Thursday, May 20, 2010

May10-Macomb News

Hello again,

As this newsletter gets to you, the semester will be coming to an end and the students will all be ready for their summer break. This past semester has been a great time in which I have gotten to know a few of the Macomb High students through our pizza lunch program on Fridays, as well as our Monday night outreach time. Our numbers have been regular for both, about 25-30 for pizza lunch and from 4-6 for our Monday night time. Our Monday night outreach will continue into this summer although I will not be able to be there myself. I am going to be heading back to Cambridge for the summer and will return next semester. We will be having a couple volunteers that are willing to continue this summer and I am sure that they will do an amazing job interacting and aiding the students in growing in faith.

Agape fest-

On April 1st I took three students with me down to Greenville IL to attend the Agape Fest which is an event that is put on by students that attend Greenville College. We took off from the YFC house at 7:00 a.m. and drove down to be there for the whole second day. While down in Greenville, the students were able to enjoy fellowship with each other as well as with other Christians. The students also got to hear some music from bands that they knew and some that they didn’t. Some of the bands are as follows: PJ Summers Band, Random Hero, Philmont, Stephanie Smith, This Beautiful Republic, Run Kid Run, Paper Route, Family Force 5, and the one they all were stoked for… Skillet.

In closing I would like to ask all of you for your prayers. Recently, with no surprise, life dealt me a bunch of bad cards, beginning with the deaths of some very close friends and family. I would like to ask for prayer for both my family and the family of Melissa Johnson.