Sunday, August 15, 2010

Aug10-Bushnell Beat

Cornerstone Festival

What do 7 tents, a small camper, a green table and a bunch of folding chairs equal? You guessed it, a campsite. When you camp with teens, along with 20,000 other people you get to know each other better. There is talk about the fest, life and God. We had kind of a rough time with a couple of the teens this year. We had language and behavior issues with a couple of teens. I pray that through the apologies, the time at the concerts, and the conversations that we had, those teens saw Christ in me. I pray that Andrew, Abby and Katy, who really enjoy the campsite and going to the concerts, did too.

Adult Leaders

I am so thankful for godly adult leaders that give of their time and reach out to lost teens. This summer a couple that helps with Campus Life has been consistently getting teens to church with them. The list has grown to over a dozen different teens, and some that, if you knew them, you wouldn’t believe they are going. As Richard relayed the story, he shared how they invite them, take them, and feed them. Kim, his wife, says there has to be a limit to how much they spend on the meals, but Richard just shakes his head and figures the Lord will take care of things. May the Lord truly bless them for their generosity and love.

Another leader that comes to mind is Pastor Dave Eden. (He is still a kid on the inside.) He has been so busy this summer investing in people with his family, VBS and community activities. He couldn’t do it though, without his supportive wife, Deanna. She really allows Dave to be the man he was created to be. Thanks, Dave and Deanna for your great support of YFC and the Kingdom of God!

There are many other faithful leaders that I will tell you about in the months to come.

A teen that needs Jesus

John (not his real name) comes from a home where dad isn’t home a lot. He fends for himself, along with his sisters on the weekends because mom and dad are often out of town. He is in desperate need of the biblical principal “training a child in the way that he should go.”

Fun City with Jr. Higher’s

What a day. It really wasn’t that bad. Water slides, pools, food and fun. Michelle & I took 11 teens one hot day in July to Fun City, a water park about an hour away. Times like these allow us to develop our relationships with teens so that they will be more open to listen and receive the gospel down the road. Thanks, Michelle for your sacrifice.

Things to pray about

  • The young lady that we wrote about last month has moved in with her dad and is beginning to see that he has changed since she last spent time with him, which has been years.
  • Pray for Andrew and Abby to be Godly influences on their friends in Jr. High
  • That teens would expect God to do more in their lives and their friends lives
  • Boldness to invite and come along side friends, even if they don’t know Christ
  • A family of two teens whose dad is going away to a correctional facility for the rest of their teen lives.