Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Nov11-Bushnell Beat

by Todd Rodeffer, full-time staff in Bushnell

“We have the idea that God rewards us for our faith, and it may be so in the initial stages; but we do not earn anything by faith, faith brings us into right relationship with God and gives God His opportunity. God has frequently to knock the bottom board out of your experience if you are a saint in order to get you into contact with Himself. God wants you to understand that it is a life of faith, not a life of sentimental enjoyment of blessings.” Oswald Chambers

We are all for the enjoyment of the blessings God gives us. But what about when He knocks the board out from under us in life? How will we respond? Will we resort to our past sins? Will we look for something else to satisfy our deepest longings? Or will we turn to the Heavenly Father in surrender and seek His face, His ways, His will. I thank the Lord for the times to enjoy life, but I also thank Him for getting my attention. For if He didn't, I am so prone to wander and stay the same, instead of letting God change me to be more like Christ.

This past month of ministry has been exciting. There haven't been any huge breakthru's, but I can look back and see many seeds planted and lives gently touched by adult leaders in Bushnell. For instance, what good could come from a paintball trip? How about connection. What about new relationships with teens that don't regularly attend CL or church. How about the opportunity to invite them to club or encourage them to check out a good church? It's cool, but it takes effort and resources. Thanks for what you do for Youth for Christ in the Bushnell area!

I also had the chance to spend an entire weekend with 12 teens from the Bushnell area out at Faith Bible Camp in the middle of October. It's a great place to fellowship, learn about God, worship God, and grow closer to God and others. I feel like part of me was designed to counsel kids and take time with them. What gift has God given you?

Last but not least, were our gospel nights at CL and CL M. At our Sr. High club we had 3 recommitments of faith in Christ, with a couple not ready yet and several others already committed. Following the meeting, I discovered that one of our first time attendees had trusted Christ this past summer. Teens are more willing to discuss spiritual things than the average Christian might think. Please pray for our leaders as we intentionally strive to go deep in our conversations with teens. Pray that God would break through in their minds and hearts.

At our Middle school gospel night, we broke into small groups and each leader shared their lives with the teens and gave them a chance to respond to God's grace. Surprisingly these teens have good understanding about God and what He did for them. A few were concerned about their friends. Most have already trusted in Christ, but need to understand how to grow in their relationship with God. Pray that we could encourage them and gently lead them in the right direction. Pray that they would get a burden for their friends that don't know Christ!

On a family note, our son Andrew, shot his first deer, a doe, on the youth gun season in early October, and dad finally shot a large buck after 20 years of deer hunting. Andrew is now playing basketball. Abby is a cheerleader and loves riding TJ, her horse. Katy loves doing things with anyone. She is a world changer. Michelle teaches 4th grade and influences kids in a Christ-like manner at BPC elementary. She also adds a lot of unconditional love and discernment within our family.

May God give you eyes to see what He is doing in your midst, Todd Rodeffer