





First Christian



Industry Assembly of God


Scotland Trinity


The Crossing




University Baptist

Feb/Mar 11-Macomb Schedule

Junior High Programs
DAILY: Claim Your Campus 7:35-7:45am come in Maple Ave door
Tuesdays 6-8pm Campus Life (aka Club): A fun, life-applicable program for kids grades 6-8. Dinner is included
Tuesdays after school Vent/Doing Life
This is a hang out time, with the opportunity to connect with one of the coaches for either one on one chats or group discussion times.

Senior High Programs
DAILY: Claim Your Campus 7:45-7:55am come in Maple Ave door(note: MHS students are invited to also join the MJHS prayer time)
Mondays 7-9pm Roar - This discipleship group is discussing the book Roaring Lambs by Bob Briner.
Tuesdays - lunch time Chew & Chat
This is a BY APPOINTMENT ONLY time for one on one life coaching/counseling - lunch is included
Tuesdays after school Vent/Doing Life
This is a hang out time, with the opportunity to connect with one of the coaches for either one on one chats or group discussion times
Fridays - lunch time Pizza Lunch - This $2.00 lunch continues to be a big hit. Lunch is available for First Lunch as well as
Band Lunch. It is strongly recommended to RSVP, please do so on Lauren’s Facebook event page (be sure to friend-request Lauren)

Feb/Mar 11-Bushnell Beat

When was the last time you served someone? Maybe today, yesterday, last week, last month. In the last month at Youth for Christ in Bushnell I got to be on the giving and receiving end of service for the Lord. “If you want to be great in God's Kingdom, you must be a servant of all.” I remember that song from my college days, now my youth, because I turned 40 this month.

Our leaders were waiters and waitresses for one night at CLM (Campus Life Middleschool). We served the junior highers a full course meal of salad, pizza, and ice cream. One of our leaders taught the teens proper etiquette and table manners. You should have seen them trying to eat pizza with a plastic knife and fork. It was quite a night to remember. At the end of the meal a couple of leaders shared how the night tied into the life of Christ. Remember when Jesus washed the disciple’s feet? Pray for these teens as they navigate life in many different home situations.

We also got a chance to serve adults in the Bushnell community that support YFC through our Soup Supper. On March 4 about 25 teens and 15 adults served soup, drinks, and desert to about 140 adults at the Community Christian Center in downtown Bushnell. Following the meal 2 teens and 2 leaders shared how being involved with YFC had impacted their lives. I am proud of our leaders that give of their time to share God's love with teens. I was also impressed with our two seniors that shared how they love their peers in spite of what side of the tracks they are from. One of them shared a story of how he went to great lengths to be nice even when
other teens picked on him. Eventually, they became really good friends. Getting closer to a person also brings them closer to knowing God. That's what we are called to do as Christians.

One more way that I had a chance to serve was through the death of my grandmother. She was 103 years old and had many great years here with our family. She loved the Lord and loved people. I will always remember how many times she said that she missed grandpa over the years since his death. Now they are together. In addition to being a pallbearer, all the grandchildren played a football game in honor of her, because that is what she wanted us to do. I will miss her, but am confident that He, who raised Jesus from the dead, will also raise us that believe, to eternal life.

Finally, about 60 people showed up in Bushnell at the Community Christian Center on Monday, March 7 to truly surprise me on my 40th birthday. That was a true blessing. I had no idea. Thanks to all that took time to come, provide food, or drive others so they could be there. Thanks, Jody, for your spectacular game-leading ability, and of course the gifts for people 40 and older. And, thank you Shelly (my loving and caring wife) for how you put this all together.

Thank you so much for your ongoing support of YFC in the Bushnell area!
Todd Rodeffer

Upcoming events
Dare 2 Share – March 25-26
Paintball Trip – April 9