Sunday, August 15, 2010

Aug10-Wish List

Needs and Wants - YFC Macomb
Audio System: We have speakers, we just don’t have anything to play through them.
Chairs: We need about 2 dozen folding chairs for Pizza Lunch. We are also looking for bean bag chairs & outside seating furniture.
Cookies: If you are willing to make cookies for the VENT program (Tues & Thurs), we can store them in the freezer.
Countertops: Not everyone coming for lunch wants to sit - especially in the Gaming Room.
Decking Materials: We would love to have the supplies donated so that we could redo the porch by the parking lot.
Dehumidifier: The basement would greatly benefit by one.
Game Systems: We would love to have video game systems and games on hand so kids don’t have to bring their own from home.
Fire Extinguishers: We have one. - I think it would be beneficial to have several.
First Aid Kit: Thankfully no one has been hurt, but it would be wonderful if we could have a stocked first aid kit.
(Fun) Floor Lamps: Additional lighting would be beneficial to the night time events.
Motion Sensor Lighting: For activities at night as well as added security for staff leaving after dark.
Shelving Units: We would love to install shelves under the stairs for better organization.
Study Bibles: I would love for these kids to start learning how to use Study Bibles.
Vacuum/Carpet Sweeper: We would love to have these for quick cleanup from pizza lunches.