Monday, May 28, 2012

May 12-Macomb Moments

This past month is just filled with so many memorable moments, some of which could even be captured in photos.  As you received last month’s newsletter, we were on our way to CIY Believe –    an amazing Jr. High worship and learning experience!

Believe includes a large portion of music as a means to get students jumping (aka – worn out) but moreover to connect them with God in a way that’s also age appropriate.  There is nothing like 2,000+  Jr. High kids singing “My God is not dead, He’s surely alive!”  Comedians and teaching times ignite a love for Jesus!  It was just amazing.

 Thank you to all who helped make our yard sale a success! A special thanks to Naomi Kelly, Myra Houzenga, Kathy Eagen and Bev Sowers for diligently getting the items out while I was at Taryn’s award ceremony! We had a bunch of Jr & Sr high students working the event (before, during and after) – and it paid off!  We raised more than $600 for YFC Macomb’s student activity fund!  The leftovers went to The Crossing Thrift Store (and they picked it up!!!) and the books to the Library’s Book Sale.  Your donations blessed three organizations and those who are blessed through them!  Thank you again!

One added benefit of attending Believe that Macomb and Bushnell kids (and leaders) had a chance to get to know each other.  The week after Believe, Bushnell kids came to Macomb.  We just had a great time with each other.  Enjoyed a barbeque cooked by senior high student leaders, played “Human Checkers” and ended with our Giant Ice Cream Sundae (aka: “Ice Cream Trough”).