Thursday, February 4, 2010

Jan10-Bushnell Calendar

Mondays - Campus Life-Middle School 6-8pm @ CCC
Wednesday - Depth Charge 8-9pm @ CCC
Thursdays - HS Lunch - 11am @ CCC
Thursdays Campus Life-HS 7-9pm @ CCC

Feb. 12th - Cafe Aroma
Feb. 15th - Ski Trip rescheduled
Mar. 5th - Soup Supper

Jan10-Macomb Calendar

Fri. Jan. 29 - Pizza Lunch - 1st Baptist
Fri. Feb. 5 - Pizza Lunch - The Crossing
Fri. Feb. 12 - Pizza Lunch - No School
Fri. Feb. 19 - Pizza Lunch - University Baptist
Fri. Feb. 26 - Pizza Lunch - Maple Avenue
Fri. Mar. 5 - Pizza Lunch - Macomb Assembly

Jan10-Macomb News

Hello All! I hope that after all of this Christmas bustle and New Year’s fun that we are all still in good health and spirits. These past few weeks I have had some great opportunities to go and serve several different people. I started Christmas break watching my sister graduate from NDSU and have recently found out that she has a new job in ministry up in North Dakota. While there I helped move her stuff out of her apartment. After my few days in the Dakotas, I flew out to my
grandmother’s house for Christmas. My grandmother has been having some health problems lately and it was great to be able to go and see her and help make her Christmas all that much more special. Once back from Grandma’s house, my campus ministry group took off to Mexico to do a little mission work in Juarez. We went down and built a house for a family with an organization known as “Casas por Cristo”. What a week! I am sure that you are very curious as to what we are planning for the Macomb ministry. Working for YFC has been a blessing, and
I am getting to know a lot of amazing students in the Macomb area. One thing that I am working on is an after school program, which will be starting soon. Another is an outreach meeting for MHS students one night a week. I am currently working with Todd and the other church leaders to plan and organize this outreach.

Thank you all for your caring hearts and prayers. Ken Krueger

Jan10-Soup Supper

Fri., March 5th, 2009

Location: Community Christian Center, Bushnell
Time: 6:00 pm
Cost: Adults $4 and Youth $2

Come join us for supper. We’ll have 3 soups to choose from including chili with drinks and dessert.
You’ll also learn about what YFC is doing in the Bushnell-Prairie City area during our program.
Come meet our youth and share an evening with us!

Advance tickets will be available soon from Bushnell area Jr. & Sr. High Campus Life students.

Jan10-Bushnell Beat

There is not much better news in life, than for a person to tell you. “I have been saved by God, really.”
That is exactly what happened the week before Christmas at Campus Life. I received a text message on Thursday night just before we began our meeting. I believe the young man was prompted by a former student’s testimony the night before at Depth Charge. Thank you, Addie. Pray for this student as he embarks on a journey to know God and follow His direction in life.

A sledding adventure and pizza may not seem like a lot on the surface, but it goes deep in building relationships with teens. Due to these releationships when it comes time to talk about serious things in life, teens listen. Over the Christmas break, Mark Rauschert (one of YFC’s faithful adult leaders) and I took some teens out to his grandmother’s farm north of Avon. Fun was had by all, even the dog.

As far as our house projects go, we are nearing completion. We didn’t quite get done over break, but we are very close to being able to move in. Also, we have a signed offer on our home that we need to sell. However, it is contingent upon the other party selling their home by April 1. Please say a prayer for this to happen. We are hoping to move sometime in the next few weeks. We have only a bit of drywall, wiring and plumbing left. Also, a lot of cleaning. :)

Thank you for supporting Youth for Christ in another great year of ministry. May God give you wisdom and insight to the challenges of life as we serve him in 2010.

Todd Rodeffer and family