Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Don’t forget - new date and new location!!!
19th Annual YFC Fundraising Banquet
Spoon River College’s Community Outreach Center
November 12, 2010
We are really excited this year to utilize a new location with plenty of close parking and a new menu. As usual, the doors open and silent auction starts at 6 p.m. We can’t wait to see all the interesting basket ideas! Come and get some Christmas shopping done!!!

Also, new this year is the buffet dinner. We will be having a choice of two entrees (pork loin and roast beef) along with tossed salad, twice baked potatoes, green bean almondine and an assortment of fruit pies for dessert. Dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m.

Please remember that although the banquet is free of charge, we do require reservations. You may RSVP by phone (833-3026), email (yfc@macomb.com), mail (PO Box 126, Macomb IL 61455) or by Facebook (group name 2010 YFC Banquet).

If your church or business is interested in putting a basket together or would like to donate towards a basket, please feel free to contact the YFC office or Kelly Barsi at 255-7010 or Vicki Reimolds at 772-3062, Dropoff locations are Barsi-Depoy Tax/Copy Pack & Post in Macomb or Bushnell First Presbyterian Church.

If you are interested in hosting or organizing a table, be sure to send us an email or call the office at 833-3026.

Oct10-Macomb News

Macomb is becoming quite the happening place. In addition to Pizza Lunches, that average 70 kids and benefit from church partnerships, we also have two bible studies running: Battlefield of the Teenage Mind and the girls only study -BABES (Beautiful, Accepted, Blessed and Eternally Significant). We have run several Fifth Quarters - tons of fun and very relational… not to mention yummy (s’mores and other great snacks).

We have been very blessed by contributions of both cookies and soda - kids can come for refreshments at no expense to YFC. This is a HUGE blessing, as the way to a teen’s heart … and sometimes even through a teen’s attitude - is through soda & cookies.

As a means of connecting directly to teen’s immediate needs, we ran a Constitution study program for the 4 days prior to the state-mandated (aka: “pass or can’t graduate”) Constitution test. As a former educator, Lauren utilized her skills at transforming studying into fun. Games like Con Pong (answering questions during ping pong) , Be The Board (whereas THEY are the pawn during a board-game-like game and Name The Con - who’s who (and their role) via the Constitution. In addition to training them, we are also praying for their success.

I look forward to you all meeting some of the great YFC students from Macomb at the Banquet. We hope to see you there!

Oct10-Macomb Pizza & Activities Calendars

Oct 22 Industry Assembly of God
Oct 29 No School

Nov 5 Scotland Trinity
Nov 12 No School
Nov 19 The Crossing
Nov 26 No School

Dec 3 University Baptist
Dec 10 Maple Avenue
Dec 17 FREE Pizza Lunch - YFC

Jan 7 Macomb AG
Jan 14 Wesley UMC
Jan 21 1st Christian
Jan 28 Industry AG

Monday: Battlefield of the Teenage Mind 3:15-5pm

Tuesday: BABES (Beautiful, Accepted, Blessed and Eternally Significant) Jr and Sr high 7-8:30

Thursday: VENT 3:15-pm

Friday: Pizza Lunch

Fifth Quarter - following all MHS Varsity Friday Night Games

Oct10-Needs & Thanks!

Extra Special Thanks goes out to Louis Battin & Davey Mohr!!!
These gentlemen continue to return and help us fix up the YFC house.

Cookies/Snacks: Todd is seeking volunteers to make cookies, brownies, snacks for Campus Life on Thursday evenings.

Special financial gifts for needed building repairs.--As we spruce up the YFC facility and tend to the needed repairs down in the basement, we continue to find other items that need our attention.

***Furnace - YFC’s boiler is beyond repair and we need heat!! We have had a gently used furnace donated but could use financial help with the installation and duct-work invoice.
***We also have other specific plumbing and electrical work that we need to focus to on now rather than wait until the issues become urgent and necessary.
Cookies: If you are willing to make cookies for the various programs , we can store them in the freezer.

Thank you to all thoses who have already donated!!! We appreciate all you wonderful cooks out there! :)

Oct10-Bushnell Beat

God answer’s prayer

An answer to many prayers came this past month. A young lady from WIU began playing guitar for our Depth Charge group. I am so thankful for her and her attitude about wanting to serve God and help teens grow in their walk with the Lord. Please pray for Amanda as she balances, school, life and ministry. Pray for the teens coming to Depth Charge as we study the book of Revelation. Many thoughts have been stirred. Pray for a deepening of faith and a willingness to share their lives with others.

JH Campout

Mark, Chuck and I took 11 junior high boys camping October 1-2. Remember those days? I do. I remember when some adults from my church took me camping, fishing, and hiking. It was a blast! Well, we fished, took a night hike, told stories (including the gospel), asked spiritual questions, had smores, and topped it all off with a big breakfast. That was the largest amount of boys we have ever taken. Praise the Lord.

A night at CL M

What do you get when you put 26 junior high students (including two of my own) in a room with 7 adults? A pretty fun night! That’s exactly what happened on Monday night, Oct. 4 at Campus Life M. We played a couple versions of the game “telephone”, had small group discussion on the subject of gossip, challenged students to act differently in the face of gossip, and had some free time afterwards to eat and mingle with students. We are blessed in Bushnell with many caring adults that want to build into the lives of teens! Thank you Gary, Lisa, Mark, Chuck, Kelly, and Mary Beth. Please pray for them as they serve the teens, sharing Christ with them, and making a difference in their lives