Thursday, June 11, 2009

May-Jun09-Message from Board Chair

Who is your favorite underdog? The Cubs; the little guy; the one picked last?

I love to root for the underdog – the one who everyone knows will lose, is down for the count, and is not expected to cross the finish line.

Being involved with YFC as both an employee and a board member reminds me that our local evangelical outreach, YFC, is the underdog. We have no director, no full time staff in Macomb, no big endowment, no fancy fundraising plan, and a 13 year history of just getting by. But to the teens that have been impacted by YFC, what matters is the life changing message of Jesus Christ.

Just think, the first crop of students who were impacted by YFC in 1996 are in their 30’s and have children, but still remember fondly the impact of YFC. Through the years, YFC has remained a fixture due to dedicated and modestly paid staff, board members who are also local church members, volunteers, local clergy, and the prayers and financial support from you. We are also mindful and thankful for all the saints who helped start and sustain YFC, who’ve since gone on to be with the Lord.

In McDonough County there are approximately 3,200 children who are school age. George Barna, America’s Christian pollster reports that two out of three born again Christians (64%) made that commitment to Christ before their 18th birthday. Additionally, “when asked to identify the most significant or challenging issues facing their teenagers, challenges related to their teen’s faith were listed by only 3% parents” (Barna). Given that only three percent of parents identify their children’s faith as a significant issue, it’s no wonder that teens are being buried by issues like pornography, drugs, alcohol, sexuality, greed, self-centeredness, and a lack of purpose, perspective, and meaning. Are we as a Christian community doing our best to reach the 3,200 youth in McDonough County?

The YFC board has been meeting with local pastors to garner feedback regarding the future of YFC. We’ve asked them if believers and churches in Macomb can come together and share Jesus with the next generation. What we are hearing is that YFC should stick with what is has historically done best: EVANGELISM.

If not us, then who? If not now, then when? YFC is the only purely evangelical organization in the county, and the only known strictly evangelical organization targeting youth in the five county region. Our many local churches do a great job with discipleship and training. By partnering with the local church, YFC aspires to specialize in evangelism.

Who’s your favorite underdog? How about the kid who has never heard about Jesus and is filled with hate and rage? How about the girl with everything going for her, but lives in a home devoid of love and purpose? How about the kid who’s parents are abusive and neglectful? How about the young man who is teased and bullied and is nearing the end of his rope? How about a young lady who is about to follow our culture into a world of impurity?

Are you burdened for the young underdogs in our community? Please make your best gift to YFC: time, energy, prayer, or finances.

To quote a board member, “…financially, times are nearing the point of desperation.” As a board, our request for financial help is based solely on our desire to sustain YFC for future teens that need to hear the message of Jesus.


Tye Adair

Board Chair, Western Illinois Youth For Christ

Donations may be mailed to: Youth for Christ

PO Box

Macomb, IL 61455