Monday, May 28, 2012

May 12-Bushnell Beat

Believe? Believe. Believe!  No really, BELIEVE is a youth conference for Jr. High teens and was the highlight of the last month for 15 Bushnell area teens.   All of the teens  got an incredible chance to grow in their faith, worship together, and to see the relevance to  take time reading God' Word.  Two of the Bushnell girls have already read the book of 1st John together the first week back.  This was perfect timing for these young people.  Nothing changes a person like reading and applying God's truth from His Word.  The only thing that tops Believe in the last month was a young boy trusting Jesus Christ as his Savior! Praise the Lord!!

One day, out of the blue, I was asked to coach a 13-14 year old boys baseball team this summer.   I take this as an opportunity to invest in the lives of these boys-becoming-men, of which one is our son Andrew.  Thank you Lord!  Pray for me to be a good example, teach well, and build relationships.

Over Easter, our family had the chance to get away for 5 days to Boca Grande, FL.  We had been planning this trip since last fall. Thanks to our generous aunt and uncle Treat we had a refreshing time soaking up the sun, walking the beach, fishing, swimming and attending sunrise service on the beach.  We needed that! One more family note: For Abby's birthday present Daddy and Abby went to pick up the latest addition to the family – Lilly – an English Springer Spaniel.  Boy is she cute!

Pray for:

ñ  A young man I recently began conversations about God with
ñ  For leadership at the high school level for next school year
ñ  For teens to stay connected to Jesus over the summer and grow in their faith
Abby & Lilly

Believe 2012

Macomb and Bushnell Jr. high students gather together