Friday, September 17, 2010

Sept10-Macomb News

YFC Macomb Update

We have started off the new school year with a bang! During our Free Pizza Lunch - held the first Friday of school - we had over 100 students attend! During the $2.00 Pizza Lunch - we had nearly 70 students attend! We went through 45 pizzas in two days!!! Praise God!

We held our first-in-recent-years Fifth Quarter with a dozen or so Junior High Students - complete with bon fire and s’mores.

The Macomb house has also kicked off an afterschool hangout program called Vent - come vent about the day. Some wonderfully talented ladies keep us supplied with cookies for the kids. (Could the way to a teen’s heart be through their stomach?)

Soon to launch programs include: Battlefield of the Mind for Teens by Joyce Meyers, Bible BABES (Beautiful, Accepted, Blessed and Eternally Significant) by Andrea Stephens and God in the Games - facilitated by Tom Surprenant.

We have been blessed by a variety of chairs (although anyone looking to discard good-condition patio furniture, we will gladly put it to use.

The main thing on our wish list now - cans of soda and bottled water. This could prove to be a large expense as the number of program participants continue to grow. If you would like to donate soda/water, please just leave it in the garage of the YFC house.