Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dec08-Bushnell Beat

How are your holiday seasons? Ours are kind of crazy. Between visiting family, hunting, basketball, school, and YFC activities, it seems as if we hardly have time to breathe some days. Is there some way around all of this? Pray and listen for God’s voice. That is hard isn’t it? I need God, like I need water! Without Him life is meaningless. I am so thankful for His gift of redeeming love through Jesus. Let’s praise Him with all of our hearts this Christmas season.
From a youth ministry perspective, it is so exciting to see the eagerness to learn at Depth Charge. Teens today need an influx of God’s Word into their lives, just like every follower of Christ. Most of these teens have not been raised with the background of the bible before them every week in Sunday School. We encourage teens to find a church home, read God’s Word on a regular basis, and put the Word into action. That’s when others see a difference and ask why they do what they do. That gives teens (and us) an opportunity to share the message.
Something a volunteer and I are working on is helping the homeless in the area. Please pray with us that God will be pleased and the teens that choose to get involved will be changed from the inside out.

Prayer requests
Our family has been very sick lately, especially Michelle.
Teens to be affected by the power of the Holy Spirit
Schedule of Events
CL-M (Jr High)-Mondays @ 6-8 pm
Depth Charge-Wednesdays @ 8 pm
Teen Lunch-Thursdays @ 11 am
CL (HS)-Thursday @ 7 pm