Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sep09-Bushnell Beat

If you have never been to the Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky, keep that trip in the back of your head for sometime soon. Eight teens and 3 adults went east for our summer trip at the end of July. There were a few challenges along the way with vehicles and tires. But there were also good conversations about God. Very thought provoking questions like, “If God is so loving, why would He send anyone to hell?” and “How do we know there is a God?” Answers to these questions seem fairly straightforward when one believes God’s Word, but very fuzzy if not. Some people just can’t get past their own selfishness and shortsightedness. Pray for a young man that continues to be involved in our activities, but relies on his own power and wisdom and has not put his trust in the one who can save him from eternal separation from the one true Holy God.

Last week I had a conversation with a young man that I discovered has a faith in God, but needs some direction and discipleship. He is a very outgoing person and cares about others. Pray that God will give me a chance to build into his life and help him along in his faith. Also pray that he begins regularly attending a local church.

Furthermore, there is still another young man that has been approaching me for help in his life as he is going through a relational split. He cares a lot about the other person and asks prayer for her choices in life. Thanks for praying!!

Pray, pray, pray too for another young lady that is in a very stressful home life situation and trying to live for Christ. She recently told me that she has been praying to get through what the drugs and alcohol do to her parents, and thus their relationship. Things are great one day, and then – WHAM – things totally change the next. She struggles with depression and asked if she could pray her way out. Wow! Would you pray with me for her right now?

Thank you for the many prayers for our family since the last letter. We are seeing some light at the end of the tunnel as we begin painting our new home. We should be ready to move in by the end of October thanks to a bunch of help from family and friends. We are very excited about the move wrapping things up in the new house.