Saturday, April 23, 2011

Apr11-Word from the Students

A word from our students.....What’s your favorite thing about YFC???

I love hanging out with my friends. Also having a fun time learning about God! - K.G.
I like meeting new people and hanging out with you guys. :) - F.S.
I like hanging out,learning about God and meeting new people - L.D.
It gives me a good chance to see friends and express and talk about the feelings I have on subjects I normally don't get to discuss :) - S.K.
I like the food and ice cream.- D.K.
I love to get to know the students and watch them grow closer with each other and in their walk with God! I am blessed to be a part of it! - A.M.
One thing is you always give the funniest teacher stories and of course the food has a little something to do with it. I really appreciate that the YFC "staff" stays after and waits for the wind symphony kids. I look forward to this every week. Please keep it up :) - S.K.