Thursday, June 11, 2009

May-Jun09-Macomb News

Redneck Olympics High Schools Girls Overnight Agape

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.” It can be very scary to be given responsibility in God’s kingdom, but we know that whatever God calls us to, He also equips us for. I have been privileged to experience that this year serving at Youth for Christ. I have learned much about God, myself, teenagers, and the journey of the soul. I wish I had learned some of it more quickly, but like all children, I had to learn some lessons the hard way. Fortunately these are the lessons most readily remembered, and I will carry all I have learned here with me wherever I go. This brings me to the fact that this is my last newsletter for YFC. It is time for my husband and I to move on to the next season of our lives, but we will always cherish our time in Macomb serving the Lord at YFC.

These several weeks have given us some especially great memories. We started out May with a trip to Agape Fest where we took three high school students to camp out and enjoy some good Christian music. The following weekend, we had a “slumber party” for our high school girls. It was a great night for fellowship and fun. We even went to Café Aroma’s open mic night, and some of the girls and Kayleigh performed. Later in May Kayleigh and I went with some students to visit the Crossing one Sunday night. We were happy to find that they really enjoyed it, and we hope that they will continue attending there or at another church and truly become part of the body of Christ in Macomb. Near the end of May we had our last presentation of the gospel at Campus Life for this school year. Many of the students communicated that they do have a relationship with Jesus Christ, so the next step for many of them is to learn to live in obedience to Him and to become part of a local congregation of believers. This can be a very difficult step for a teenager, especially if their family is not supportive and helpful in this endeavor, so please be in prayer for them about this. We ended the year with a cookout where we just spent a few hours hanging out and having fun with the kids to celebrate the end of the school year.

Kayleigh is planning to continue meeting with students every 2 weeks throughout the summer. The next meeting will be Monday, June 15 at the YFC house. She plans to continue discussing various topics from a Biblical perspective as well as to do some other fun activities.

I cannot end this without adding a HUGE THANK YOU to our volunteers. We could not have accomplished half of what we did this year without the help of our husbands, John and Jeremy, and two very dedicated young women, Jasmine and Sharee Young. Their consistent and energetic service has been humbling and encouraging to see throughout this year, and I speak for Kayleigh and myself when I say “Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!”