Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dec10-Thanks Ken!!

On behalf of the YFC board and staff, I want to wish Ken God's best with his endeavors to go to seminary in the near future. May the Lord bless you and use you in His Kingdom work!

Thank you, Ken, for your service to YFC and the Macomb area youth. Ken Krueger spent a little over a year building into teens, pointing them in a Godly direction and encouraging them in their relationship with God. When I think of Ken, I will remember two things. One, he is a big guy with a soft heart. Two, he loves Jesus and those around him.

A highlight of Ken's ministry was taking 3 teens to Agape Fest for fun, fellowship, and growth. Unfortunately, the same month Ken lost some very close people in his life (two friends and his grandmother). Please say a prayer for Ken this Christmas season as you reflect over the last year of YFC's ministry.